The other elders of the six major sects were naturally comfortable when they heard Lou Muyan say this. They were also very interested in the century-old royal jelly, but they couldn't be as shameless and skinless as Ao Rong and took the initiative to ask for it.

"Little girl Lou is so generous, this old man likes a junior like you." Ao Rong rubbed his beard and smiled.

He became more and more pleasing to Lou Muyan. Before, it was mainly because of her talent, but now it is because of her temperament that suits his appetite. Such a good seedling must be dug into the Eight Extreme Sect.

"Thank you for your love, senior!" Lou Muyan smiled humbly.

"Buzz!!" A harsh scream came, and the red bees chasing Lou Muyan flew several waves from a distance one after another, a large area of ​​darkness.

Under the control of several seventh-order red bees, the sixth-order red bees desperately collided with the white mask of the formation.

One wave was killed by the formation, and another wave rushed up again, not afraid of death.

And all the red bees were staring fiercely at Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan with fangs, and they had clearly recognized their appearance and aura.

Lou Muyan and Ye Qinghan glanced at each other and found the speechlessness in each other's eyes, these red bees really didn't give up.

Chifeng rushed into the formation desperately, rushing again and again, rushing and dying again. The people present were not fools, so naturally they wouldn't believe Lou Muyan's rhetoric, nor would she believe that she only had such a few hundred years. Royal Jelly.

"Lou Muyan, what are you doing with these red bees? Why do they look at you and Ye Qinghan as if they were killing their father's enemies."

Some people guessed that Lou Muyan and the two must have got something good in the red bee's nest, otherwise they would not be hunted down by the red bee swarm.

Lou Muyan then showed an innocent expression, "Qinghan and I accidentally discovered the red bee's nest, and then we thought about getting some royal jelly back, but who knew that we only got two buckets before being discovered by the red bee queen. "

"She screamed and called for her companions. We could only take action and cut off one of her wings, so we completely stabbed the basket and were chased by these red bees for several days."

Immediately, she took out the queen bee's wings that had been dismembered long ago from the space ring.

And as if to confirm what she said, those red bees went crazy when they saw the translucent wing, and all of them stared at the big red eyes and rushed into the formation regardless of their death, as if to snatch the wings back. Same.

"..." After listening to Lou Muyan's explanation, everyone saw that the severed wing was messed up.

What kind of guts does she have? He actually dared to take Ye Qinghan to stab the red honeycomb, and not only that, but also cut off the wings of the red bee emperor.

Everyone agreed in their hearts that it was Lou Muyan who encouraged Ye Qinghan to go. Only this crazy woman would do such a crazy act, and a stable person like Ye Qinghan would definitely be dragged away.

I have to tell the truth about these people!

"Cough cough..." Ao Rong glanced at the wings on the ground, then looked up at the red bees who were madly beating outside the formation, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, he didn't dare to provoke the red bees, Lou Muyan This girl is too brave.

Anyone who knows the information about the red bee knows that the most important thing in the red bee queen is not her gestational sac, but her wings.

Her wings can naturally absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and convert it into something that can help fertility. Only after the mother red bee absorbs it can she continuously breed red bee colonies.

Lou Muyan chopped off one of the wings that the family depended on for survival, and ran away while holding it. It's no wonder that the red bee queen is not crazy. She directed the group to hunt down and attack Lou Muyan. Excusable.

"Little girl Lou, how did you cut off the wings of the Scarlet Bee Queen?" The elder of the Imperial Beast Sect respected both of them, and asked in a gentle tone.

How could the two most powerful sword masters in the sword sect have penetrated into the red bee hive, this is the question in everyone's heart.

Lou Muyan blinked, took out a used invisibility amulet and said, "Qinghan has this thing, so we dared to sneak in all the way to get royal jelly. Who knew that we were stared at by a pair of big eyes after only two buckets were filled. Now, when I heard her scream, I didn't think much of it and slashed it with my strongest sword skill."

"I cut off a wing of the red bee queen before it could resist, and then we ran away with this wing."

After finishing, she sighed regretfully, "It's a pity that I only got two barrels of royal jelly."

Naturally, she would not expose the contract with the new queen mother, let alone make them suspect that she got something good from her. Therefore, before deciding to lead the red wasps back to the top of the mountain, she had thought out a countermeasure and rhetoric, let alone worrying about it. They will not believe it.

Those red bees looked at her and Ye Qinghan as if they had a feud to destroy the family. If it was impossible for only two barrels of royal jelly, they would at least be suspicious of her words.

Her current cultivation base is not high, and the principle of not revealing her wealth will work everywhere.

If the Imperial Beast Sect knew that she had the bee pupae of the Red Bee Queen in her hand, she would probably use all means to take it away.

"..." Seeing a bit of annoyance on her stunning little face, she didn't worry about the red bees at all, but felt that she was at a disadvantage to get two barrels of royal jelly, and everyone present silently rolled their eyes.

If you can get two barrels of royal jelly, what do you want? And one of the most important wings of the mother emperor has been cut off by you, which is a priceless treasure.

The Chifeng Empress's wings are one of the top-quality materials for refining tools. Is she making a fortune?

This is still disgusting, so how can they be envious and envious of their human feelings!

There was an arc on Ye Qinghan's lips. Lou Muyan made up stories in a set way. She didn't dislike her like this. On the contrary, her appearance made him feel very cute.

He is from a big family in the Eastern Region, and it is reasonable to say that he has one or two invisibility talismans in his hand. After all, their Ye family also has a background.

However, if the invisibility talisman was made known to others by Lou Muyan, it would be difficult to explain. Lou's family would never be able to afford such a talisman.

Lou Muyan didn't want to reveal that she knew how to make talismans.

"Although the red bee swarm is strong, the red bee queen is very fragile. It is normal for you to successfully attack her and cut off one of her wings."

Ao Rong then looked at the two with disapproval and said, "But your approach is too risky. It is not impossible to be buried in the hive in order to order royal jelly. In the future, the main thing is to protect your life and safety."

"Thank you for your teachings, senior." The two of them said at the same time.

Although Ao Rong's words were reprimanded, they were also for their own good, and neither of them would compare.

It was rare for the other elders to agree with Ao Rong's words unanimously. If the two of them died like this because of some rare royal jelly, it would be a loss for their six major sects. After all, they were both in the top ten.

After listening to Lou Muyan's explanation, seeing the wings she took out, and the madness of the red bees, everyone present believed her words, and no longer doubted that she got some kind of treasure before being chased by the red bees. .

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