After returning to the inn, Lou Muyan instructed Bingji to guard the door, arranged a formation and began to refine the third-grade Huiling Pill.

After refining the Huiling Pill, he began to refine several third-grade pills for emergency use.

Afterwards, she took out the soul-cultivating wood she had obtained and stroked it with her palm. A trace of spiritual power with a green mist wrapped the branch little by little, and the green energy continued to surround it.

Continue to put the soul-raising wood full of green energy in the Xuanbing jade box and close the lid for preservation.

The Mysterious Ice Jade Box is a special container specially used to hold the spirit grass and spirits, so that the spiritual power and water in the spirit grasses and spirits will not be lost over time.

"You green spiritual power can nourish the soul wood?" Mo Yan asked when Lou Muyan finished all the movements.

"Well, with a little time to nourish the soul tree, the dead wood will be ready for spring." Lou Muyan and Mo Yan had been tied to a line for a long time, and they were naturally extremely trusting.

Mo Yan didn't ask much about green spiritual power, "Going into the deep mountains to hunt tomorrow."

"Well, there is only half a month left before the competition time. In the last ten days, we have to prevent others from grabbing the identity jade card. The competition will be fierce in the five days starting tomorrow." She replied.

"When will you be able to break through the Sword Emperor?" Mo Yan's cold eyes flashed with a dim light, "The leaders of the superpower are all at the peak of the Sword Emperor, and in this space there is a lot of spiritual energy, if the spiritual things are lucky, If you can meet them, it is not difficult to break through to Jianzong, they will be your rivals."

It is not easy to survive in this space, not to mention Lou Muyan still has the heart to compete for the top ten. Mo Yan actually appreciates her ambition very much.

If you have that strength and potential, why not do it?

"It should be able to break through in the past few days. I feel that the bottleneck has been loosened again."

Lou Muyan also hopes that she can break through to the Sword Emperor as soon as possible, so that she can use more means, even if she faces the sword sect-level powerhouse or monster, she is confident to retreat.

"Well, after you break through, I will teach you to use a secret technique. You can borrow my power when you encounter a very dangerous situation." Mo Yan was silent and then spoke slowly.

Lou Muyan was surprised and asked, "To borrow your power? Are there any drawbacks?"

It is not that the cultivation world does not have exercises that borrow the power of spiritual pets or others, but the backlash is huge, not only to themselves, but also to the spiritual pets.

"Will there be drawbacks naturally, but they won't backfire. You have to be extremely trustworthy, and only people and beasts who can hand over their lives to each other can use it." Mo Yan didn't hide it.

Lou Muyan's eyes were full of bright brilliance, and he joked: "Can Mo Yan give his life to me now?"

"Naturally." Mo Yan answered affirmatively, with incomparable seriousness in his eyes.

Lou Muyan is a black-hearted and cunning woman, with a domineering and contemptuous temperament, which makes him, the king of the demon domain who once ruled one side, incomprehensible, and sometimes has a sense of surrender.

It is not a surrender of strength, but a surrender to her behavior, arrogance and domineering, and she is willing to always be her spiritual pet and partner with her.

She treats outsiders with indifference and indifference, even cruelty, but she treats those she recognizes with a heart-to-heart, and she is generous and protects her shortcomings.

This is also her personality charm, presumably even Bingji now truly recognizes her as the master.

Lou Muyan was deeply stunned, and Zhanyan showed a happy smile from the heart, like the morning light shrouded in the beauty of the waves, "In the future, my life will be entrusted to you Mo Yan."

This is the partner, life and death.

"..." Mo Yan rolled his eyes at him, but this woman could climb along the pole.

Turning to the side, the warm color and tenderness in his eyes did not dissipate for a long time.

The next morning, Lou Muyan was called by Luo Li to Luo Ye's room.

When she arrived, Yun Zimo and Helianlie's elite team were all sitting there.

"Lou Muyan, come and sit." Luo Li's originally indifferent face showed a handsome sunny smile when he saw Lou Muyan. He patted the empty seat beside him and said.

Lou Muyan walked over and sat down, "Is this about negotiating an alliance?"

Helianlie is also sitting here today, presumably to discuss the matter of forming an alliance to compete for points.

"Miss Lou is really smart." He Lianlie waved the folding fan in his hand with the attitude of a romantic boy.

Lou Muyan glanced at him speechlessly, and said, "Since we are already or the target, don't call me Lou girl, call me Lou Muyan or Muyan."

Hearing him call Miss Lou from Helianlie's mouth always felt awkward. This fellow seemed to be a flirtatious person, but she felt that this was a way for him to hide his true colors.

"Okay, Muyan." Helianlie was not hypocritical, and wanted to befriend Lou Muyan, making Muyan even more close.

Luo Li glanced at Helianlie with dark eyes, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that this little white face was an eyesore.

"I'll talk about the plan after the alliance first. If you feel that there is something wrong, you can bring it up." Luo Ye still had a noble temperament, and his voice was as clean as a warm wind.

"From today onwards, the swordsmen of the great countries who have some confidence in the preliminary round have already rushed towards the central city. From this city, the monsters that appear in the forests and plains we pass by are at least Tier 5 and Tier 6. The monsters are all over the place, which is good for killing and earning points, but it also indicates danger."

"But no matter how many sixth-order monsters there are, there will be too many people and few porridge, so the further we go to the central area, we will encounter waves of swordsmen from other countries who are on their way, killing each other and competing for monsters on the way. staged."

"We will set off in a while, and the three teams will form an alliance. I don't want anyone to have dissent, otherwise I will not let him go first."

Luo Ye glanced at the people present with his eyes like the brightest stars hanging in the sky, causing many swordsmen to feel a chill all over their bodies.

"When the alliance is formed, the heart and the heart are together, life and death are interdependent, and freedom is restored after the alliance."

Luo Ye's slow voice sounded ethereal, "If we all form an alliance with a sincere heart, our alliance will end before the finals, but if the cooperation is not pleasant, the alliance will be terminated immediately after the preliminary round."

His words are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Since they have formed an alliance, they naturally hope that the other party will treat each other sincerely, "Okay!"

Everyone agreed, and no one objected even deep down.

"Let's go then."

Luo Ye stood up and led the crowd out of the inn.

After leaving the city, Lou Muyan found that swordsmen kept pouring out of the city and rushing towards the next big city.

Along the way, they also encountered several waves of monsters, but before they warmed up, the monsters were completely killed by swordsmen from other countries who had already formed an alliance.

Lou Muyan took out the jade pendant and looked at it. The points ranking above kept jumping. She was pushed out of the top 40 in one morning, and floated up and down in the 43rd.

If you continue like this, you won't be able to reach the top ten, you can only take a risk.

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