The soul tree that the mysterious man took out caused a sensation in the audience.

However, the people present were all elite disciples of great powers and superpowers, and after the excitement calmed down, they found something wrong.

The value of the soul tree is not comparable to a metal spar that can refine a holy weapon. Which swordsman gets it is not always hidden and tucked away for fear that others will miss it, but how can this person take the initiative to make it? What about transactions?

Countless mental powers swept towards the soul tree in the man's Xuanbing jade box, he waited for everyone's mental power to swipe over before he said hoarsely: "You must have also found out, my soul tree has withered to death, It can still be used to nourish the soul, but it cannot be attached to the soul."

"If it weren't for this, I wouldn't take it out in exchange for the required refining materials." He didn't hide it, everyone has what they need. trade.

Hearing him say this, many people showed disappointment and smiled secretly. This is what it should be.

There is a hidden smile in Lou Muyan's eyes. The dead soul tree will definitely have fewer people fighting for it, and the possibility of getting burned after winning it is much less than the living soul tree.

Others may not be able to do anything about the dead soul tree, but the green fog in her body can make the dead tree spring. As long as it is cultivated for a period of time, this piece of soul tree should be able to regain its vitality.

Many people in the field have lost interest in the soul tree. Although a piece of dead soul tree has the effect of nourishing the soul, they are not swordsmen who practice special soul exercises like ghost cultivators. The soul nourishment is not as good as the previous Danlou. Auctioned nourishing Qi Dan is useful for nourishing the meridians.

Of course, there are also sword masters who have not given up. No matter what, Soul Cultivation Wood is a god-level spiritual item. Even if it dies, I believe it will not be too bad. It is also beneficial to trade it back to nourish the soul.

Maybe you can still use the Soul Raising Wood at a critical time.

Most of the great national swordsmen present who had metal refining materials in their hands showed them to the man in the black cloak, holding a mentality that they could change it if they could.

After seeing most of the cloaked man, he shook his head one by one, not meeting his expectations.

Elder Xiao pondered for a while, and then took out an oak-colored spar and handed it over, "This is an oak crystal, which mutates in ten thousand-year-old oak to give rise to metallic tree crystals."

He didn't say much, and let the man in the black cloak judge for himself.

In his heart, he was very interested in the dead soul tree. After all, he was an alchemist, and the soul tree could also nourish his spiritual power.

It's a pity that he is not a swordsman with metallic elements, so he does not have any better materials for refining metallic magic weapons.

The man in the cloak took it over and looked at it, nodded, and didn't say whether he wanted it or not. Obviously, he still wanted to wait and see if there was something better.

"How about this 10,000-year-old amber gold?" The handsome man in brocade beside Mouton threw an orange spar.

The man grabbed the orange spar and looked it over, because he couldn't see his expression wearing the cloak, and after a while he said hoarsely: "This ten thousand year amber gold is indeed the best spar at present, if others don't have a better me It was replaced."

Hearing what he said, the brocade-clothed man showed a smile in his eyes, and his body relaxed. It was obvious that the Soul Cultivation Wood was extremely important to him, but only Lou Muyan noticed this very small movement.

In fact, she didn't want to be high-profile in such a place and time, and even deliberately opposed the leader of the elite disciples of the superpower.

But there is no way, she urgently needs Soul Rejuvenating Wood to revive her mental power, and she is not the kind of timid and afraid of things, so she can only make a high profile.

"How about my Tianhan golden crystal?" Lou Muyan threw a golden spar with liquid in it to the man in the cloak.

As soon as her voice fell, the eyes of the people present all swept to the golden spar, which turned out to be the sky-cold golden crystal.

The man with the cloak stretched out his hand to catch the spar, and his hand trembled slightly under careful inspection, and it was obvious that he was very excited.

Tianhan Jinjing, really Tianhan Jinjing, what he has been looking for for so long has really appeared.

The man held the Tianhan Golden Crystal tightly. He had already prepared to exchange Soul-cultivating Wood and Ten Thousand Years Amber Gold. He didn't expect such a variable to happen. Rao was because he had already cultivated a firm heart, so he couldn't help but tremble. Down.

If there is a sky-cold gold crystal, the power of the magic weapon he refined will be greatly increased several times, and the grade can also reach the middle-level holy weapon.

"I want this piece of Tianhan Jinjing." He quickly put away the Tianhan Jinjing in his hand, fearing that Lou Muyan would regret it, and threw the Xuanbing Jade Box to her, "This is the soul tree, you have put it away. "

After the man stepped down from the stage, he did not continue to return to his position, but walked out of the venue quickly. Several of the sword masters also got up and followed. I don't know if it was a group of people, or they wanted to kill people for treasure.

Lou Muyan happily confirmed the soul tree in the Xuanbing jade box again, ignoring the brooding look of the man in brocade, and put it away leisurely.

Her speech and demeanor and her calm demeanor also attracted the attention of many people present. If she was able to take out the Tianchi Jinjing transaction, this woman should not be as simple as they seem.

That's right, the women that Luo Li can like will definitely not be too bad.

Because Tianhan Jinjing is also a rare spiritual thing between heaven and earth, in fact, in comparison, it is more valuable than many soul-cultivating trees that have died.

"Lou Muyan, why do you want that dead soul tree?" Luo Li was speechless at his behavior of taking out the Tianhan Golden Crystal in exchange for the soul tree.

If a piece of living soul tree is alive, Tianhan Jinjing is indeed inferior, but a piece of dead soul tree is really not worth replacing with a piece of Tianhan Jinjing.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Only what is useful to you is the most valuable."

Not to mention the Tianhan Jinjing is the Tianhan Golden Marrow, she will take it out for this piece of soul-cultivating wood when she has to.

The trade fair is still being held, just because after the appearance of Soul-cultivating Wood and Tianhan Jinjing, other things seem too bland, and there will be no surprises at the end.

After the trade fair on stage, there is a free trade fair, which is convenient for those who didn't take action just now to trade in private. There are also sword masters who don't like to take the stage to exchange things, so they choose to negotiate quietly and privately.

"Okay, the trade fair is over now. Those of you who still have trade intentions can trade privately. If there is nothing wrong with the swordsman, you can leave first."

Elder Xiao stood up and said with a gentle smile, "This old man wishes you all the best of luck in this Continental Battle for Hegemony."

After he finished speaking, he didn't stop, and walked straight in through a door behind.

"Add the stunning woman beside Luo Li to the list of focus." After the door was closed, Elder Xiao said as he walked in the empty corridor.

After his voice fell, suddenly an echo sounded in the corridor: "Yes!"

Lou Muyan, Luo Li and the others didn't have anything else to trade, so they got up and prepared to leave the venue.

After only a few steps, a group of people blocked the way.

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