On that day, the three groups of alliances did not gain much. Entering the deep mountains, many swordsmen were looking for monsters everywhere, and the sixth-order monsters that appeared nearby were basically killed.

Ji Yu's group had already set off before dawn, vying around, hunting sixth-order monsters in the deep mountains between the two cities, and the points jumped quickly.

When they saw that Lou Muyan's group's points increased very slowly, they gloatingly guessed that Luo Ye and others were dragged down by a few people in Lou Muyan's group, and secretly scolded "deserving it".

As night fell, the sword masters flocked to the city in front of them. This is the second largest city closest to the central city. It has a wider area and a towering city wall, which is a little more solemn than the previous city.

During the day, Luo Ye and others basically didn't do much, and they were more energetic. After tidying up in the room, they went to the restaurant in the city for dinner together.

When the sword master reaches the sword king's cultivation level, he will be able to fast, and eating is just a habit or just to feel the atmosphere.

Because of the presence of Luo Ye's group, although they were crowded at the hotel, they also booked a quiet private room.

"Lou Muyan, these special dishes of Xizhaolou can only be eaten in the three big cities of the competition space, you can try it." Luo Li took a few chopsticks and placed the dishes in Lou Muyan's bowl, his eyes burning Looking at her, as if asking for credit.

Lou Muyan lowered his head and took a bite, smiled and said, "It tastes good, this dish should be expensive, right?"

"How do you know this dish is expensive?" Helianlie asked with a smile.

These special dishes in Xi Zhaolou are not for sale to the public. Only those who can order a private room can order them, and it depends on luck, and the daily limit is limited.

Lou Muyan came from the small country of Yanzhou. Naturally, she couldn't book a private room, and it didn't look like she had eaten it. He was very curious about how she guessed the price.

"These dishes are all cooked with sixth-order monsters, and have added a lot of spirit herbs and spirit fruits to taste. After eating, not only the taste is good, but there is also a heat flow with Yuan energy lingering in the meridians. It's a good thing to quickly replenish your physical strength."

Lou Muyan tasted it and knew what spirit fruit and spirit grass was added to the dish, but he was more careful about Xi Zhaolou.

When Ye Qinghan was in Luoxi City, Ye Qinghan had introduced her to Xi Zhaolou's strength, but she didn't expect it to reach this level.

She put down her chopsticks and was silent for a moment.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Li saw that she didn't seem to be reminiscing about the taste of the dishes.

"I suddenly remembered a few friends, and I don't know how they are in the competition space." Lou Muyan raised her eyes and said with a smile.

"Friend? Man?" Luo Li blurted out.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Yes."

In this way, it seems that she doesn't know many female friends, and Ye Qingle can't help but sigh that her relationship with women is not good.

Luo Li's long and narrow eyes flickered slightly and changed the topic, "It seems that we have to leave the city early tomorrow, otherwise the monsters will be robbed by them."

"You won't earn many points if you go out of the city during the day, why don't we just catch the night?" Lou Muyan suggested enthusiastically.

If you want to get natural, you have to pay. It is not easy to rush into the top ten. Now, to earn points quickly, you can only take the night road and find the beast hordes to kill.

"The night road here is not so easy to catch, even a small beast swarm is difficult to deal with, basically composed of sixth-order monsters." Helianlie also wanted to earn points, but he remained rational.

It is not difficult for their group to deal with less than 100 sixth-order monsters, but if they encounter three or four hundred sixth-order monsters, they absolutely have to run for their lives.

Lou Muyan tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, "I have a way to deal with small and medium-sized beast swarms, and large swarms can be avoided, so it's worth taking a little risk."

Helianlie pursed his lips when he heard her say that, thinking, if he continued like this, he was afraid that he would fall out of the 100th place, and he would be suspended in the next round. If he took such an adventure, he could try it.

He didn't make an immediate decision but looked up at Luo Ye.

Luo Ye sat up straight, no matter how he restrained his noble temperament, he couldn't hide his Tsinghua suit. He took a sip from his teacup and said, "I agree to take risks."

His current ranking is just 15th, which is too far from the target he set. He originally planned to take the risk of finding the seventh-order monsters to kill and earn points when he was in the central area. Now, the risk of Lou Muyan's proposal should be less.

Luo Ye's group had seen Lou Muyan and several others blocking the beast tide with their own eyes, and they had no doubts about her words.

"Okay, then let's go after eating." Helianlie's lips raised an arc in a dashing manner.

Lou Muyan got up and said to several people, "I want to go to the medicine store in the city to buy some spiritual herbs. Are you going together? Or will we gather at the city gate later?"

"Let's go together." Luo Li immediately stood up.

The others didn't have much interest in eating at all, so they got up together to accompany her to buy spirit grass.

After arriving at the largest elixir shop in the city, Lou Muyan used a handful of Luo Li's name to let the shopkeeper take out all the spirit herbs that could be sold.

The precious high-grade spirit grasses in the store can only be bought by noble families and royal families with great national heritage.

She picked and picked out 90% of the spirit grasses, "I want all of them, how much do you count."

The shopkeeper was startled when he saw it. He had been stationed in Danpu for three competitions, and this was the first time he had encountered such a customer.

"Okay, wait a minute, miss."

The shopkeeper picked up the list and checked them one by one. On the way, he gave a waiter in the store a vague look and asked him to report to Elder Xiao.

"Lou Muyan, are you not sick?" Helianlie was really shocked by his bold behavior.

Is this woman crazy? Why do you buy so much spirit grass? Wouldn't you be thinking of taking it out for resale?

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes at him, "You are sick."

"You don't want to buy these spirit grasses and resell them outside, right?" Most of the spirit grasses here are grown in space, and it's hard to find them outside.

In fact, some people have thought about reselling it for a long time, but other people's Dan shops are not stupid. If there is a price difference, they will not make any money, so that the sword masters who participate in the competition will catch this loophole and make a profit? dream.

"Let me tell you, the price of spirit grass here is higher than outside. If you want to sell it, don't waste your spirit." Helianlie reminded.

Lou Muyan glanced at him, "Do you think I'm so boring?"

She is not a fool, and Danlou will not allow such a thing, and she doesn't have so much energy to do it.

If she is short of money, she can just sell the few pills, and she will waste time by reselling it.

The reason why she bought the spirit grass in the competition space was because she had to refine a large amount of medicinal herbs for Lou's family after returning.

Moreover, the variety of spirit grass here is complete. If you go out and buy it in a store, you may not be able to find some spirit grass. Even if it is more expensive now, it saves time and trouble.

Seeing her displeased, Helianlie twitched the corners of his mouth. Isn't it boring to buy so many spirit herbs?

"Miss, the total price of the spirit grass you want to buy has been calculated. It will cost 28 million purple gold coins in total." The shopkeeper of the Dan shop handed a price list to Lou Muyan and said with a smile.

Lou Muyan frowned when she heard the number. She only had less than one million purple gold coins in her hand, not even a fraction.

The more advanced the spirit grass is, the more expensive it is, but it doesn't matter if you can buy it with money, she naturally won't feel distressed.

"Treasurer, I don't have so many purple gold coins with me now, can I exchange it with medicinal pills?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile after thinking about it.

Before the shopkeeper could speak, there was a mocking laugh from behind.

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