Seeing Luo Ye and the others quickly disappearing, Helianlie narrowed his eyes and made a decision.


He waved his hand and led the team along with him to stop the large beast tide? Go cheat.

Xue Linger stared at Luo Ye's back, this man is Luo Zhu, one of the top three candidates in the finals?

The noble temperament, the unparalleled beauty, especially the pair of clean eyes made people unable to breathe in, she heard the sound of her heartbeat.

Helianlie led someone to chase after her, and she did not hesitate to call the team to follow.

For Lord Luo, she was really tempted, she must find a way to get that man.

Lou Muyan and his party were very fast, but they were chased by Luo Ye and his party after half an hour.

"Why are you here?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile.

Luo Li raised his eyebrows and said, "We are naturally here to stop the large beast tide."

"As you go." Lou Muyan gave him a funny look, and continued to keep moving forward.

Yun Zimo and the others all had doubts in their eyes. How did Lou Muyan know that Lord Luo and the others would follow?

Bingji was also very curious, so she asked by voice transmission: "Little master, how did you know that the surnamed Luo would come?"

"I feel it." Lou Muyan said.

She found Luo Li's eyes with curiosity and a desire to find out, and guessed that he would ask to follow.

Lord Luo was cold, but she was very fond of Luo Li, and she also had a feeling that he would agree to follow.

Her sixth sense has always been accurate, that's why she would say such a thing.

With the addition of Lord Luo and others, it is indeed easier for them to destroy a large beast tide.

"..." Bingji rolled his eyes, master lied to the ghost.

"Mo Yan, how long is the distance from the large beast tide?" Lou Muyan asked.

Mo Yan looked forward, "There is still about an hour to go."

"Come over within an hour, they should gather and prepare to attack the city." Mo Yan added after taking back the demon consciousness.

Lou Muyan turned to Yun Zimo and the others and said, "Speed ​​up and rush over within an hour."

Then she took an extremely fast step towards the direction where the beasts were gathering, and the others didn't hold back when they saw it, and they speeded up and followed her closely.

"Why did the woman go in that direction?" Luo Li asked while rushing.

Luo Ye replied: "She went to the place where the beast hordes gather, and the purpose should be to stop the beast hordes from attacking the city."

There was also a hint of doubt in his heart, how could Lou Muyan judge the direction and time of the gathering of the beast tide so accurately?

No wonder they dared to drive at night unscrupulously for more than half a month before, and there is indeed a secret.

Helianlie and his party also followed closely and quickened their pace, but he wanted to see what tricks the two teams wanted to play.

An hour later.

"Hoohoo!!" The deafening roar of the beast resounded through the heavens and the earth.

When Lou Muyan and the others arrived at a plain, under the cool moonlight, they saw densely packed tall figures constantly moving around on the plain.

Luo Ye and the others rushed there, and saw that there were no less than 2,000 high- and middle-level monsters in the group of monsters ahead, and there were still a steady stream of monsters gathering, and the baby-faced people felt their scalps numb.

How can they deal with so many monsters with only a dozen of them?

In the past, when I was taking refuge in the city, the beast hordes were all attacking from low to high. retreat.

Luo Li took a breath and looked up to see Lou Muyan preparing to attack. He stepped forward and grabbed her arm and said, "Are you crazy?"

"You can retreat first if you are afraid." Lou Muyan turned her head and said lightly.

It is naturally better to have Lord Luo and others to join, and it will not affect the final overall situation.

"Who's afraid?" Luo Li instantly frowned, "You really don't know what to do."

He snorted and let go of Lou Muyan's arm, "I'll let you die."

He said that, but his eyes were fixed on Lou Muyan, as if you went up to me and you and I were endless.

Lou Muyan let out a low laugh, this young man is quite funny, it's not bad that he can do this by chance.

"I'm sure." Lou Muyan had a gentle smile on his lips, like the morning light in winter.

When Luo was in a panic, she hurriedly turned her head away and stopped looking at her.

The way this woman smiles and her eyes are so beautiful.


Before attacking, the leader of the group of monsters found them, and countless beasts roared, roaring and rushing in their direction.

"Young Master, what should we do?" The older middle-aged man asked with a deep frown and looked at Master Luo.

If they knew that the large beast tide was so fierce, they should have persuaded the two of them before, and they felt a little unhappy about Lou Muyan's sudden change.

Such a disrespectful woman is so disappointing!

"Wait." Luo Ye spit out three words softly.

"Lou Muyan, shall we go?" Fu Chen swallowed as he watched the beasts rushing towards him, God! Why so many?

Lou Muyan's hands kept forming seals, and seven pure white jade stones were thrown by her, forming an arc in front of them and falling to different positions, and instantly submerged in the soil.

"Don't worry." Lou Muyan gave several people a reassuring look, and a confident and rebellious smile appeared on her lips: "Points are beckoning to us."

"..." Still thinking about points, this woman is a lunatic, and the people present couldn't help but hold her forehead.

In the castle in the center of the arena, the elders of the six major sects stared at the crystal wall.

"That girl is too crazy." The sturdy elder of the Baji Sect laughed, "But I like it."

"..." The elders of other sects were speechless.

"It's a little nonsense." The elder of Tianji Palace said.

Lou Muyan was afraid that he would be dazzled by the previous victory, and he also pulled Luo Ye and others on, which was really nonsense.

"Hey! After all, I was still young, and I thought I was stable. Who would have thought that I would be so overwhelmed." The elder of Jianzong sighed and felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

Yaozong's elder said with a pity, "I'm afraid I'm going to lose it tonight."

The large beast tide does mean a steady stream of points, but if these points are so easy to obtain, the elite teams of those superpowers would have been dispatched long ago.

"Luo Ye is also making a fool of yourself." An elder who was very optimistic about Luo Ye in Tianji Palace frowned.

In his heart, he was not very worried that Luo Ye would be damaged by the large-scale beast tide. After all, it was more than enough to escape with Luo Ye's strength, but the act of joining in the fun would inevitably make them dissatisfied.

"Fuck you, what do you know?" The elder of the Eight Extreme Sect swept the few people who were talking, "That girl must have something behind, just wait and see if you don't believe it."

"Hmph, vulgar." The elder of Jianzong shook his sleeves.

The other elders all knew the temperament of the elders of the Eight Extreme Sect, and they didn't care about him, but they didn't believe that Lou Muyan's girl would have any way to escape from the large beast swarm.

Yes, they never thought that these two groups of men and horses could kill this large beast tide, and it would be good to not lose half of the people.

The handsome man in white sitting in the last row, his black eyes like the stars in the deep sea were dyed with a cool color, and his little woman would surprise these people.

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