When it was already bright, the four teams of talents dragged their tired bodies to the first largest refuge city in the competition space except the central city.

On the city tower, Ji Yu looked at the twenty or so people who had just entered the city.

"Yu, their points are growing so fast, could it be that they are traveling at night?" Mouton stared at Lou Muyan with a gloomy expression.

This woman is really a fox. Not only did she seduce the two brothers Luo Li, but even Helianlie and Si Nan's attitude towards her was very unusual.

Ji Yu took out the dark purple jade card and glanced at it. The points rankings of those people had risen a lot. Luo Li and Lou Muyan, who had already dropped out of forty, rushed back to thirty in just one night.

"Looking at how tired they are, it should be a night of bloody battles. Let's go out of the city to hunt and guard, and we can't let them exceed the points." Ji Yu put away the jade card and fell under the city wall.

The rest of their group also jumped out of the city and rushed towards a deep mountain in the distance.

As soon as Lou Muyan and his party entered the city, they were concerned by various forces, and they ignored it. They went to Rong Zeguo's inn and began to recover.

When night fell, the doors of the small courtyard opened one after another, and four groups of people went out to hunt in groups.

Mo Ling stood in a high place, arrogant and lonely. He watched Luo Ye and his party leave, and there was a strange color in his calm eyes.

"Young Master, Luo Ye and the others seem to have changed the hunting time to night." A man behind him said.

After a while, Mo Ling said, "I'm observing for a day."


Lou Muyan and the others did not rush towards the last target central city. The nearby monsters often haunted the seventh-order monsters, and if they accidentally provoke the seventh-order small beast tide, it would be troublesome.

The central city generally starts to gather crowds in the last ten days. At that time, the competition for points has become a subsidiary, and everyone's purpose is to compete for the status jade.

That night, their harvest was not too big, and they only intercepted four waves of small beasts. When dawn returned to the city, the number of spies outside the inn where they lived gradually increased.

"Let's rest during the day today, and let's go see what tricks they are playing at night." Ji Yu looked at the name that changed last night on the jade card, his eyes sank, if it went on like this, they would not be able to keep the top ten positions.

Moutong wanted to kill Lou Muyan in the wild for a long time, and there was a cruel look on her beautiful face, "Tonight I will smash that despicable and charming woman into tens of thousands of pieces."

Ji Yu frowned slightly as she looked at her, but the cold and arrogant woman in white suddenly appeared in her mind.

He sighed and shook hands, power and strength are more important.

When Lou Muyan and the others set out from the city at night, there were more than ten groups of people behind them secretly.

"They are following us, do you want to kill them all?" Si Nan's indistinguishable handsome face showed a wicked smile, and even made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Luo Li gave him a white look, "Ji Yu and Mo Ling's elite team are also following, you go up first and kill the two, and we will clean up the rest."

"Ji Yu is not my opponent, Mo Ling is a bit tricky, I'm afraid that it can only be done by Lord Luo." Si Nan analyzed seriously.

Luo Ye didn't pay him any attention at all. Mo Ling was so good at killing that he wouldn't have become famous in the first battle when he was a teenager.

"If you are really sick, they are probably just trying to see how we hunted monsters at night, and we didn't make a sneak attack. It's not justifiable for us to take the initiative to kill them. If we can't kill them, we will set up a few big enemies."

Luo Li glanced suspiciously at Sinan, "You shameless and impure scheming, are you trying to kill Mo Ling with my brother's hand?"

Si Nan rolled his eyes, how could he just make a random comment and become impure?

"Yeah, who asked Mo Ling to insult me ​​before." Thinking of the last time he fought against Mo Ling and was injured by the opponent, he felt a surge of anger, and one day he would find a way to fight that cold-faced ghost.

"Pfft, if Mo Ling heard what you said now, it would definitely make you die miserably." Luo Li sneered.

Si Nan's shameless brain is definitely sick.

"There is a medium-sized beast swarm in the east, but this time, there are two seventh-order monsters leading it." Lou Muyan looked into the distance and said the situation of Mo Yan's demon sense.

Luo Ye raised his hand and calculated, "You can go."

"Si Nan, it's time to play your role." Luo Li put his hand on Si Nan's shoulder with a good smile, and he should let this shameless man deal with the seventh-order monster.

Si Nan raised his chin arrogantly, "Is this young master afraid?"

Seeing that the two were still arguing at the critical moment, Helianlie immediately interrupted: "Stop arguing and get down to business."

"Do we still use the previous strategy with so many people following?" Seeing everyone looking at him, Helianlie asked immediately.

Lou Muyan swept the back casually, and shrugged indifferently, "Of course, otherwise how can you earn points?"

If those people follow and don't kill them, their points will definitely fall again.

"We rest during the day and work at night, and the points increase so fast, it is normal to be targeted." Luo Ye took the first step, "Let's go."

Although Helianlie and the others were a little worried about the dozen or so team members behind, this was the only way to increase their points. It was better than going to the central city to hunt and kill seventh-order demon cultivators. Good points.


Seeing Luo Ye able to speed up the pace, Ji Yu and other more than ten elite teams couldn't bear to follow.


The roars of countless high-level monsters resounded throughout the canyon, as if they were already ready for battle.

"Be careful tonight, those two seventh-order monsters seem to have come prepared." Mo Yan's eyes were light, and the two metamorphosis stage monsters were just like ants to him.

Lou Muyan looked at him with a smile: "Do you want to be majestic?"

"I'm not interested, unless it's a matter of life and death, I will never take action." Mo Yan closed his eyes and rested.

Bingji pouted, scolding inwardly: What are you pulling, it seems like it can easily strangle a seventh-order demon cultivator.

"Master, do you want to untie my seal tonight and give me a prestige?" Bingji rubbed up decisively.

The little master's accomplishments in the formation path are so profound, he believes that he will be able to lift the seal of meditation.

"Look for Ming Xiu to solve it." Lou Muyan was too lazy to pay attention to him, although Ming Xiu did tell her how to unlock the seal before leaving, but she was not going to let this stinky bird change its shape.

Now that the cultivation base is suppressed in the sixth-order, I think about going out and jumping all day long. If the strength of the eighth-order is restored, it is not certain that I will go out and cause some trouble.

Bingji instantly looked like a defeated rooster, "Hey! It seems that I can't be arrogant and arrogant tonight, otherwise I'll see how I kill those two seventh-order little reptiles."

He didn't transmit these words, but said them directly, which immediately caught the eyes of Si Nan and the others.

There is really any master and any spiritual pet, which is arrogant enough!

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