After the first auction item was photographed by Lou Muyan, Leng Yi continued to auction the second item.

"The second auction item is a bottle of third-grade medicine pill..."

Pieces of auction items were auctioned off by Leng Yi, Yan Jun and others all got what they wanted, and even Ye Qinghan and Yun Zimo got a few good magic weapons and spiritual objects respectively.

Towards the end, Lou Muyan only photographed a few spirit grasses besides the exercise.

"Lou Muyan, don't you take pictures of this defensive magic weapon?" Luo Li turned to ask Lou Muyan when he heard Leng Yi introduce a defensive shield made by a fourth-grade artifact refiner.

Lou Muyan glanced at the shield. The middle-grade holy artifact was made from the bones and skins of the sixth-order peak monster beasts. The refining technique was relatively skilled, but unfortunately she couldn't take it seriously.

"Not interested in."

Si Nan leaned over and said: "You only have the golden sword attacking magic weapon, and you really need a defensive magic weapon. The shield above is the best defensive magic weapon in this auction. You really don't think about it. ?"

"Can the above shield withstand the full bombardment of the high-level sword sect?" Lou Muyan asked without answering.

"If you attack with all your strength, you shouldn't be able to bear it." Si Nan thought for a while and replied.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, "Then do I need to buy it? Do you really think I'm a fool who can't spend too much money?"

She can now fight against the sword masters who have been cultivated by Jianzong, and this shield is useless to her.

The corner of Si Nan's mouth twitched. He couldn't resist the full-strength bombardment of the high-level sword sect, but he could resist the attack of the junior-level sword sect! Still useful in combat.

But remembering Lou Muyan's powerful and changing combat power, he instantly silenced his voice.

Ji Xuan and others felt speechless after hearing her words. Compared with this shield, the local-level sword skill was obviously more practical.

She really is not a fool, she is a lunatic!

When the auction came to an end, Leng Yi smiled softly and said, "All the items prepared for this auction have been auctioned. Now the last finale is auctioned, I believe everyone will not be disappointed."

"Miss Leng, don't give up, let's take a look at the finale." A swordsman below shouted impatiently.

After he finished speaking, the others complied.

The finale of each auction of the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce is a very rare and valuable item in Tianling Continent, and it has naturally become a sought-after item. Of course, the price must be ridiculously high.

"Since everyone is so impatient, then I won't sell it." Leng Yi smiled and clapped his hands.

A man in a white robe walked up to the stage, and with a palm of his hand, a black boat the size of a slap appeared.

"It turned out to be a flying instrument." Someone in the audience exclaimed.

The eyes of the others were also very fiery at the boat in the man's hand.

"This is a flying instrument that Master Wu, a fifth-grade weapon refiner, spent ten years refining, Xumi Qingzhou."

"Master Wu, it turned out to be a magic weapon refined by Master Wu."

"Yes! Master Wu became famous in Tianling Continent for more than 200 years, and he has not auctioned a magic weapon for decades, but this time we encountered it."

Seeing that the people below were all excited, Leng Yicai continued to speak slowly: "Xumi Qingzhou has the speed of a seventh-order flying monster, and has a defensive function, comparable to a top-grade defensive holy weapon."

"And one of the most important features of Xumi's light boat is that it can change its size freely. The smallest form is only the size of a palm. The sword master can also shrink to this limit when sitting on it. It is an excellent choice for exploring secret realms or going out without attracting attention from others. ."

"Only a palm-sized flying instrument has a small target and has the defense function of a high-grade holy artifact. Such a magic instrument has not appeared in hundreds of years, and everyone must seize this opportunity."

Leng Yi's words sounded very real, but they were very provocative and hidden, and many people below were moved.

"Miss Leng, how many people can this Xumi light boat carry?" asked a swordsman from a big country below.

"It can carry up to 3,000 people." Leng Yi calculated that someone would ask questions below, so he didn't introduce them all at the beginning, so that the questions and answers would be more engaging.

"So many people can be seated, and if there is any emergency in the family, it can be used to escape." A swordsman behind him muttered.

His words were also in the minds of other sword masters. The flight speed of the seventh-order flying monsters was faster than that of the human sword master Yu Jian, who was a sword master.

If the family encounters any major disaster, using this defensive light boat to escape is also a trump card.

Lou Muyan's mental power stretched forward, swept and swept on Xumi's light boat, and then an arc was raised on his lips.

This flying defense artifact is indeed a fine product. If you find several rare crystals in the world and re-refine it, the grade can be improved.

Defensive flying instruments are more practical than flying monsters. After all, they carry a lot of people, so it is not bad to take them for Lou Family as an escape card.

She touched her chin and thought about it, and then she could refine a few puppet organs and place them on the light boat.

After attacking, defending and flying together, I believe that even if the Lou family is attacked by a swordsman-level powerhouse, they can transfer the family members to escape safely.

"Miss Leng, can you use this Xumi light boat in battle?" Another one of them asked.

Many flying instruments are good and easy to use, but they cannot be stimulated once in battle, and because they are expensive, many swordsmen prefer to choose flying spiritual pets.

"Xumi's light boat can also be used 100% in battle. You can rest assured that you can try it after you take it."

Leng Yi's stunning and glamorous face has a firm look, "If it can't be stimulated, the Chamber of Commerce will not only refund the full amount, but also double the compensation."


Hearing her promise, many people couldn't help but take a breath, so that the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce could make such a promise to prove that Xumi Qingzhou is absolutely as Leng Yi said, otherwise, whoever is stupid will pay double.

It has a large load capacity, can change its size, and has the attributes of a high-grade defensive sacred artifact. It is worthy of being the finale of the auction. Those who are present with such a flying artifact are not unmoved.

"Miss Leng, take the liberty to ask, since this Xumi Qingzhou is so good, why would it be auctioned in the competition space?" A superpower swordsman asked rationally.

If such a thing is taken out of the competition space to auction, it is definitely an item that countries or major families are vying to snatch.

The elite disciples of their families participating in the competition simply cannot compare with the financial resources of the entire family.

Even if you come with a family mission, the spiritual stones you bring are limited.

The question he asked is also the doubts in the hearts of many people. Could it be that this Xumi Qingzhou is also a big drawback?

"Good question from this friend!"

Leng Yiyingying smiled, youthful, "This is what I'm about to say."

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