Lou Muyan guessed that this ghost should have been attached to the sword skill in the inheritance place, and she was more and more interested in the transaction he said.

The man's voice in the black mist was still hoarse and low, "This is a great hall that can open the place of inheritance. There are not only the exercises, but also the magic tools and medicinal pills left by the man."

"You won't tell me that the owner of that hall is you, will you?" Lou Muyan looked at him with a half-smile.

"Naturally not. When the body was destroyed and the soul was scattered and escaped, this stray soul was inexplicably involved in the space storm before it entered the place of inheritance." He felt that the woman across from him was young but very old-fashioned. It's easy to find out if you want to trick her.

Since he wants to trade, as long as it doesn't involve his secrets, he has nothing to hide.

Lou Muyan nodded with deep eyes and asked, "Are all your ten strands still alive?"

The man was hidden in the black mist and could not see his face, but his stiff body still revealed his shock.

"How do you know that there are ten separate souls in this seat?" His voice was cold.

"Naturally, you feel it from the weakness of your soul. This is my secret method." Lou Muyan's meaning is very clear, and my secret method will not be told to you.

She said about the man's soul split to make him fear her, and it would be more beneficial if the deal was negotiated.

The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was the first time he met this woman, and it was impossible for her to see through his identity, let alone within this small interface.

"This seat has been wandering in that palace for hundreds of years, and has been marked with a soul mark, and the place can be freely entered and exited." The man paused and said.

"Then how can you be sure that I can enter the place of inheritance?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile.

"The purpose of your participation in the Tianling Continent Tournament should be to join the six major sects?" The man asked rhetorically.


"The land of inheritance is about to open. As long as you enter the six major sects, you will have a chance to get a place in it. I believe it is not difficult according to your ability." This woman's cultivation base is not high, but she is shrewd to death.

Lou Muyan took out the spirit tea and slowly brewed it. After a while, a quiet tea fragrance wafted out, and the man's eyes darkened.

"What do you want in exchange?" Lou Muyan asked while holding the teacup.

"Help this seat grow this ray of soul." The man responded.

Lou Muyan stared at the clear and fragrant tea soup in the cup. After a while, he said, "Okay, let's establish a partnership relationship first, and then we can discuss further transactions after we trust each other."

The identity of this man during his lifetime was definitely not simple, it was quite mysterious, and it aroused her interest, so it was okay to play with him.

"Okay!" The man said without hesitation.

If this woman can be trusted, they can indeed cooperate on a lot of things.

Lou Muyan took out a thousand-year-old ice box from the space ring, and after opening it, she could detect the man's scorching gaze.

"You actually have such a divine artifact as the Soul Cultivation Wood." The man couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lou Muyan ignored him, and with a gesture of his hand, he held a golden knife in his hand.

She chopped off a section of the soul tree, and quickly carved it with a knife, and soon a string of wooden pendants took shape in her hands.

She then took out a few spirit stones and arranged a spirit raising array, sealed it in the pendant, and hung it around her neck with a red thread.

I originally wanted to get a bracelet to wear on my hand, but the blood-blooded bracelet took up its place, and I could only carve a pendant.

"You usually stay in this soul-cultivating wood pendant to recuperate. I have set up a soul-cultivating array, which can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cooperate with the soul-cultivating wood to nourish your soul." Lou Muyan raised her eyes and looked at the man.

This piece of soul-cultivating wood, which had been dead, was brought back to life by the green mist spiritual power in her body, and new buds grew. Therefore, the carved ornaments have the effect of normal soul-raising wood.

"Okay, then you're welcome." The man turned into a wisp of black air and got into the pendant on Lou Muyan's neck.

With his methods and vision, it was natural to see that Lou Muyan did not do anything in the formation and soul tree.

"Since we are partners, don't call yourself your seat in front of me in the future." Lou Muyan said after cleaning up the sawdust on the ground.

The man sighed, "Okay!"

"Soul-raising wood is a god-level spiritual item. If I hang it around my neck, I'm afraid that some strong people will see through it. It should be no problem to use your ability as a blindfold, right?" She who can enslave others will never be soft-hearted.

"Okay." After the man finished speaking, a trace of black air emerged from the pendant to wrap it.

After a while, the color of the pendant became much lighter, and the breath of the soul-raising wood on it disappeared, even Lou Muyan couldn't find it.

This also made her more sure of the man's extraordinary origin. Maybe it would be risky to take in this man who was physically damaged, but she liked challenges.

After the two reached an agreement, the man began to practice while hiding the pendant.

Early the next morning, a very pleasant bell rang throughout the central city.

Lou Muyan opened her eyes and a smile appeared on her lips, "The rematch is over."

She took out her identity jade card, and there was indeed a notice to gather in the central square.

It was almost time, she went to the central square with Ye Qinghan and the others.

The person who appeared in the sky this time was an old man with a thin face. As soon as he appeared, the surrounding air was turbulent.

Even if he restrained the breath on his body, the coercion of the strong man was still revealed unconsciously.

The originally noisy central square instantly quieted down, waiting for the Sword Sovereign above to speak.

"I announce that the semi-finals of the Tianling Continent Battle for Hegemony are officially over, and now we are entering the final finals."

The old man's words were very concise, "The top 500 ranked in the standings in this rematch will enter the finals. The finals will no longer adopt the points system. The specific rules will be sent to your new identity jade cards through the formation method."

"Now, take a look at the ranking on the identity jade card. Five hundred people stand on the left and wait to teleport out of the competition space."

"The five hundred people who entered the finals stood on the right, waiting for a unified new identity jade card to be redistributed."

Soon, the central square was divided into two groups of people.

Not long after, several people in uniform clothes took back the jade plaques of Lou Muyan and others, and distributed a new jade plaque uniformly. The jade plaques of the five hundred people were all red in color.

"Your jade cards are now uniformly red regardless of the size of the country. If you want to be promoted to the top 100, the color of the jade cards in your hands must be at least cyan. If you want to be promoted to the top ten, your identity jade card It has to go up to purple."

The old man swept a circle of 500 people who entered the finals. "I won't say more about the specific rules. After you go back, open your identity jade cards to check in detail. Finally, I wish you all good results."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared in mid-air, acting in a very capable manner.

Lou Muyan held the new identity jade card in his hand, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

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