After Lou Muyan took the last move, the energy of the thunderball in mid-air also dissipated in this world along with the orange light from her fist.

The human swordsmen were all stunned. After a while, someone stuttered and exclaimed: "Lou Muyan, this, this is the next step? How, how is it possible?"

"Is she really just a high-level sword emperor?"

"It should be, I heard that she has always been able to fight beyond the ranks."

"Isn't it too exaggerated even to fight over the rank? That's a monster at the peak of the eighth rank!"

"Didn't you see that she was also seriously injured? It took the last of my energy to come and take the last blow."

"In any case, she is really hidden, no wonder she can become a dark horse in the preliminary and semi-finals."

"Yeah! We underestimated her too much before, maybe she can still maintain her dark horse position in the finals."

"That's not necessarily true. She and the demon cultivator are just taking the tricks, not fighting. Xiao Junyao and the others are not vegetarians. It's not easy to compete for the top ten from them."

In fact, although many people were shocked that Lou Muyan could catch the three moves of the demon cultivator, they still did not want to believe that she could rush into the top ten of the finals.

"I'm done!"

Of course, some people were completely convinced by her, and it was not luck that she became a dark horse in this competition.

This kind of energy is not even the sword sect can follow, right? How did she do it?

"Lou Muyan really won't disappoint." Luo Li stared at Lou Muyan with starry eyes.

Lou Mubai and others also breathed a sigh of relief, their palms full of sweat.

They believed in her, but they were also afraid that there might be an accident.

Fortunately, she is always so unexpected.

"How did you do it?" The blue-bearded old man transformed by the green thunder crocodile restrained the disbelief in his eyes.

He couldn't figure it out, even if Lou Muyan had spirit fire, he couldn't take his strongest blow. He vaguely felt that her strength seemed to increase greatly after the sword formation was withdrawn.

But it was only a fleeting feeling, and he had no idea in his heart, so he was very curious.

Lou Muyan poured out a medicinal pill to treat internal injuries and took it. His face was still pale, but he stood proudly and had an outstanding temperament, "You don't need to know this when you are old."

She had just borrowed one-third of Mo Yan's strength to resist the thunder bead, but because the opponent was the most aggressive thunder-type monster, she was still injured.

Of course, if she uses all Mo Yan's power, she will definitely not be hurt, but she will plant the seeds of doubt in the hearts of everyone here, and they will definitely think that she has some magic weapon, and there will be endless trouble.

Now that she is seriously injured, even if those people think it is incredible, they will only fear her, and will not be blinded by the illusory things.

And she just wanted to try the power of the secret method, she would not rely on Mo Yan's power to fight again until the moment of life and death.

"The old man lost, give me the names of the spirit grass and spar you are looking for." The blue-bearded old man's eyes were uncertain, but he could still afford to lose.

This girl does have the means, and it is not wrong for Sheji and her brother to die in her hands.

Lou Muyan's expression improved after hearing his words, she took out a jade slip and used her mental power to engrave the needed spirit grass and spar to the old man, "Then I would like to thank the seniors, you can deliver them to me when the melee is over. Yet?"

The blue-bearded old man did not reply immediately. He took the jade slip and scanned it, and found that although the spirit grass and spar in it were all high-end goods, they could indeed be collected within a day.

"Okay." His voice was a little heavy, and he could tell he was unhappy.

It was the first time that he had been calculated by human beings after so many years, and the anger in his heart could not be extinguished, but there was nothing he could do.

The two sides then resumed the truce for an hour, and the melee began an hour later.

After Lou Muyan returned to the city wall, many people were murdered by Luo Li in order to come up and start a conversation with her.

She was so happy that she found a quiet place and took another elixir to recover quickly.

During the melee, the blood and blood can take the opportunity to suck more blood, and she also has to rush the color on the jade card.

An hour later, a horn sounded in this space, and the men and horses on both sides stood up and jumped out of the city wall. On the plain, the human swordsman and the monster were instantly fighting together.

The sword lights and demon powers of different colors turned the whole sky into colorful colors.

As soon as Lou Muyan jumped off the city wall, he was surrounded by five metamorphosis stage demon cultivators, and there were no less than 100 sixth-order demon beasts.

Luo Li and others didn't see it well, and quickly wanted to rush in her direction for reinforcements, but they were all blocked by the demon cultivators intentionally or unintentionally.

Lou Muyan looked at the three men and two women who dominated her with a half-smile, "You want to besiege me?"

"You have the self-knowledge, hand over the king's Qingzhu and we can keep you a whole corpse." One of the demon cultivators swept the floor and opened Muyan recklessly.

Lou Muyan let out a low laugh and raised his eyebrows: "It's just you?"

The blue-bearded old man would no longer shamelessly attack her in public, but he could instruct the demon cultivator under him to kill her.

But of course she would not be polite to the demon cultivator who came to bully her.

"Hmph, I'm not ashamed to say it." The leading demon cultivator snorted coldly, made a look at the other demon cultivators, and shot Lou Muyan at the same time.

Lou Muyan's mind moved, ten golden swords flew out from her cufflinks to form a sword formation, and quickly attacked.

Several spiritual pets turned into huge bodies, and cooperated with her golden sword to quickly harvest the lives of the monsters that were constantly rushing towards them.

Lou Muyan took a quick step and blasted out with a punch, while controlling the sword formation to quickly kill the enemy.

She and a few demon pets quickly beheaded the five demon cultivators in the metamorphosis stage, turning them into nourishment for blood and blood.

All the way forward, one person and several monsters went to beheaded all the way, and the monsters that attacked her turned into mummified corpses.

Her vigorous melee fighting style has also attracted the attention of many conscientious people.

Two days later, the identity jade card on Lou Muyan's hand completely turned green, and the ranking rushed to the first place, and Chu Han was pulled to the second place.

Another horn sounded, and the time for the melee was over.

And all the human swordsmen who participated in the competition did not take any rest or stop at this time, and they rushed through the encirclement of monsters and flew towards the deep mountains in the distance.

Lou Muyan was no exception. The time to reach the top of the mountain was limited, and all those who could not reach the top of the mountain within ten days would be eliminated.

Of course, the top of the mountain is not so good. Various restrictions, formations, and monster ambush raids are all common occurrences.

After the melee, the alliance was automatically cancelled, and Lou Muyan's group and Ye Qinghan's group rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Half a day later, they rushed to a rainy forest, where the trees and the ground were all dark black, and there was no grass everywhere.

A lot of people in front of them were blocked from the woods, and a few people who were greedy for meritorious deeds stepped into the black soil and all fell to the ground as if they were poisoned. Their bodies quickly decayed and only one remained. With skeletons.

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