Lou Muyan took the ground-level sword skill in his hand and looked at it over and over, then pondered.

"Master, this book gives me a bad feeling." Bing Ji pondered in his eyes, looking at the sword skill badly.

Lou Muyan raised her eyes, "What's the bad feeling?"

"After a few more glances at this sword skill, I feel extremely cold, like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to bite my neck." Bing Ji shrank his neck.

Lou Muyan frowned slightly and took Miaomiao from her wrist, "Miaomiao, do you feel this way?"

"Master, although I don't feel this way, this book gives me a cold and evil feeling. I don't like it." Miaomiao resolutely wrapped around Lou Muyan's wrist again, staying far away from the book. .

"Master, I also hate the breath in this book." Xue Xue said.

Lou Muyan penetrated her mental power into the spirit beast ring and found that Mo Yan was still sleeping.

The words in the sword skills are not the common language of the mainland, but a kind of silver scorpion, which she has learned in the world of cultivating immortals.

Putting her mind into the words in the book and interpreting it a little bit, she gradually became fascinated.

Time flies so fast, and the day goes by in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a faint black air came out of the book in Lou Muyan's hand and penetrated into her breath.

Slowly, Lou Muyan's eyes were half closed, as if he was about to fall asleep.

And her eyes began to slack, as if she was being controlled by something.

Bingji was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted: "Master, master!"

Miaomiao and Xuexue pulled Lou Muyan's arm at the same time and called "Master" together to awaken her consciousness.

But no matter what method they tried, they couldn't make Lou Muyan sober. Bingji's eyes were ruthless, and he stretched out his claws and wanted to grab the sword skill in Lou Muyan's hand and threw it away.

It must be the sword skill of this evil sect that made the master lose his mind.

It's just that before his claws touched the sword skill, he was entangled in a wisp of black air that suddenly emerged from the book, and he couldn't get rid of it.

The three monsters couldn't cut the black qi with their demon power, and they couldn't help but feel anxious.

Then, the wisps of black air continued to climb along Lou Muyan's hand. When she was about to drill in from her temple, Lou Muyan, who had been sluggish, suddenly opened her eyes with sharp eyes.

She recited a few spells in her mouth, and with a little tap, a jade-colored talisman instantly bound the black qi.

Then she turned the palm of her hand, and a cluster of purple-gold flames came out, she snorted softly: "Go!"

Zijin Linghuo turned into a small fire snake and got into the sword skill, and the whole book was shrouded in black after a while.

Lou Muyan stretched out her hand, and the black qi that bound Bingji's feet was torn apart and disappeared.

"Master, are you alright?" Bingji looked at the sword skills that had been enveloped by the thick black mist with lingering fears. "What is this?"

Lou Muyan shook his head: "I'm fine, you'll know what it is in a while."

There was a hint of coldness on her lips, and she kept hitting the seals into the sword skills. After doing everything, she closed her eyes and started to rest.

After about a quarter of an hour, she opened her eyes and said to the book, "How does it feel to be roasted in the soul? Isn't the real body looming now?"

As soon as her voice fell, a black mist emerged from the book, and then turned into a black figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Have you discovered me long ago?" The man's voice was very hoarse and concealed the suppressed pain of being burned by the fire of spirit.

Lou Muyan stretched out a hand and shoved it lazily, "I only discovered you when you performed the ecstasy spell on me."

Of course, although she didn't feel the cold evil energy like the three spirit pets did, she could smell a faint bloody smell from the pages of sword skills.

So she put her mental power on the page and started to check the content of the sword skills. What surprised her was that although this sword skills were only at the ground level, the ten sets of sword skills in it really surprised her.

I was fascinated by watching it, but because of the initial vigilance, I also released part of my mental power for surveillance.

Sure enough, when she was addicted, a powerful foreign aura suddenly burst out and cast an advanced ecstasy technique on her.

If it wasn't for her mental strength had recovered and advanced, she would have really capsized in the gutter this time.

"Hi!" The man took a deep breath as the Zijin Spirit Fire burned, "What do you want?"

He never imagined that a small sword emperor would not only discover his existence, but also have such a powerful spiritual force to resist his ecstasy, and also have a purple gold spirit fire that restrains all evil things.

"If I guessed correctly, you just wanted to eat my soul, right?" Lou Muyan's voice was cool.

The soul of a person is the soul and spiritual power. Once it is eaten by the opponent, it will become an idiot. At light, it is like the former master of swordsmanship said by Si Nan and others. The cultivation base is stagnant and the road to the strong Missed.

The man's actions really stepped on Lou Muyan's bottom line.

"Since you can see that this seat has nothing to say." The man's voice was full of unwillingness and despair.

"Hmph, if you have nothing to say, just die." Lou Muyan's eyes turned cold, and Zijin Linghuo instantly burst out of the page and wrapped the man.

"Ah!" The man didn't expect the woman on the opposite side to be so ruthless, and the whole body was burned by the spirit fire as if it was about to melt. If this continued, he would not even have the chance to reincarnate.

"Stop, stop!" The man said with a bit of pain: "I will make a deal with you to ensure that not only will you not suffer, but you will also gain a lot."

Lou Muyan squinted and thought for a while before beckoning to take back the Zijin Linghuo, "Don't play any tricks, or I can kill you at any time."

This man has only one tenth of the ghost spirit left and still has such a powerful aura. In addition, he calls himself this seat, and his origin must be extraordinary.

If it weren't for Zijin Linghuo, she couldn't do anything about him, and maybe it would be backlashed.

"Heh, what kind of tricks can I play when this seat is like this?" The man laughed at himself.

"Are you a magician?" Lou Muyan's tone was affirmative.

The man was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Lou Muyan to see through his identity before his physical body was destroyed, but there was nothing to hide, "Yes."

"Tell me, what do you want to make a deal with me?" She found that many people she met liked to make deals with her, but she was a little interested in hearing about it.

As soon as the man moved, the black mist surrounding the sword skill all penetrated into his body, and strands of black energy quickly repaired his weakened soul that had been scorched before.

Lou Muyan squinted his eyes, the breath of this ghost and demon cultivator is not weaker than the peak of the sword sect at this time. When his body is not damaged, he is probably so powerful that countless high-level sword masters look up to it. Bar.

"You must know the place of inheritance." The man's soul was automatically repaired before he spoke slowly.

Lou Muyan's eyes narrowed, "The transaction you want to discuss with me is about the place of inheritance?"

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