After leaving the Pill Shop, Si Nan followed a few people along the way, no matter how Luo Li hit him, he would not leave.

"Luo Li, what's the use of the Pill Tower Order that Elder Xiao gave me just now?" Lou Muyan asked Luo Li next to him.

Luo Li pushed aside Si Nan who was about to come over and said, "Pill Tower Order is a good thing, after you take it, you will not only get discounts when you go to all the properties in the Dan Tower to buy things, but you can also buy pills that are sold in limited quantities that require an identity threshold. Medicine or spirit herbs."

"It's useless other than that?" Lou Muyan always felt that the blue token was not that simple.

"Anyone who holds a Pill Tower can enjoy VIP-level treatment, and it is unclear how to enjoy it." Luo Li shrugged, "It is very difficult to issue a Pill Tower, and only the elders who hold real power in the Pill Tower. It is only qualified to give it, but everyone who has obtained the Pill Tower Order is said to be very powerful in identity or strength."

"It sounds similar to the order of the Underworld Alliance." Lou Muyan sounded that there was still a Order of the Underworld Alliance lying in the space ring.

Helianlie said in surprise: "You don't know the Pill Tower Order, you know the Underworld Alliance Order?"

"Is it weird?" Lou Muyan asked.

Helianlie said: "The decree of the underworld alliance should be more effective than the order of Danlou, and the number of gifts is less. In our country, there are only two strong people who have the order of the underworld alliance."

"The Pill Tower has the Pill Tower Order, and the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce will have the Underworld Alliance Order. Does the Refining Pavilion also have any tokens?" Lou Muyan asked with a slight smile.

Si Nan squeezed Helianlie's handsome face away, revealing a brilliant smile, "I know this, the Refining Pavilion naturally also has a Fire Pavilion order."

Lou Muyan nodded lightly, thinking about when to get another Fire Pavilion to play.

Seeing that Lou Muyan had a bad face towards him, Si Nan touched his nose and looked helpless. Wasn't he being tricked by Luo Qinghe and others?

Several people quickly walked out of the city and rushed towards the largest city closest to the central city.

"Are you going to travel at night?" Si Nan asked in surprise when he found that the three groups of people were traveling at a very fast speed after they left the city.

Luo Li gave him a white look, "Why not? We won't be entertaining you if we have to hurry. You should go back to the city."

"You three teams are united?" Si Nan looked at him and asked.

"As long as your eyes are not blind, you can see it." Luo Li snorted coldly.

Si Nan's long and narrow eyes were full of brilliance, and he smiled and said, "Add us to a group."

"You didn't find Mo Ling and Yan Jun alliance?" Luo Li raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Mo Ling is too cold and boring. Yan Jun disappeared for no apparent reason five days ago. I don't know why."

"Don't talk nonsense, you shameless bastard, who is your buddy." Luo Li took a few steps away from him with a look of disgust.

"Okay, I'm serious, I'll join your alliance too." Si Nan was looking at Luo Ye when he said this.

Luo Ye's clear voice echoed in the night, and it was very pleasant, "I don't care."

Si Nan immediately turned his attention to Lou Muyan, "Miss Lou, what do you think?"

"I don't care either." Lou Muyan glanced at him and replied coldly.

Si Nan found that his masculine charm didn't have any advantage in front of Lou Muyan, but it doesn't matter, it means it's ok, "Then we have formed an alliance from now on."

"Si Nan, have you asked me to agree?" He Lianlie played with the folding fan in his hand, then glanced at the gold leaf fan in Si Nan's hand, and pouted, this man is really a coward.

Si Nan raised his eyebrows: "They all agreed, your opinion is not important."

"Hmph, Luo Li is right, you are so annoying!" Helianlie snorted coldly.

Then Luo Li also joined the scolding battle against Si Nan, and the three of you came and went in a sarcastic and cheerful manner.

Lou Muyan smiled speechlessly, the friendship between the three was really wonderful.

"There is a wave of medium-sized beasts gathering two kilometers ahead." Mo Yan's voice echoed in Lou Muyan's ears.

Lou Muyan's eyes lit up, and she said to everyone, "There is a medium-sized beast tide two kilometers ahead, it's time to earn points!"

After she finished speaking, she nodded her toes, and disappeared from the field of vision as a streamer in the black clothes.

Yun Zimo and the others did not hesitate, and accelerated towards the direction of her disappearance.

Seeing Luo Li and others speeding up, Si Nan was taken aback, "What do you mean there is a medium-sized beast tide ahead, and it's time to earn points?"

Wouldn't it be what he thought?

"Of course I'm going to kill the beast horde to earn points, idiot." Luo Libai glanced at him and ignored it, and he and Luo Ye and the others also disappeared.

"Take the initiative to find the beast tide to kill? Are you all crazy?" Sinan turned to look at Helianlie, who was about to catch up.

Helianlie curled his lips, "I also think they are crazy, but they are very exciting, maybe you will like them too."

After answering, without waiting for Situ to react, the elite team with Dongxunguo also rushed forward.

"Hey, they were completely influenced by that woman named Lou Muyan, and they can think of such crazy things," said a team member behind Si Nan.

Another frowned and asked, "Then shall we go with you?"

Si Nan's eyes were as deep as the sea, and his face rarely showed seriousness. After pondering, he waved his hand and said, "Follow, why not? Helianlie's treacherous temper can't wait to chase after me, it must be profitable."

Several other people thought about it too. Luo Li was fascinated by beautiful women and could understand without reason, but Luo Ye and Helianlie couldn't both be hot-headed.

So a pair of people quickly followed.

"Hoohoo!!" As soon as they approached the beast horde, Si Nan's group was completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

Countless walls of fire rose into the sky ahead, dividing the gathered monsters into more than a dozen small waves, and a small black flag was constantly shaking in the sky.

At this time, Luo Ye and the others fell into different fire walls to kill the monsters that were divided into small waves. Even the humble team that followed Lou Muyan killed the monsters was unambiguous.

Every time he strikes, he is basically quick, accurate, and ruthless, and he specializes in finding the weak points of the monsters. At first glance, he looks like a very experienced hunter. This kind of thing has definitely been done more than once.

The most dazzling thing is that Lou Muyan controls the formation, and at the same time controls ten golden flying swords to shuttle among the sixth-order monsters. Kill a monster whose cultivation is higher than her.

The woman's figure is like a ghost, and her lavender clothes are more noble and mysterious, just like Shura from hell, with a strange beauty in the night and fire.

"Come on, is this still a woman?" A team member behind Si Nan smacked his tongue when he saw that Lou Muyan could kill the sixth-order monster with hand-to-hand combat.

"How domineering." One of the men sighed.

When Luo Li saw that Si Nan and his group were coming, he did not help, but stood and looked at Lou Muyan, his face darkened and roared: "Si Nan, what are you looking at, you shameless person? Why don't you come and help? "

Only then did Si Nan and the others return to their senses, and rushed into the battle circle to join in the slaughter of monsters.

Because the four teams were all very powerful, it only took two hours to harvest this wave of medium-sized beasts.

Under Mo Yan's investigation, they killed three waves of small beasts that night, and the points skyrocketed, attracting the attention of many forces.

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