Everyone present calmed down and looked at Leng Yi on the stage, waiting for her answer.

Leng Yiyingying smiled and said: "Senior Wu participated in the Tianling Continent hegemony competition two hundred years ago. Although he didn't rush into the top 100 at that time, he got a chance in the competition space to become an artifact refiner, and he was also there. That contest met his beloved wife."

"This time he spent ten years refining the Xumi Qingzhou to commemorate the opportunity that year, and to auction the boat to encourage everyone."

Leng Yi continued: "Of course, Master Xumi Qingzhouwu can refine one and the second, so you don't have to worry too much."

Leng Yi's meaning is obvious, Master Wu made the first Xumi Qingzhou to commemorate the opportunity of the year, and his ten years of hard work have not been in vain. I believe that when he makes the second flying instrument again, it will be more Handy.

"It turns out that, I heard that Master Wu met the talented female cultivator in the competition space, and there was a good story."

"It seems that the chance that Master Wu encountered in the competition space was not small, otherwise it would not be possible to become the current fifth-grade artifact refiner."

Many people seem to have been beaten by chicken blood. Master Wu can meet the opportunity to turn him from an inconspicuous person from a small and medium-sized country to a fifth-grade artifact refiner who is now famous in the mainland. They may also encounter a big opportunity here. .

"In this way, the sword masters we participated in this time have been exposed."

"I heard that Master's hobbies are very strange, and Master Wu can understand that he wants to commemorate that chance."

Lou Muyan saw that Leng Yi's frank expression didn't seem to be false, but she always felt that the reason for the master's auction was a bit far-fetched.

"If that's the case, then the cold girl, let's auction it quickly."

The people below believed in this reason, and shouted excitedly for Leng Yi to quickly auction.

"Everyone is so impatient, I won't say more." Leng Yi said with a smile: "The low price of this Xumi light boat is 20,000 spirit stones, and the price must not be lower than 1,000 spirit stones each time, and the auction will start now. "

"Twenty-five thousand spirit stones." As soon as she finished speaking, someone began to bid.

"Thirty thousand spirit stones."

"Fifty thousand spirit stones."


Soon the price was called to 100,000 Spirit Stones. It seems that the elite disciples of these big countries are all prepared and rich.

"120,000." Luo Ye's clear voice came out slowly.

Yan Jun also wanted to take a picture, but unfortunately he didn't have enough spirit stones, so he had to give up.

Although Ji Xuan was valued in the empire, he was always suppressed by Ji Yu's mother and son. The resources he got when he came were limited in spirit stones, and he didn't have any hope for Xumi Qingzhou.

Ji Yu was swallowed by the evil dragon, and the space ring was also swallowed by him. Everyone thought that the ring was still in the belly of the evil dragon. No one knew that Mo Yan had swallowed the spirit of the evil dragon, and the ring had already landed on Lou Muyan. hands.

Therefore, Lou Muyan was actually very rich at this time.

"130,000." Si Nan shouted arrogantly.

Although Helianlie's empire was not as good as the two of them, he came with the resources of the royal family and had thoughts on Xumi Qingzhou, "140,000."

"160,000." An elite disciple of the superpower shouted.

"180,000." Luo Ye continued to follow.

"200,000." Helianlie gritted his teeth.

Si Nan narrowed his eyes and reported the bottom line in his heart: "220,000."

"230,000." Luo Ye continued.

"Twenty-five thousand." The man was obviously very confident.

"Two hundred and sixty thousand." Luo Ye has not yet reached the bottom price.

The man snorted coldly and shouted, "300,000."

The 300,000 yuan has already exceeded Luo Ye's reserve price, and the imperial resources he brought are exactly this number. Although he had long guessed that the Xumi Qingzhou would not be so easy to obtain, he did not expect it to be so high.

Of course, if this flying instrument is auctioned outside, the price will definitely not be lower than 500,000 low-grade spirit stones.

The price of 300,000 made many sword masters in an uproar, which was a lot of money.

Everyone thought that the person who made the final bid would definitely take the shot, and even the swordsman thought so, waiting for Leng Yi to announce the result, but who knew he heard a lazy and sweet voice.

"Three hundred thousand."

Everyone followed the voice to find that the person who made the bid was a stunning purple-clothed woman, and many people recognized that she was the one who auctioned the identity jade card before.

"I'm afraid this woman made a lot of money from auctioning her identity jade before." Someone muttered sourly.

There are also people who are more afraid of Lou Muyan, "She can use the venue of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce to hold a small auction. It is estimated that she has an extraordinary origin, so it is better to provoke less."

"When I'm looking for the prince of the country in the south, Xumi's light boat is very important to me, and I also want to give in one or two to Miss Wanglou." There was a haze in the eyes of the man who asked for the price before.

His words made Luo Li and the others frown. Is this trying to threaten Lou Muyan?

"Sorry, I also liked the Xumi Qingzhou. The one with the highest price will get it. You can bid as you please. If it can be higher than me, this flying instrument will naturally belong to you." Lou Muyan hooked her lips and said what she said. Arrogant and wanton.

Use Nanxunguo to oppress her? What the hell.

The face of the prince of Nan Xunguo turned black, this woman was too ignorant of praise.

How dare a person from a small country dare to be so arrogant, what about a dark horse, not just because he knew Luo Li and Si Nan to fight him.

He didn't believe that if he really wanted to meet him, Luo Li, Si Nan and others would have a bad relationship with him because of Lou Muyan.

"330,000." He scolded Lou Muyan in his heart. Who knew that something that could have been won by 300,000 would have an accident, and it would be unhappy for anyone else.

It's just that he completely forgot that this is an auction, and the one with the highest price must be the truth.

Lou Muyan glanced at him casually, and shouted calmly, "Three hundred and fifty thousand."

"Miss Lou, are you sure you want to spend so much money to buy a flying instrument?" The prince of Nanxun Kingdom added a bit of murderous intent and even more threats.

Lou Muyan hated people who used her family background to oppress her the most in her life. Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she said lazily: "I just want to find a place to spend more money, what can you do to me?"


Her answer made everyone present twitched their lips, and she felt that she was arrogant and irritating.

The prince of Nanxun Kingdom almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He only had 360,000 spirit stones in his hand, and they all gathered together with his teammates. This woman is too presumptuous.

"Three hundred and sixty thousand." Calling out the reserve price in his heart, he looked at Lou Muyan with cold eyes and a deep threat.

Lou Muyan smiled sweetly, beautiful and moving, she blinked at the prince of Nanxun Kingdom and said, "360,100 spirit stones."

"You..." Prince Nan Xunguo couldn't help but stood up and pointed at her, but he didn't know how to scold her.

This woman must have done it on purpose, how did she know that he only had 360,000 spirit stones on him.

"Hey! Although I have a lot of money, I can't waste it." Lou Muyan laughed in a low voice, raised his eyes to look at the Prince of Nanxun Kingdom and said with a smile: "Your Highness, you can ignore me and continue to bid."

The old lady is going to vomit you to death, and everyone who dares to threaten her will go to hell.

As long as she wants to take pictures of this Xumi light boat, the Prince of Nanxun Kingdom will definitely hold grudges. Since she wants to have revenge, it is also called to be angry with the other party.

The killing intent in the other's eyes was not concealed at all, and the more she did, the more she had to strike at the other's sore spot.

Moreover, this flying instrument is a way of escape for Lou's family, and she naturally doesn't want to let it.

Want to buy a Sumeru canoe? She also grabbed it.

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