My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant (Trash Against the World: Black-Belly Evil Wife is Too Arrogan

Chapter 301 It's just to see that you are not pleasing to the eye

Everyone was stunned when they saw the hundred jade-colored Fulong roaring out of the formation, biting and swallowing the black mask in one bite.

The jade dragon with the thickness of the fingernail gradually grows and becomes larger after swallowing the energy of the black mask. Although the speed of eating is fast, it still takes a while.

Lou Muyan used a lot of spiritual power to arrange this formation, and she poured out a Huiling Pill to take.

"Miss Lou, are you a third-grade medicinal pill to restore Yuan Power?" Xiao Junyao's eyes turned and he looked at her with a gentle smile and asked.

Lou Muyan stood up and stroked his sleeves, "It's a third-grade Hui Lingdan, what's wrong?"

"Returning to the Spirit Pill?" Xiao Junyao's eyes crossed doubts. He had never heard of this kind of pill, but he knew that it was extraordinary just by smelling the incense.

"I don't know if Miss Lou has any extra pills? Can you sell them to the next one?"

"Do you want to return to Lingdan?" Lou Muyan looked at him with a half-smile.

"It's not just Huiling Pill, the girl just now wants to buy a few pills for them to detoxify." Xiao Junyao is not hypocritical.

Lou Muyan pondered for a while, then smiled: "A sword master with a sword sect cultivation base can restore at least half of his Yuan force with Huiling Pill, and there is no time limit, and it will not affect the battle. I can sell two to You, one thirty thousand spirit stones."

"The detoxification pill can detoxify hundreds of poisons, of course, poisons like the ancient strange poison cannot be cured." After a while, she added: "A ten thousand spirit stone, these two kinds of pills are good medicines for life. , I also sold it to you at such a cheap price because you are very pleasing to the eye."

She wrapped her arms around her, as if you had earned it, "Of course, you don't need it if you think it's expensive."

"..." Everyone couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths when they saw her smug little appearance.

However, the price of this kind of medicinal pill is really fair. If you get it in an auction outside the competition space, you will probably be able to get more than 40,000 spirit stones for just one Huiling Pill.

After all, there is no time limit, and the pills that can restore Yuan Li during battle are not necessarily available for money.

Pill Building sells two batches every year. Not only is the price very high, but it can only be bought through relationships, and it has long been monopolized by big families.

The most important thing is that according to what Lou Muyan said, the effect of Huiling Pill to restore Yuan Power is even better than that of Pill Building's third-grade pill, which is indeed a life-saving pill.

Imagine two fellow practitioners fighting with swordsmen with similar strengths. If one side takes the next Spiritual Return Pill when their life is at stake, it will definitely break the tie and kill the other side.

It can be seen how valuable recovery medicine pills are.

Many people are excited and want to buy it.

"Okay, then I will thank Miss Lou for your love." Xiao Junyao looked at her with a funny look, took out a bag of spirit stones from the space ring and handed it to her.

Lou Muyan took out two porcelain vases and threw them over. Xiao Junyao could make friends with him. Judging from his style of doing things, he was smooth but not bad.

When she was challenged by the eighth-order demon cultivator that day, Xiao Junyao stood up to defend her, no matter what attitude he had, at least it wasn't a hypocritical attitude.

Seeing that the transaction between the two was successful, many people also came over to buy.

Lou Muyan looked at a few people who had secretly slandered her as being very powerful and wanted to buy medicine pills, and said indifferently, "I only sell it to the handsome, you don't have to."

Her words almost didn't make a few people spit blood, what is it to sell only to the handsome? Are you looking for something to sell?

Several people touched their faces, although it is true that Xiao Junyao does not look as handsome, but it is not bad!

"Miss Lou means we don't look good to you?" one of them asked with a worried expression.

Lou Muyan nodded: "You guys are quite self-aware."

"You..." The man was so choked by her that he didn't know what to say. "If you don't want to sell it, just say it. Why make excuses like this. You are too contemptuous of others."

"I just don't like you guys, so I don't sell it, how can I have an opinion?" Lou Muyan sneered and raised an eyebrow.

These people really pushed their noses and shamed their faces, so she didn't bother to pretend to be snakes with them.

"You are too arrogant." The other person's face showed a bit of annoyance.

They are Nanxun's affiliated sword masters, and all interests are centered on Nanxun's prince. Before, he said behind his back that Lou Muyan also wanted to cater to Nanxun's prince, but he completely offended her.

But even a dependent country is a descendant of a big family of a big country. Because he has a good relationship with Prince Nanxun, he has long developed a arrogant and domineering temperament in his own country. He was immediately angry when Lou Muyan said this.

"I'm just being arrogant, what are you going to do?" Lou Muyan glanced at a few people, "Are you going to fight? I'll accompany you to the end, let's go together."

Then she stretched out her hand and rubbed it, as if ready to fight.

A few people choked, seeing her using fire formations and violent hand-to-hand combat, and a few mighty seventh-order spiritual pets, plus she could take three attacks from the eighth-order peak monster beasts. Stupid, fighting with her will definitely make her nose bruised and bruised.

They had seen what the second prince looked like when he was beaten by the group last time.

Seeing that several people were cowardly, Lou Muyan was no longer in the mood to hurt them. These few timid swordsmen were really not worthy of her to play with them.

"Lou Muyan, don't deceive people too much, you have so many seventh-order spiritual pets, how can we be your opponent." Someone shrank his neck and shouted.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and sneered: "So what if you bully you? If you have the ability, you can also let a few seventh-order or eighth-order spiritual pets bite me! You really take ignorance as fun."

"You..." Several people were speechless by what she said.

If they had a few seventh- or eighth-order spiritual pets, they would have released them to bite people without her telling them, so why should they be afraid of her?

"Shut up." Prince Nanxun frowned and scolded several people.

What are these idiots doing to provoke her if they can't beat Lou Muyan? It wasn't his face that he lost.

Besides, they still have to rely on her to break the ban and leave her alone. Who are they going to cry for?

A few people were swept away by Prince Nanxun, and they didn't dare to talk to Lou Muyan. The most important thing was that they were the losers regardless of their combat power or war of words, so they retreated unwillingly.

None of the people here are fools, and they can see that Lou Muyan not only has clear grudges, but also holds grudges very much.

Thinking of how violently she killed the sixth- and seventh-order monsters with her fists during the melee, they couldn't help but feel chills down their spines.

I was secretly muttering in my heart that it would be difficult to provoke this little aunt.

An hour later, the black mask above the black forest had been swallowed by the jade dragon, and the hundred talisman dragons combined into a giant dragon.

Devouring all the power that enveloped the black forest, the giant dragon roared and quickly got into the black soil in the center of the forest.

About an hour later, everyone saw that the color of the land in the black forest gradually faded, and finally turned into a normal khaki, but the color was darker than the loess outside.

The surrounding trees withered one after another, and finally turned into piles of powder that were blown away in this world.

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