The few people in front were quickly carried back by the same group, and those present did not dare to approach the black transparent mask.

Xiao Junyao asked two pharmacists to quickly come forward for treatment, but after taking a few pills, it was ineffective.

"The poison they have is so strange that we can't solve it."

"Ah!!" The harsh screams of several people continued to sound, and the scalps of the surrounding people were numb.

Lou Muyan swept the poisoned sword masters, and found that one of them had said two good things for her when others ridiculed her on the city wall, and the others had not spoken to slander her, apparently they were a group of people.

She frowned, walked to a few people, took out a bottle of medicine pill and threw it to them, "Eat it."

Those few people felt unbearable pain as if they were being burned by fire, and they couldn't think of any reason why Lou Muyan would harm them, so they took the medicine pill and swallowed it quickly.

After a while, several people gradually regained their calm, the burning sensation on their bodies was replaced by a coolness, and they also knew that Lou Muyan's medicinal pill had detoxified them.

"Thank you Miss Lou for saving me, I will remember this kindness later."

Several people expressed their gratitude to Lou Muyan. If it weren't for her detoxification pill, they would have gone to see Hades at this time.

"No, it's easy." Lou Muyan smiled indifferently.

It doesn't matter if she looks at the people who are pleasing to the eye and saves her. If it was replaced by the people who quietly scolded her the most fierce before, she would definitely be too lazy to care.

And her calm behavior also made the people around her stagnate. The poison that the two pharmacists could not solve was solved by her medicine pill, which shocked them and also wanted to make a good relationship with one or two. Can I buy some spares.

"How did you guys get poisoned, do you have any special feeling?" Xiao Junyao asked.

"We were attacking the place designated in the ban, which was closest to the black mask, and we were poisoned by the black light when we didn't retreat in time," said one of them.

Another person said: "After being poisoned, the whole body is like being roasted in a furnace, and the burning is worse than death."

Several people still have lingering fears when they mention this, and the pain will make them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

Xiao Junyao's face darkened and he asked Mo Ling, "What should we do now?"

"There is no way. If the activation ban was not triggered before, there is still a chance of breaking the ban within ten days, but now that it is fully activated, it may not be broken even in a month." Mo Ling's arrogant face showed that he had never past decadence.

He really tried his best for the ban, but he couldn't see through the mystery.

Hearing what the genius of the formation, Mo Ling, said, the swordsmen present were all saddened. Could it be that they are going to pack up and go home this time?

Yan Jun and others didn't look good either. They had spies from the six major sects who came to win over them, but if they couldn't get to the top of the mountain, they couldn't get into the top 100, and they wouldn't be able to enter the sect because of the core disciples of the outer sect. Treated differently.

"Lou Muyan, have you found the flaw?" Yan Jun inexplicably raised a glimmer of hope in his heart after seeing Lou Muyan detoxifying several people and continuing to play with the array plate near the black mask.

Si Nan and the others also approached to ask. Lou Muyan's formation skills were even higher than Mo Ling's. Although there was little hope, it was better than total despair.

Lou Muyan glanced at Yan Jun and nodded: "I did find it."

This ban has been thoroughly researched by her. In fact, it is better to break the ban if it is fully activated. At least the weak point is exposed more clearly.

"What? Are you joking?" A young man beside Xiao Junyao couldn't help but doubt.

Here Mo Ling just announced that they cannot break the ban, and they may be eliminated. Here Lou Muyan said that she has found a flaw. What are you kidding?

Lou Muyan glanced at the man lightly, her face darkened: "Do I have to make a joke about this?"

"Sorry, I was impatient for a while, and it didn't make any sense." The man immediately apologized to Lou Muyan when he saw Xiao Junyao cast a reproachful look.

If Lou Muyan broke the ban because of his words, no matter if it was true or not, the people here would definitely blame him.

"Lou Muyan, have you found the weak point of this ban?" Mo Ling's eyes showed a strange brilliance.

Lou Muyan pointed to a position under the black mask and said, "There is a place to break the ban."

Mo Ling and several other array mages quickly took out the array plate and walked to the position that Lou Muyan said to squat down to investigate. After about half an hour, they stood up.

"This is indeed the weak point of the ban." Mo Ling's dignified face did not relieve, seeing many people's eyes with joy, he couldn't help pouring a basin of cold water when he changed his words, "But this weak point needs to be in the formation. It is very difficult to crack the array, at least there is nothing I can do."

Although the other wizards are only second-level, they still have some eyesight, and they are even more powerless.

"We are also powerless."

The formation of the formation is not something that ordinary people can set up. It not only requires the formation master to have an innate keen sense of the formation, but also needs to be proficient in calculation.

The hope that had been ignited was vanished by a few people pouring cold water. Isn't this more uncomfortable than direct despair?

"Since Miss Lou sees this weak point, is there any countermeasure to break the ban?" Xiao Junyao had a kind smile on his handsome face.

Xiao Junyao's words also awakened the others, who all turned their attention to her.

"I can break this restriction." Lou Muyan nodded and smiled, and the self-confidence and self-confidence on his body was revealed unconsciously, which made people feel dazzling.

Although he still didn't dare to believe that Lou Muyan could really break this restriction that even geniuses such as Mo Ling couldn't break through, there was still a glimmer of hope in everyone's heart.

Thinking of Lou Muyan's three moves before taking on the eighth-order peak monster beast, the gloomy faces of many people eased a lot. With her hidden methods, it may be possible to break it.

Ye Qinghan and the others absolutely believed in Lou Muyan's ability, and there was expectation in their eyes.

"Then I will trouble Miss Lou today. If there is anything you need help, feel free to speak up." Xiao Junyao spoke very politely.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Okay!"

She didn't want to delay any longer. Although she knew the method of cracking two days ago, she didn't say it immediately.

One is to wait for these people to toss for two days, and the other is to not want to expose his talents and methods so quickly.

She walked to the weak spot and took out a few round and shiny white jades and buried them in the ground outside the black mask, and then took out a pair of black formation flags and planted them on it.

Her hands formed seals, and one after another array of seals was punched into the array flag. After a while, the array flag emitted a layer of soft light, and several beams of light went straight into the ground.

Immediately, everyone saw her sitting cross-legged, and her hands didn't stop printing, and strips of jade-colored runes drilled out of her body and fell into the formation flag.

An hour later, Lou Muyan's seal ended, and there were additional formations of runes with runes at the weak point.

She recited a few words in her mouth, two fingers a little, a beam of light fell straight down, and the formation suddenly seemed to be alive and transformed into a jade dragon with the thickness of a hundred fingers.

Some of the jade dragons got into the ground, and the rest all flew into the air, roaring a few times in the air, and they all jumped on the black mask and began to bite.

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