When the rules of the final came out, Lou Muyan was sitting in Xizhaolou with Luo Li and others for dinner.

Si Nan drank the spirit wine that Xi Zhaolou had just brewed, and said with admiration, "Xizhaolou is famous for its spirit wine. This limited amount of spirit wine tastes really good."

"Just this spirit wine is good?" Luo Li sneered in disapproval.

Si Nan's mouth is very open, but this spirit wine is really good for him to drink, "You dislike this spirit wine is not good to drink, so why don't you take a pot out of it?"

"Lou Muyan, get a pot of spirit wine to drink." Luo Li blinked his eyes and said with a smile.

Both Si Nan and He Lianlie turned to look at Lou Muyan, Luo Li could say that, she must have a better spirit wine.

Lou Muyan gave Luo Li a funny look, "If you want spirit wine, just say it."

With a move, she took out three pots of blood sac wine from the space ring and put it on the table.

Si Nan immediately took a new wine glass and poured a glass. The red wine exuded a mellow aroma, and he couldn't wait to take a sip.

"Good wine." He patted the table, looked at Lou Muyan and said excitedly: "Little beauty, you actually have a blood bag of wine in your hand, and you didn't take it out sooner and let us share a thing or two."

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and stretched out her hand, "You want to share! Give me money."

The corner of Si Nan's mouth twitched, "You woman who gets into money's eyes."

"Lou Muyan, where did you get this wine? It tastes the best spirit wine I've ever had." Helian Lie smacked his lips and asked in an unsatisfactory manner.

"I made it." Lou Muyan said with a smile: "These three pots are for you to drink. If you want to buy them directly in the future, three hundred spiritual stones are a pot."

"You steal people!" Sinan rolled his eyes.

Xi Zhaolou's spiritual wine, which can also improve his cultivation, is only sold for a pot of one hundred to two hundred spiritual stones. This woman is the master who specializes in cheating.

Helianlie said speechlessly, "Are you used to robbing people?"

"Hmph, if someone else would sell a pot of five hundred spirit stones." Lou Muyan glanced at the two of them lightly, "Xizhaolou's spirit wine can improve one's cultivation, but it's not as good as my blood sac wine. It’s a long way off, you get what you pay for every penny, if you love it or not.”

Si Nan and He Lianlie drank another cup at the same time, and found that there was indeed a heat flow in their dantian.

"Can your wine be pure and pure?" He Lianlie couldn't help exclaiming after running the heat in his dantian for a week.

Lou Muyan glanced at him: "Bullshit, you guys are good at getting cheap. If I sell it, there will be no shortage of buyers for a pot of five hundred spirit stones."

Helianlie smiled bitterly and said, "Before we were clumsy."

She was right, if this kind of spirit wine was taken out, let alone five hundred spirit stones, even thousands of spirit stones would be afraid that someone would buy it.

"Our focus seems to be wrong." Si Nan's pretty face showed a bit of deepness, "Lou Muyan, you who can brew this kind of spirit wine should be a senior winemaker, right?"

"Three grades." Lou Muyan thought about it and said a conservative number.

"You're not human." Si Nan took a breath, her indistinguishable face had a sense of powerlessness.

How could Lou Muyan be able to change like this? What else can she not do?

Lou Muyan glared at him, "You are not human, can you speak?"

"Cough, I mean you are not a normal person." Si Nan coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

He couldn't offend this vengeful little ancestor, otherwise she would be in trouble if she didn't go back with him to treat her mother and concubine.

Lou Muyan was too lazy to pay attention to him, feeling the fluctuation of the identity jade card, she took it out to take a look.

Helianlie and the others couldn't help but compare the difference between Lou Muyan and Lou Muyan in their hearts.

But I still can't help but want to get close to her, this is the so-called personality charm.

The three pots of spirit wine looked a lot, but there were so many people present that two or three cups per person were gone. Luo Li glared at Si Nan who was about to pour the fourth cup, "I want to drink it myself and buy it with Lou Muyan."

Immediately, he picked up the last jug of wine and quickly filled the person who had only drank two glasses.

Si Nan's face darkened, Luo Li always liked to oppose him.

"The rules for the finals are out." Lou Muyan took her mind away from the jade badge.

Others also took out their identity jade cards and scanned them.

"The finals need to start from the central city and rush to Zhuxian Mountain, which is thousands of miles away. Before entering the mountain, you will have a decisive battle with the monsters in the competition space. The swordsman who successfully passes through the encirclement of the monsters will determine the number of monsters killed. The rising color of the jade card."

Luo Li frowned and said: "In the final battle with the monster clan, the death rate can be as high as 60% or more. Sword masters who are unwilling to take risks can apply for withdrawal. This is a joke with our lives. ."

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Si Nan raised his eyebrows, "The top 100 in the finals are not so good."

"Sword masters who successfully pass the decisive battle need to rush to the top of the mountain quickly, and there will be countless obstacles in the middle. The first 100 to reach the top of the mountain will be the top 100 in this competition and are eligible to join the six major sects."

"There is a hall on the top of the mountain, there are ten gates in total, and the ten people who reach the top of the mountain first enter. They will meet randomly to clear the final battle, and the one who can pass the last gate will be the first place in this Continental Wind and Cloud Contest, and so on, and the second place will be placed. Daomen's second place..."

"The rules of this competition are different from the previous competitions." He Lianlie said with a bad face.

Luo Ye put away the jade card in his hand and said, "Every hundred years, the finals of the Continental Hegemony Tournament will change the rules, because there will only be a big battle between humans and monsters every hundred years, and ours happens to be a hundred years. ."

"Why do you want to have a big battle with the demon clan?" Helianlie asked.

"It is said that the number of monsters in the competition space cannot exceed the number stipulated by the human powers. Otherwise, if there are too many high-level monsters, the space will be chaotic, and it will inevitably affect the future competition for continental hegemony." Luo Ye did not hide it. What you know is secretly spoken.

"I see, but after a big battle, the 500 people we have entered the finals will probably be cut in half." Si Nan sneered.

The motherboard side didn't take their lives seriously at all. Although they could understand the principle of natural selection and survival of the fittest, they were still a little uncomfortable.

"The organizer will assist, and the number of people should not be cut in half, but at least a hundred people will inevitably die." Luo Ye's voice was a little cold.

Lou Muyan pursed her lips and pondered. She suddenly thought of the Thunder Emperor she met in the Luoxia Mountains. The demon cultivator and her agreed to meet in the Continental Hegemony Tournament. Could it be related to the final battle between humans and demon clan?

She always felt that there were some secrets hidden in this space, maybe she could solve it when she met Lei Huang.

At the same time, there was an independent hall in a place where there were thunderstorms and thunderclouds spread all over the sky.

At the top of the main hall sat a stern-looking man in blue clothes wearing a crown. He shook his glass, looked up outside the main hall, and said to himself, "Is it finally coming?"

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