As night fell, Lou Muyan and the others set off from the city.

When they left the city, they happened to meet Luo Li and others who had just returned from hunting.

"Lou Muyan, you have to travel at night again?" Luo Li asked a few people who approached, frowning.

He had already explained the beast tide to this woman, how could they still choose to hunt at night? Do you really want to die?

Lou Muyan also knew that Luo Li was well-intentioned, she smiled and said, "We are lucky, we shouldn't encounter a large beast swarm."

"Tonight, there will be a large beast tide on the only way to this and the next city." Luo Ye's voice came out slowly.

"Did you figure it out again?" Lou Muyan asked.

Luo Ye's handsome and clean face showed a very shallow smile, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, "Yes, so you should stay in the refuge city tonight."

The rest of the Rongze Empire glanced at Luo Ye inexplicably, the young master didn't seem like someone who likes to meddle in business.

Lou Muyan lowered her eyes and made a thoughtful gesture, then raised her head and smiled sweetly, "Thank you for reminding me! But we are still going to continue on our way."

"You really want points and don't die." Luo Li glared at her, why is this woman so stubborn?

"If I want to die next time, you'll know when I see you next time." Lou Muyan's bright eyes shone with dazzling brilliance, which made Luo Li stunned.

He recovered in an instant, his face was a little hot, and this woman's eyes were so beautiful.

"Good luck to you all." Luo Ye smiled and stopped Luo Li, who was still about to speak.

"Thank you!" Lou Muyan nodded and smiled, gave Yun Zimo a look and went straight out of the city gate.

Luo Ye seems to have a kind of divination and prediction ability. It is no wonder that there is a disease of blindness, either from birth or blindness due to spells.

Afterwards, her eyes lit up with fighting intent, and the bottleneck of the Sword King's peak might be able to break through tonight.

"Yan'er, do you want to stop the large beast tide?" Lou Mubai was a little helpless towards the war intent in his sister's eyes, why did he become more and more belligerent?

"Well, as long as we kill a large beast horde, the points will be able to rush into the top 30." Lou Muyan nodded.

Fu Chen rubbed his chin and thought about it before saying, "But with the ability of a few of us, even with your spiritual pet, it's difficult to kill the large beast tide, right?"

Lou Muyan curled her lips and said, "They will follow."

"They? Who?" Fu Chen asked suspiciously.

"I'll know when the time comes." Lou Muyan blinked.

At the gate of the city, Luo Li frowned and asked, "Brother, are they dying for that woman?"

"How do you know they're going to die? Do you really think they rely on luck for so many nights?" Luo Ye replied calmly.

"You mean they're going for the beast tide?" Luo Li finally understood why Lou Muyan's eyes were so hot and sparkling.

Feelings are so happy to hear that his brother figured out that there is a large beast tide.

"Just those few of them can really stop the beast tide? That woman wants to fight the seventh-order monster beast leader even if she is at the peak of the sword king's cultivation base? It's really crazy, those men are still letting her fool around." Luo Li said more and more. I feel that Lou Muyan and others are going to kill themselves.

"Why do you care so much about that Lou Muyan? Could it be that you like someone else?" A baby-faced man standing behind Luo Li patted him on the shoulder, "Don't say it, that woman is actually quite interesting."

This is the first time he has seen such a strong woman, and it is much more pleasing to the eye than those who cry and cry all day long and look soft and weak.

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glared at him fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense, how could I like such a violent woman."

However, Lou Muyan's calm and calm figure when he killed the monster suddenly appeared in his mind, as well as the bright-eyed appearance of Qiao Xiaoyan before.

The heart is a little hot, this is like? Shouldn't be.

"Che, don't you think you're looking at someone else with that look on your face?" When the baby-faced man saw the embarrassment on his face, he thought to himself that Luo Li wouldn't really like Muyan anymore. Bar?

Luo Li snorted coldly, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

He was just interested in that woman, and love at first sight would not happen to him.

Yes, it must be so.

Luo Ye sighed slightly, the love calamity that his brother was going to endure seemed to be on Lou Muyan.

The heart that has been calm for a long time seems to have thrown a stone, should he stop it?

"Brother, why don't we go and have a look?" Luo Li looked up and saw that Lou Muyan and the others had long since disappeared into the night, and couldn't help but said.

"I was just curious how they stopped the large beast tide." Then he explained with a dry laugh.

The baby-faced man winked and said with a smile: "The explanation is to cover up."

Such a woman is indeed easy to make a man's heart, especially a man like Luo Li who is greeted from time to time by a group of delicate and gentle women, and has a simple cleanliness in that regard.

It is not impossible to fall in love at first sight when I suddenly meet Lou Muyan, a strong woman with an independent and confident personality.

"Let's go then." Luo Ye closed his eyes and let everything take its course.

Others didn't expect that Lord Luo would come with Luo Li's temperament, but he was the leader, so he would not object to his decision.

"Brother." Luo Li raised his head and looked at Luo Ye. His brother is not usually a nosy, but today is a little different.

"We're going to earn some points too." Luo Ye turned around and spoke slowly.

Luo Li Junlang had a bright smile on his face, "That's right, I'm only three places higher than that woman now, so I can't be compared by her."

Several people who were about to enter the city stopped, turned around and went out of the city gate.

"Master Luo, are you going out of the city?" Helianlie asked, looking at Luo Ye with a smile.

"Seventh prince." Luo Ye nodded lightly.

Helianlie did not go out to the city to hunt today, but took Xue Linger and his party to stroll around the city, and then went to a nearby waterfall with beautiful scenery.

When he was far away before, he saw Luo Ye talking to a group of people, and he saw the figure of a famous woman in the group, who looked like Lou Muyan.

It's just that the group left quickly. What surprised him was that Luo Ye and his party had not only stopped entering the city, but were also preparing to leave the city.

"You have to leave the city so late?"

Luo Li saw that He Lianlie was holding a folding fan, and the crescent-white brocade clothes and splendid clothes were handsome and suave, which matched the legendary Merry Seed.

"We'll go first if we still have something to do." His brows furrowed even deeper, and Lou Muyan would be gone in the evening.

Helianlie didn't want to just let a few people go, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Lord Luo, if there is something good, why don't you call us together?" He just tried a few times.

He came from Dongxun, the strongest country in the eastern region, and his overall national strength was no weaker than that of the major countries in the north and south regions. Although he couldn't match the background of a superpower, he could be considered equal in front of Luo Ye.

"I predict that there will be a large beast swarm in the south tonight, and I am preparing to go. If you want to follow, I have no problem." Luo Ye's voice was very low, and there was a bit of coolness.

After speaking, without waiting for Helianlie to answer, he took Luo Li and a few people in one direction and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

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