The array plate in Lou Muyan's hand was made by himself, only the size of the palm of his hand.

She stared at the array plate intently, and from time to time she walked over to test it with her spiritual power.

Mo Ling walked to her side, and when his eyes fell on her array, he couldn't take it back.

"Lou Muyan, can you show me your array?"

Lou Muyan was contemplating, and when he heard his words, he handed it to him without hesitation.

Not long after, Xiao Junyao and others also arrived here and inquired about the situation of the Black Forest from others.

When he walked to the junction of black soil and loess, his expression changed, and his face sank instantly.

The teammates around had never seen him change his face like this, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Junyao, is there something wrong here?" one of them asked with a little worry.

The people around him pricked up their ears when they heard his question.

Xiao Junyao is a disciple of the Heavenly Secret Palace. In fact, a small number of people here know it, so his words are credible.

Xiao Junyao sighed, "The luck of our sword masters this year is too bad. The Black Forest is the strongest restriction in this mountain."

"What? The strongest restriction? Is it difficult to break?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that it is difficult to break, but it is difficult. A hundred years ago, there was a competition sword master who also encountered the black forest ban on the way, and finally reached the top of the mountain without breaking the ban within the stipulated time." Xiao Junyao's expression was dark, "That session of the entire army Overwhelmed, no one came out of the final."

"What? The whole army was wiped out." Many people present changed their faces when they heard his words.

"Yes, no one made it into the top 100 that time." Xiao Junyao's handsome face could not help but be stained with a layer of sadness.

If they are trapped outside this restriction and cannot reach the top of the mountain, even if he enters the Heavenly Secret Palace, he will not be able to become the core disciple of the outer sect, and he can only start from the ordinary outer sect disciple.

"How could this happen? What should we do?" Many people were completely dumbfounded.

It is impossible for Xiao Junyao to use this kind of thing to deceive them. He is still a disciple of the Tianji Palace by default. Even if he can't become a core disciple, at least he will not worry about entering the palace gate.

But they are different. If you don't rush into the top 100, it will be difficult to enter the sect.

"Brother Xiao, how many people entered the six sects at the end of that session?" Someone asked urgently.

Xiao Junyao pondered for a while and said, "No more than thirty people."

His words changed the expressions of the people present. Some of the disciples who had been appointed by default were a little calmer, but they were still very disappointed. After entering the sect, there was still a big difference between ordinary disciples and core disciples.

Then waves of discussions continued, and negative emotions spread.

"Why don't we try to attack?" Someone suddenly suggested.

Others also agreed, and the dead horse became a living horse doctor.

Xiao Junyao thought about it and nodded in approval: "Let's discuss it."

He looked up and saw that Mo Ling was talking to Lou Muyan not far away, and he was deaf to their reaction, so he turned around and walked over.

"Mo Ling, do you have any countermeasures?" Xiao Junyao knew that Mo Ling was born in a family of array formations. He was a third-level formation mage himself, and was also a disciple appointed by the Heavenly Secret Palace.

Mo Ling's expression was indifferent, and his cold and arrogant temperament added a bit of mystery to his handsome appearance.

"We found a weak point in the ban before, but it will take at least ten days or so to break."

With a solemn expression, he continued: "The most important thing is that we are not sure whether it is a real weak spot or a trap deliberately set by the person who placed the ban."

Since Xiao Junyao knew about the Black Forest, of course he understood that the ban was difficult to break, and he was still a little disappointed when he heard Mo Ling's words.

Even if Mo Ling and others found the weak point of the ban, they couldn't wait ten days.

Leaving the restricted area does not mean that you can reach the top of the mountain safely, there are still many roadblocks ahead, and it will take time.

"Hey, the array plate in your hand is extraordinary!" Xiao Junyao was silent for a while, and when he looked up, he saw the dark golden array plate in Mo Ling's hand.

He has very light psychic blood, and can feel the existence of spirits around him. The array plate in Mo Ling's hand is actually made of extremely cold gold crystals, which is too extravagant.

When Mo Ling borrowed it from Lou Muyan, he naturally recognized the refining materials of the array, and he smiled bitterly: "This array belongs to Lou Muyan, I just borrowed it for a look."

Tianhan Jinjing is one of the best materials for refining the array plate, and the sensitivity of the array plate is many times stronger than that of the ordinary material.

He was fascinated by the way of playing, and wanted to find Tianhan Jinjing to refine a formation plate, but such spiritual things could not be found, and he was still not as lucky as Lou Muyan.

Xiao Junyao was surprised: "It turned out to be Miss Lou's array."

Immediately, he restrained his expression and smiled, "I almost forgot that Miss Lou is also a third-level array mage."

Lou Muyan set up a three-level fire formation during the big battle, which was really rare, and it could even be said that there were almost no people of his age who could achieve such a formation.

She actually owns a formation plate made of Tianhan Jinjing. I am afraid that the hidden background behind it is not simple. This kind of spirit is not something ordinary people can get.

Of course, it is not ruled out that her chances are very good, and with her excellent talent, her future achievements in formation will not be too low.

It's no wonder that the pre-determined disciples of the six major sects have received orders to secretly win over Lou Muyan. If her talent and temperament are focused on training, she will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

Lou Muyan smiled and said nothing, Xiao Junyao's prestige among the sword masters in the competition space is very high, very cohesive, and it is not as simple as the surface elegance.

"Since we can't break this restriction for the time being, why don't we give it a try?" Xiao Junyao looked at the two and asked.

He is a layman in terms of formation and restraint. Among the people here, Mo Ling and Lou Muyan are the strongest in formation.

"You can try." Mo Ling pursed his lips, and after thinking about it, he looked up at Lou Muyan and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's better to try several methods." Lou Muyan smiled lightly.

She has a 100% confidence in breaking this ban, but she won't say it now, let these people toss it first.

She didn't ask these people to have a grateful heart for her at that time, she just hoped not to cause trouble for her.

"Then try it first."

Xiao Junyao then organized a group of people to attack Mo Ling and several other array mages to the designated positions by various means in an attempt to forcibly break the restriction.

Lou Muyan did not join their ban-breaking army, and still took the array to research and explore.

This kind of restriction is not difficult for her spiritual world power, but she found that the person who arranged the restriction had several subtle methods, so she took the array and wanted to study more.

Three days later, I don't know who touched a point in the ban during the storm, and I saw a light suddenly emerge from the ground of the black forest.

Many people were pleasantly surprised that they thought they were cats and dead mice to break the ban, when suddenly a black transparent mask shrouded the whole forest, and the air also had a strange smell of silk.

"No, back quickly." Mo Ling's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted.

A few people in front accidentally touched the black mask, screamed in an instant, and fell to the ground with trembling and foaming at the mouth.

"What's going on?" Xiao Junyao's face was extremely ugly.

Mo Ling's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, "Someone accidentally touched the prohibition organ and activated it completely. Now we want to break it, it's more difficult than going to the sky."

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