Not long after, when they arrived at the canyon, they saw the densely packed and orderly monster beasts gathering in front of them.

"It's still the old rule, I will use the formation to separate the beast tide, and you will kill it quickly." Lou Muyan looked at the two figures in the distance in the distance, "Luo Ye, the seventh-order monster is afraid that you will have to contain it. "

"Hmm." Luo Ye's eyes became clear and he nodded lightly.

Si Nan swept the sky in the distance, and said lazily, "I can contain one."

He has left a bad impression on Lou Muyan and others before, and now it is more important to reverse the image. The seventh-order demon cultivator may not be able to kill it perfectly, but it can still be achieved by stalling or defeating.

"Okay, you can meet them when they take the initiative to attack." Lou Muyan knew that since Si Nan could become the leader of an elite superpower team, his strength would not be bad.

More than a dozen teams behind them also followed at this time, and when they saw the densely packed sixth-order monster beasts in front of them, they couldn't help but feel a little numb in their scalps.

It would be fine if they were alone to deal with a few, but it would be dangerous if they were surrounded by a group.

Mouton's eyes showed fear, and he pulled Jiyu's clothes, "Yu, do we want to go back to the city first? There are so many sixth-order monsters gathered here, and it is difficult to get out of it."

Ji Yu pulled out her sleeves from her hands, her voice cold: "The woman named Lou Muyan is not afraid of only the sword king peak cultivation base, what are you afraid of?"

Moutong clenched her fists. She gritted her teeth and stood beside Ji Yu and looked at the four groups of people not far away. She didn't believe that the foxy woman would not be afraid. She was afraid that Luo Li and others would have to take time to protect them. Definitely a drag.

"Then let's see how she is not afraid of the law."

Ji Yu stopped talking, and looked straight ahead. If Luo Ye and others were caught in the beast tide, it would be too late for them to retreat from this position.

Mo Linghuan hugged his hands and leaned against a big tree, the coolness of his body combined with the night wind blowing slowly, making him look very cold.

"Head, are Luo Ye and the others crazy?" A team member behind him asked inexplicably when he saw that Luo Ye and the others did not retreat but swept toward the beast tide.

Mo Ling frowned slightly, "They're not fools, keep watching." He didn't believe that Luo Ye and others would take their lives to make a joke.

As soon as Lou Muyan got close to the herd, he tapped his toes and stood up, and threw the long-preserved jade stones one by one toward fourteen directions.

The monsters here are not only multi-strength, but also very strong. If they only use a seven-star formation, they are afraid that they will be overwhelmed by the beast tide, so she arranged a series of seven-star fire formations.

Fourteen stones fell into the ground instantly, and a trace of spiritual power was entangled.

She stretched out her hand, and a flag fell over the formation, and the black flag slowly unfolded like a picture scroll.

She walked continuously in a blink of an eye to form a formation in the sixth-order monster beast group.

"Well, what's going on here? What is she doing?" Someone behind Mo Ling said in surprise, "This woman's skills are too agile."

Mo Ling remembered the trapped beast-killing method he saw that night, his cold eyes brightened, and he stared at Lou Muyan's formation, "She will use the formation to help in the battle."

"Arrangement to help? Are so many monsters useful?" A member of the team at the back had uncertain suspicion in his voice.

"You'll know when you look at it."

Moutong saw Lou Muyan's agility in movement and was not afraid of the beasts' back and forth, with a gloomy and terrifying face, and he couldn't believe it, "Does she want to court death?"

"This woman is not simple." Unlike Moutong, Ji Yu resented Lou Muyan as much. From his own point of view, he could walk through the herd of beasts like no one and survive safely, even if he did not. ‘

"Her movement technique should be a high-level exercise technique." Seeing Lou Muyan so arrogantly moving in the herd, she suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. It would be a bit difficult to kill today, so she had to With the help of Ji Yu's power.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Ji Yu's deep eyes moved.

Lou Muyan arranged the formation and flicked his fingers, and the transparent jade balls on the fingertips rose into the air, echoing the formation.

And after she withdrew from the herd, the gathering monsters all rioted. This human woman was simply challenging their dignity.

"Hoohoo!!" The countless beast roars were deafening, and the monsters looked at Lou Muyan with fierce eyes, and rushed towards her with their claws.

"Get up!!" Lou Muyan's eyes widened and he snorted coldly.

"Pfft!" Her voice fell, and countless walls of fire suddenly surged up from the ground to isolate the rushing herd of beasts.

She stood on top of a golden long sword in a volley, and punched a few seals in her hand, "Seven Star Fire Array---Binding."

Immediately afterwards, I saw the walls of fire surging apart, forming four walls of fire to separate the monsters in the beast group, and there were no four walls of fire that surrounded less than twenty sixth-order monsters.

She stepped lightly, and the golden sword under her feet shone brightly, rushing into the fire formation.

The golden long sword was instantly divided into ten flying swords and slashed towards the surrounding monsters.

Feijian is like a fish in the water, and Fire Formation is like a pond for raising fish. The two cooperated to harvest the lives of more than ten sixth-order monsters in just a moment. key.

Lou Muyan's flying sword attacked the monsters spontaneously as if she had self-consciousness, but she herself was full of fighting spirit, and her jade-like hands were covered with a layer of pale red like glass, and she flew up and waved her fists to meet them A ferocious and strong monster.

"My God! My eyes aren't so bad, right?" Someone from the dozen or so teams that followed exclaimed, "This woman is still strong!"

Looking at the monsters falling to the ground under her fist, many people couldn't help but feel numb. Is this still a woman? If someone becomes her husband in the future, will he be beaten to death if he is unhappy and punched?

Many people stared dumbfoundedly at the purple-clothed heroine who looked like a god of war in the firelight in front of them. Such a violent battle, but it didn't seem at all vulgar and contemptuous. Instead, it was pleasing to watch her disappearing figure.

"I finally know why Luo Li fell in love with this small country girl, and I really feel it." A strong and healthy man behind Mo Ling swallowed.

"What a hot beauty, I don't know who is lucky enough to endure it."

A thin-looking man next to him shuddered, "I feel more sympathetic to Luo Li now, the beauty is fierce!"

Many people in the field knew that Luo Li had a crush on a small country woman, and now seeing Lou Muyan's sturdy style, many people cast sympathetic eyes on him.

"Luo Li, is that woman in the formation really Lou Muyan?" Si Nan rubbed his eyes, afraid that he would see flowers.

Luo Li looked proud, "Of course it's Lou Muyan. If you like those delicate women, don't look at them."

"I don't feel it after seeing too many delicate women, but Lou Muyan is a sturdy and violent beauty, I like it!" Si Nan's eyes showed fiery heat.

Such a hot and violent beauty can be conquered and challenged enough!

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