Lou Muyan frowned slightly when she saw that many swordsmen were blocking their way.

"What do you want to do? Killing people and stealing treasures?" Luo Li glanced at the swordsmen who came over, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

With their elite team from Rong Zeguo, no one will let anyone touch the roof.

"Young Master Luo misunderstood. I just wanted to chat with this girl alone. I don't mean to kill someone to win a treasure." One of the more slick-looking men walked out and said with a smile.

With you as a great god, even if we want to kill people and win treasures, we wouldn't dare! He added to his mind.

Many people also agreed, indicating that they all wanted to talk to Lou Muyan alone.

Lou Muyan asked lightly, "If you have something to say, just say it."

She didn't have the time and energy to talk to these people alone. She could guess what they were fighting.

"Girl, I'm very interested in the Tianhan Gold Crystal in your hand. I wonder if you can sell one piece or trade it in exchange?" The slick man continued to speak with a smile.

Hearing what he said, those with the same purpose came forward and expressed that they could make an offer or exchange things with Lou Muyan for Tianhan Jinjing.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and looked at the slick man, her voice was cold: "Are you looking for the wrong person? My Tianhan Jinjing has been traded to the man in the black cloak who was on the stage before. , if you want to change Tianhan Jinjing, you should go to him."

As soon as this person opened his mouth, he said that he wanted to exchange Tianhan Jinjing with her.

The smooth man froze for a while, seeing Luo Li's icy gaze swept across his back, and he immediately smiled and said, "It turns out that the girl no longer has Tianchi Jinjing, that's really a pity, I'm bothering you!"

He just wanted to test this girl, but he didn't expect her to be so smart. He didn't want to offend the Luo family because of this, so he was very friendly.

"No problem." Lou Muyan said indifferently, "Can I go?"

"Of course, please." The sleek man stepped aside.

Although other people regretted it, they didn't have too much doubt. It was a big chance for a woman like Tianhan Jinjing, who was at the peak of the sword king, to get a piece of it. Just a try attitude.

Those who want to trade Tianhan Jinjing have all dispersed, or continue to find someone to trade privately, or leave.

When Lou Muyan and the others approached the gate of the venue, the brocade-robed man from the elite team of the previous superpower came over with him.

"Lady, please stay."

Lou Muyan had long expected that he would not let her go, looked up at him coldly and asked, "Is something wrong?"

The brocade-clothed man did not expect that a woman would be so indifferent after knowing his identity. He smiled playfully and said, "There are indeed some things I want to discuss with the girl."

"If it's about the soul tree, Ji Yu, I think you shouldn't waste your time." Luo Li stepped forward and raised his eyebrows, "I won't give the soul tree to anyone."

Lou Muyan was going to open her mouth to refuse first, but she didn't expect Luo Li to make such a head for her. This kitten has a straightforward temperament, but is also very smart and alert.

Ji Yu's face darkened slightly, showing a somewhat suspicious look, "What do you want that soul tree for?"

It stands to reason that a woman who is attached to Luo Li should not be able to exchange spirits such as Tianhan Jinjing for Soul Tree, nor dare to play Mouton so arrogantly, unless Luo Li is always instigating it.

But he always felt that this beautiful woman's temperament was indifferent, not as simple as it seemed.

"Don't forget that my sister is an alchemist, and this soul tree is naturally useful to her." Luo Li showed an arrogant look.

Ji Yu's eyes were clouded with a haze. The reason why Luo Li was so arrogant was not only because he was a disciple valued by the largest family in the superpower, but also because he had a sister who became a core disciple of the outer sect in Yaozong.

Soul-cultivating wood can naturally nourish the soul of a swordsman, and it will certainly help alchemists a lot. Even if this is a dead soul-cultivating wood, if it is made into jewelry and worn for a long time, it will definitely be better than before Mouton. The black crystal diamond effect below has too many benefits.

"Soul-raising wood is still used by my master, what are you thinking about? I can exchange anything with you as long as I can." Ji Yu asked Luo Li reluctantly.

Luo Li smiled proudly, "We all come from superpowers. Although you are a member of the royal family, our Luo family's status in Rong Zeguo is no worse than that of the royal family. If you can show it, this young master will not give up. ."

"Even if this soul tree is dead, it is still a rare spiritual item. This young master is a fool to exchange it with you."

Ji Yu's murderous intent flashed by, and only temporarily suppressed it when he found that a cold gaze fell on him.

He knew that the sight was Luo Ye, and now he was not sure that he would be able to retreat after meeting Luo Ye, so he could only temporarily tolerate Luo Li's arrogance in front of him.

He smiled and said, "Sure, it's fine if you don't change it."

Just walking to Lou Muyan's side, she opened her mouth and said, "Does the girl want to break into the central area by virtue of the sword king's peak cultivation level? Do you think that following Luo Li is to lean on a big tree?"

"If you have something to say, finish it all at once." Lou Muyan looked at him expressionlessly.

Ji Yu let out a complacent smile, the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, and there was no warmth in her eyes, "I hope the girl can live to the end of the preliminary competition."

"Are you threatening me?" Lou Muyan sneered.

This man didn't mean to say that by provoking them, she wouldn't be able to live until the end of the preliminaries.

"It doesn't matter if you take it as a threat, I'm just stating a fact." Ji Yu smiled gently and whispered, "You better not leave Luo Li for half a step."

After speaking, Luo Li walked away without waiting for Luo Li to get angry. He missed his back, and his eyes were extremely cold.

He wasn't sure if the Soul Cultivation Wood would fall into Luo Li's hands in the end, but if the woman dared to snatch him, she must be ready to die.

When the points competition was in full swing, he would have led Luo Li and the woman out to kill the treasure.

Mouton followed closely, and when he walked in front of Lou Muyan, he threw a provocative and undisguised killing intent, "I will make you smashed to pieces before the preliminary competition."

"I'll wait and see." Lou Muyan's red lips parted lightly, and she spit out a few words with a smile.

Mouton snorted coldly, quickly caught up with Ji Yu and left the venue.

Luo Li's eyes were full of murderous intentions, "This sinister villain will never just let it go."

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, what's the hurry?" Lou Muyan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Since he regards us as soft persimmons, he will wait and see how we pierce his hand."

She could see that many sword masters in big countries did not dare to provoke Luo Li mainly because of his background and Luo Ye behind him, but ignored his talent.

Luo Li can get the same resource training and attention as Luo Family and Luo Ye, and his talent is definitely not bad. He is also a lion, just because Luo Ye's light is too bright.

She squinted and smiled, looking forward to those people taking the initiative to come to her and Luo Li to kill and capture treasures.

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