Above the great plains of the competition space.

"Hoohoo!!" "Boom!!"

The roar of the monster, accompanied by the trembling of the earth, resounded throughout the plain.

Lou Muyan's eyes swept to the group of monsters that were rushing over, his eyes were condensed, and he turned his head to Yun Zimo and the others and said, "I will use the formation method, and you can kill them by taking advantage of the situation."

"Okay!" Yun Zimo and the others were still a little worried in their hearts, but they calmed down when they saw the calm and determined expression on Lou Muyan's face.

She is not afraid of a woman, so what are these men afraid of?

This kind of stimulation made their hair stand up, and they held the long sword tightly and were ready to attack at any time.

"Bingji, I don't want anyone to be damaged here." Lou Muyan instructed Bingji.

Bing Ji's eyes were no longer laughing, but a layer of prudence, "Little master, don't worry, if there is an abnormal situation, I will take them away."

The reason why Lou Muyan dared to bring Yun Zimo and a few people to intercept the large beast group is also because the ice halberd has the eighth-order flying ability. superior.

"Get up!!" Lou Muyan snorted lightly after the seal was completed with both hands.

The seven pure white jade stones under the earth instantly exuded a bright soft light and kept turning.

Clusters of flames suddenly erupted from the ground, and the whole sky reflected a red glow, illuminating the ground a lot.

The flames that shot up from the sky just stopped in front of Lou Muyan and others, and the scorching temperature gradually increased. Many monsters who rushed over hated the heat and stopped in their tracks.

"Seven Star Fire Array, come out!"

The black array flag was detached from Lou Muyan's hand and flew into the air, the flag slowly unfolding.

With each spontaneous shaking, a cluster of flames erupted from one direction, forming a seven-star shape, trapping the monsters in the fire wall frames.

Such a scene made Helianlie and the others, who had just arrived, stunned.

What kind of formation is this? Unheard of, let alone seen.

Luo Li opened his eyes wide, "This woman is so strong!"

Being able to condense so much fire element power, what level does this woman, Lou Muyan, realize that the fire element attribute has reached? No wonder she is so confident that she can deal with large beast swarms.

Using such an array method, the monsters that originally formed a thick line were separated, and the group was headless and disintegrated.

Each wave of trapped monsters is only equivalent to a small beast tide, and it is naturally much easier to kill.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration, and his heart beat even more violently.

Luo Ye never thought that Lou Muyan would still have such a means. Just looking at her condensed fire energy and formation skills, even he couldn't help but want to praise her talent against the sky.

"Go!" Lou Muyan nodded to Yun Zimo and the others, and flew into one of the fire boxes first.

The shock in Yun Zimo's heart was no less than that of the others. Lou Muyan was able to fight in a variety of ways every time. This time, their means were beyond words to describe.

However, they didn't struggle too much. According to the usual hunting rules, they each chose a few fire boxes and flew in.

Immediately, countless sword qi and sword lights accompanied the seven-star fire formation to illuminate the entire dark night.

In a large city not far away, several figures swept down from the city wall at the same time, and soon disappeared into the night. The direction they disappeared was the location of the beast tide.

"Brother, let's go too." Luo Li couldn't help but said with an itchy hand when he saw that the people in the formation were killing happily.

Luo Ye nodded: "Yes."

The rest of their team can no longer express the shock in their hearts at this time. It seems that the rumors are nothing, and it is not easy to see this woman until they see it with their own eyes.

Led by Luo Ye and Luo Li, Rong Zeguo's team leaped into several unmanned fire boxes. The monsters inside were like headless flies, running around.

Wave after wave of monsters were killed like this, but more monsters were not afraid of death and continued to rush in here.

Even if you rush to a place without flames, as soon as you step into the area of ​​​​the formation, clusters of gorgeous flames rise from the ground, forming a fire frame and trapping them.

Blood and blood hid the body in the formation source, and strips of golden vines probed from the ground, hiding under the corpse of the monster and madly absorbing blood essence.

Mo Yan's body suddenly grew larger, one for each paw. Every time the crystal core of the monster that he grabbed was crushed and refined on the spot, the monster power in his body was consumed and replenished immediately.

"Let's go too."

He Lianlie took out the purple jade card, saw the names on the standings that kept beating, with a romantic and wanton smile on his face, picked a fire frame with few people and flew in.

According to rumors, Lord Luo never lies, which seems to be the case.

But it was an eye-opener to follow today.

Lou Muyan is not only a beautiful woman, her strength is not bad, her talent is even worse, and even he has the idea of ​​marrying her back to be the prince's concubine.

If Lou Muyan knew about Helianlie's thoughts, she would definitely sneer. She was not unfamiliar with any prince and concubine, and she would not be bound by any status on this continent.

The ten flying swords shuttled continuously among the monsters, like a harvester, and the crystal cores of the monsters flew into her hands wherever they passed.

She put away some of them, and crushed the rest, which were directly absorbed and refined, and transformed into spiritual power through the sea of ​​green fog in her dantian.

As long as there is a steady stream of spiritual power, the fire energy that keeps the formation running will not be exhausted.

This seven-star fire formation was completely improvised by her on the way here. Using the principle of the seven-star killing formation, she used the spiritual tools she had cultivated as the seven fire sources, and finally used the fire energy to condense the fire wall frame. Destroy the herd of beasts individually.

Xue Linger looked at Lou Muyan looming in the firelight in disbelief, how is this possible?

When did Lou Muyan have such a talent for formation?

She couldn't stay, she absolutely couldn't let Lou Muyan out of the competition space alive.

"Linger, let's go and earn points." Xin Yingxuan didn't have the chance to participate in the Battle of the Wind and Cloud this time. Two men represented the Xin family, and one of them was an admirer of Xue Linger.

Xue Linger's nails were deeply embedded in her palm, and she didn't feel any pain when a few drops of blood spilled out.

Is Lord Luo here for Lou Muyan? no, I can not.

Seeing that Lord Luo and Lou Muyan were fighting each other without eye contact or verbal communication, the jealousy in her heart did not weaken, but she hated Lou Muyan even more.

This woman stole the dazzling brilliance that should have belonged to her. She should be the target of young talents' attention. One day, she will step on Lou Muyan in public in this space.

But now she naturally won't show any killing intent towards Lou Muyan. She looked at the people in the fire with worried eyes, and said, "Well, let's go and help them too."

In a fire box closest to the few people, Luo Li was hunting bravely, trying to kill Lou Muyan.

When he heard Xue Linger's gentle voice, he frowned in displeasure.

What do you mean by helping them? I want to earn points, but I even want to cover it up with high-sounding reasons. It's really annoying.

He turned his head and looked at the purple figure that was constantly shuttled in the firelight. The beautiful little face was full of domineering and wanton, and powerfully bombarded the monsters that attacked her.

He showed a smile, and a woman like Lou Muyan was likable.

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