Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan sat on the ice halberd and kept changing direction and flying, followed by a large swarm of red bees.

"We've been around outside for more than two days, and if we don't go back, we won't be able to catch up with the election sect." Lou Muyan turned to look at the dark red bees behind and caressed his forehead silently.

Ye Qinghan was also quite helpless. He didn't expect that the red bees would be so stubbornly chasing after them that they couldn't get around them for two days.

"Why don't we go back to the top of the mountain. As soon as the gathering spirit formation opens, the large formation near the building will also open, and the monsters under the ninth order can't get in at all."

There are too many red bees and they can't kill them all. Besides, there are thousands of them in the seventh order. If they don't want to die, they can't fight hard.

And as long as they are still in this space, these red bees will not give up, after all, they have taken their new emperor away.

"Okay, that's all there is to it now." Lou Muyan nodded in agreement, and let the ice halberd fly towards the last gathering place.

After half a day, everyone except Ye Qinghan and Lou Muyan gathered in an open space outside the building.

Lou Mubai's faces were a little anxious, worried that something had happened to the two of them.

Luo Li and the others were also full of worry. He asked Lou Mubai and the others, "Where did Lou Muyan go? Why hasn't he come back now?"

"I don't know, she only said she went out for a few days." Lou Mubai sighed, and then said firmly, "Yan'er will definitely be back."

The final time was getting closer and closer. When the elders of the six major sects appeared, the hearts of Lou Mubai and the others sank.

When the elders of the six major sects arrived at the open space for the first time, they found that Lou Muyan was gone.

Just when the burly old man of the Eight Extreme Sect wanted to ask, suddenly a blue-blue light rushed over from the distant horizon, and two embarrassed figures jumped from the green luan.

Everyone looked at the two people whose clothes and hair were a little messy. Before they could speak, there was a sudden burst of harsh "humming" sounds in the sky, from far to near.

Immediately, an overwhelming black shadow shrouded the sky outside the formation.

"What is this?" someone exclaimed.

"God, why are there so many red bees?" Some of them recognized the groups of monsters.

When many people heard the word red bee, their faces changed greatly, their scalps became numb, and they took out magic weapons and prepared to escape.

However, as soon as the swarm of red bees approached the building, a distant white aperture immediately drilled out from the ground and covered the surroundings.

The swarms of red bees slapped on the aperture shield one after another but couldn't take a step further. Many red bees were even killed by the power inspired by the large formation as soon as they touched the white aperture.

The continuous Chifeng rushed towards the big formation without fear of death, and was finally swept away by the white projection forces in the formation, and finally annihilated in this space.

Seeing this, the red bee behind did not dare to rush forward, and could only stare at Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan with his fangs open.

The people present were relieved when they saw this, and they all turned their attention to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan, a woman who can cause trouble too, has attracted such a large swarm of red bees in just a few days.

"Lou Muyan, if you don't want to kill us, don't hurt us!" A swordsman who usually doesn't like her said with a worried expression.

The rogue Lou Muyan shrugged and said, "I'm going to rush back to participate in the final selection. They just want to follow me, and I can't help it!"

She and Ye Qinghan also dared to lead here because they knew the existence of the Great Array. Otherwise, even if they gave up the selection, it would be impossible to bring the Red Wasp to harm others. They have not yet been so cold-blooded.

"You are arrogant." The man trembled when he saw her eyes becoming colder, and snorted, turning his head away and saying no more.

Lou Muyan won the first place in the Tianling Continent hegemony competition. No matter if she enters that sect, she will definitely be the target of training. In addition, her strength is really strong, so he should not provoke her.

After all, although she attracted the red bees, they were blocked by the organizer's large formation, and they were not in any danger.

Lou Muyan saw that many people didn't say anything, but their faces were not good. After thinking about it, she took out a bucket of century-old royal jelly, blinked her eyes and said innocently: "We also want everyone to have a game together, and now we have to separate. I should send some gifts anyway, so I went to dig out the red honeycomb and get some royal jelly for you as a souvenir."


Seeing her innocent expression and her words, everyone couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths. Whoever believed her would be hell!

However, she said that, the people present will not be bothered anymore. The most important thing is that red bee jelly is a good thing. Regular drinking can prolong life, improve cultivation, and improve beauty.

Red Wasp has the innate ability to hide its aura, and it is difficult to find even a strong swordsman.

Last time Lou Muyan chased a monster and made a mark where it went by mistake. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find Chifeng's lair if he went for it on purpose.

"Haha, the little girl Lou is really generous, this hundred-year-old red bee royal jelly is a good thing!" The elder of the Eight Extreme Sect happily walked to Lou Muyan and looked down at the royal jelly in the bucket, his mouth smashed.

He likes delicious spiritual things the most, and this royal jelly is one of them. If you get some to make mead from a sommelier, the taste will make people drool.

Mead also has the effects of expanding blood vessels, strengthening the body, and prolonging life.

Lou Muyan saw that the red-haired old man's nose was about to touch the bucket, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and he felt a little more favorable for his straightforward performance.

The other elders of the six sects also showed surprise and enthusiasm in their eyes when they saw the royal jelly.

"What's the name of this senior?" Lou Muyan asked with a smile.

The elder of the Baji Sect raised his head reluctantly, and his old face smiled like a chrysanthemum, "This old man is the elder of the Baji Sect, Ao Rong, why does the little girl want to give me some royal jelly as a souvenir?"

"..." The other elders of the six major sects couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths together. Ao Rong was too shameless and skinless. Asking for something from a junior, I'm really embarrassed to say that.

Lou Muyan smiled sincerely, "Okay! Everyone who sees has a share, not only seniors, but also seniors from other sects, and it can be regarded as a gift for juniors and seniors to meet for the first time."

Her subtext actually means, I have given you a greeting, are you embarrassed not to return the gift?

Since she took out a bucket of royal jelly to share with everyone, she naturally wouldn't ignore the elders of the six sects.

Lou Muyan robbed the entire hive of royal jelly. This century-old royal jelly was still easy to flush out of the hole, and there were still hundreds of barrels in the space.

She still has hundreds of barrels of royal jelly that are hundreds of years old, or even thousands of years old, so it is really trivial to take out a barrel to dispel everyone's grievances and win people's hearts.

Seeing Lou Muyan's generosity, other people feel pained, doesn't she know the value of century-old royal jelly? It takes tens of thousands of spirit stones to buy a bucket like this, and it is often priceless in the market. It is most popular among female swordsmen.

Her old lady looks like a rich local tyrant, it's really hard to beat!

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