When the old man with green beards heard Lou Muyan's sarcastic words, his beard twitched in anger, and he decided to teach her an unforgettable lesson for the rest of his life.

He knew that if he couldn't hurt her with the previous two moves, he had underestimated this woman who could kill Sheji and her brother.

He raised his head and roared, and instantly transformed into his body, looking at Lou Muyan with cold eyes.

Lou Muyan was slightly surprised when she looked at the big blue-black crocodile in front of her. Because the other party's cultivation base was higher than hers, she only saw that he was a monster with the thunder attribute, but she did not expect it to be a monster. Green crocodile.

"The third trick of the old man is here, you can take it!" The big crocodile opened his mouth and spat out.

Immediately, he moved his body quickly, and after approaching Lou Muyan, the demon power brewing in the body was transformed in the demon palace, and finally he opened his mouth and spat out a lightning ball with lightning.

The thunderball is surrounded by thunder and lightning, and it is still chirping. It doesn't seem to have much energy on the surface, but it hides the biggest trick of the green thunder crocodile.

Lou Muyan sensed a life-threatening danger from the lightning ball, and her eyes became solemn.

"What is that?" Ji Xuan frowned and looked at the lightning ball with fear, always feeling that it could destroy the world.

Luo Ye is blind but not blind. He is also the most sensible of the few. He felt the energy in the thunder ball, and he showed a rare worried expression, "That power is that even if a strong swordsman takes it, he may be injured. , I don't know if Lou Muyan has any trump cards that he can take."

Ye Qinghan clenched the blue veins in both hands, he wanted to step forward to block the blow for Lou Muyan, but was pulled by Lou Mubai next to him.

He looked sideways at Lou Mubai in confusion.

"Trust her." Lou Mubai's eyes were no less worried than anyone else, but she believed in her sister.

Ye Qinghan's footsteps paused, looking at the slender woman who was fighting in the sky and was rapidly condensing the seal, and finally retracted her footsteps.

With Lou Muyan's pride, he definitely wouldn't want him to intervene suddenly. He wasn't afraid to reveal his trump card and identity, but he was afraid that she didn't like his interference.

With a sigh, Ye Qinghan pursed her lips and looked forward quietly, with only the purple shadow in her eyes.

When Bingji saw the lightning ball heading towards Lou Muyan, he couldn't help it. How could such an energy master be able to resist it?

But when he wanted to release the secret method, he was stopped by Lou Muyan with his eyes.

"Mo Yan, let's try your secret technique." Lou Muyan's movements did not stop, and he repeatedly typed out the secret magic seal that Mo Yan said before.

Mo Yan had taught her a secret technique before she fell asleep, and she could use part of Mo Yan's power.

At this time, she really wanted to try the power of the secret technique. She believed that the secret technique that Mo Yan praised would not be too weak.

Standing on Lou Muyan's shoulder, Mo Yan's eyes were as deep as the sea, "Okay!"

After he finished speaking, he muttered a few words in his mouth, and his paws secretly drew a complicated pattern.

Lou Muyan felt a gentle force coming from her body, but she didn't reject it. Instead, this force quickly blended with her spiritual energy.

She could feel Mo Yan's spiritual fire, and she could even mobilize some of the ghost fire if she wanted to.

The lightning ball landed on top of her head and exploded instantly, and the thunder and lightning smashed from top to bottom, as if to chop her into ashes.

As soon as she raised her hand, the golden flying swords formed sword arcs and flashed out quickly, forming a cyclone of gossip formations above her head.

Immediately, a layer of orange with a silky purple shield suddenly appeared on her body, and her hands were also wrapped in a layer of such flames.

The golden sword formed an arc formation of gossip swords, which blocked the attack of the thunder ball.

She quickly changed the seal, and the sword array also changed, and the golden arc sword light flew out from the gossip sword array and slashed towards the thunder ball.

The thunder and lightning that came down from the thunder ball hit shadows under the golden arc sword light.

This is a sword formation she researched by combining a set of swordsmanship in that local-level swordsmanship, and it is very powerful.

However, after all, this thunder ball is the strongest move of the eighth-order peak monster beast. The sword array resisted for a while and let out a buzzing sound, and the golden sword light gradually dimmed.

After Lou Muyan finished the last seal, a cluster of dark purple flames seemed to light up in his eyes, and he saw that the golden sword arc was annihilated and collapsed by lightning.

With a wave of her hands, all the ten flying swords in the sword formation formed a giant long sword and slashed towards the thunder ball fiercely.

The blue-bearded old man's slightly cloudy eyes concealed a trace of fear, he snorted coldly, opened his mouth, and a blue-red glow spurted out of his mouth.

As soon as the azure light fell on the thunderball, the strength of the thunderball that had been weakened suddenly skyrocketed, and the azure light flourished.

One after another thunder and lightning smashed down, and the golden sword energy was split and died.

Lou Muyan seemed to have expected it for a long time, and when the lightning struck the golden giant sword, he immediately waved his hand to withdraw the natal magic weapon.

She is still very satisfied with the power of this sword formation. Although that sword skill is only on the ground, there are many laws in it that make her realize a lot of things.

Because of this, she has a great interest in the powerful inheritance hall.

Although she is not a sword cultivator in the Xiuxian world, she is still very interested in kendo, otherwise she would not know the sword formation.

After putting away the natal instrument, Lou Muyan lightly tapped his toes, turned into an orange light and waved his fists and slammed towards the azure light ball.

Her madness and desperation startled the people standing on the city wall.

"Lou Muyan is crazy." Someone sighed with a numb scalp.

This kind of power is a dead word to meet, what did she think? Is it because he thinks he has a long life and wants to die?

Xiao Junyao frowned deeply, he felt Lou Muyan's breath was getting stronger and stronger, and the thin orange light on her hand carried a huge amount of hot energy.

As the temperature around him continued to rise, his pupils shrank. This was the breath of spirit fire. Even if it was suppressed weakly by Lou Muyan, he still noticed that his physique was special.

The indifferent gaze of the stern man who was hiding in the crowd gradually became solemn. The corners of his lips raised slightly, Lou Muyan actually refined the spirit fire, interesting, so interesting!


When Lou Muyan's orange light collided with the thunderball, the entire sky was full of loud noises.

The dazzling light made people squinted, and Lou Muyan's figure was also drowned in the light.

The swordsman on the city wall and the demon cultivator on the opposite side stared intently at the dazzling light. They eagerly wanted to know if Lou Muyan was dead.

After a while, the light gradually faded away.

"Pfft!" A muffled sound crossed.

Immediately, the image of a person is a kite with a broken string falling from a high altitude. The people watching it are startled, and they can't help but lift their hearts, and their eyes are locked on her.

Just when it was about to hit the ground heavily, the figure suddenly stabilized and the speed of the body's descent slowed down for a moment, and finally both feet landed steadily.

The ribbon of her hair had been shattered by the force, and her waist-length black black hair fluttered in the wind, her face was a little pale, and there was still blood on the corners of her lips.

The lavender dress perfectly wrapped her delicate and delicate body, she reached out and wiped the blood from her lips, raised her head and looked indifferently at the blue-bearded old man who was completely shocked.

"I have already taken your three moves, you lost!"

Her voice was not loud, but it filled the ears of everyone on the field.

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