Lou Muyan could understand Jun Luochen's hostile voice.

If she is betrayed by someone close to her, her body is destroyed, and her seven souls and six souls are separated from her body, she will take all the grudges and go back to take back her own things when she gets the chance, and she will send the enemy to hell and will not survive.

"Is the demon cultivator in the deep mountains from your demon domain?" Lou Muyan asked.

Jun Luochen snorted with disdain: "Just rely on them? I am from the upper realm, and they are just demons in the lower realm."

"Is the upper realm also divided into many interfaces?" Lou Muyan was actually curious about the upper realm in their mouths.

Jun Luochen was slightly surprised to hear her question, apparently she didn't expect that she didn't know about the Upper Realm.

"Didn't the demon king on your shoulder tell you?"

Lou Muyan glared at Mo Yan with her beautiful eyes, "He said he would tell me when I had the strength."

"It's time for her to know, you tell her." Mo Yan's voice sounded faintly.

Now Lou Muyan, this woman, has provoked the Demon Venerable of the Demon Domain. Once the two cooperate, they will definitely go back to the upper realm in the future.

"The upper realm is called the Guangling Realm. There are not many interfaces, but there are four major areas, namely the human realm, the demon realm, the demon realm and the sea area."

Jun Luochen paused and continued: "Although the Guangling World is only divided into four major regions, the area is very vast and boundless. If a high-level swordsman wants to travel through the entire Guangling World, I heard that it will take at least a thousand years. Or on the premise of not encountering danger and resistance."

"Is the sea area where the sea clan lives?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

She was not surprised by the vastness of the Guangling World. After all, the area of ​​the spiritual world that she once lived in was also vast and boundless, with numerous races.

"Yes, among the four major domains, the sea clan is the strongest existence, but there are traces of the sea clan on your interface."

"It's useless for you to know the other news now. You will know it naturally when you reach the Guangling Realm." Jun Luochen replied.

Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows, but didn't ask any more questions.

Now she still has so many things to deal with on this interface, and she doesn't have much energy to devote to the ethereal upper bound, so she only knows one thing.

Lou Muyan chatted with Jun Luochen along the way, and learned a lot about magic cultivation.

After half a day, they arrived at the location where the Tianji Palace signal was released.

At this time, the disciples of several other sects were already waiting there, but except for the disciples of the Tianji Palace, the disciples of other sects were relatively embarrassed, and even the number of personnel was severely reduced.

"Are you all alright?" The leader of Haoyuezong couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw that Gu Xiu and the others were not only unharmed but also safe.

Gu Xiu snorted coldly: "Do you really want to see something happen to us?"

"Hehe, how could it be..." Haoyuezong's disciple also knew that he had made a blunder, and smiled embarrassingly, but he was secretly resentful.

This time, their Haoyue Sect suffered the heaviest losses. Not only did they lose three inner disciples, but they also lost two holy treasures before beheading those demon cultivators.

"Brother Chi must have something important to call us here, right?" Han Yi stepped forward and asked the cultivator in Tsinghua.

Ming Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, his handsome face showing a rare dignified expression, "We caught a leader of the group of demon cultivators, and we found from him that the missing disciples of the six sects are now trapped in Yinsha Cliff."

"What? You're actually trapped in Yinsha Cliff." The leading disciple of the Imperial Beast Sect exclaimed.

Yinsha Cliff was different from the three mountains they had visited before, it was the most dangerous place in Luogui River. The evil spirit at the bottom of the cliff is even the strong sword saints dare not go deep, aren't they courting death?

"Are we going to Yinsha Cliff? That place is not something we can go to." The leading disciple of Haoyuezong immediately objected. They have already damaged three people, and if they go to Yinsha Cliff, there may be no return.

Ming Xiu glanced at the two of them indifferently, "The place where the missing disciple is trapped is not at the top of the Yinsha Cliff, and it is still some distance away. Now that we have accepted the mission, we should go and check it out."

"Of course, if any of your disciples wants to back down, I won't stop me." His eyes were dull, but he held a look of contempt, which made several leading disciples feel pressured.

"Our Baji Sect will never back down." Gu Xiu said without hesitation.

Han Yi then said, "Our Sword Sect will not back down."

"Let's go too." Yaozong's leading disciple said with a frown.

After listening to the promise of the three, Ming Xiu nodded with satisfaction, and turned his eyes to the disciples of Haoyue Sect and Imperial Beast Sect.

Under his pressure, the two leading disciples could only grit their teeth and agree, "Naturally we will not back down."

"Very well, don't delay any longer, and leave now." Ming Xiu retracted his gaze and disappeared in this space first.

The disciples of the other sects did not dare to neglect, and quickly followed.

Lou Muyan pouted, Ming Xiu looks like a king wherever he goes.

"Smoke, did you find anything?"

A magnetic clear voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"I think the magic cultivator had ulterior motives for trapping the missing disciple on the Yinsha Cliff. Maybe he deliberately diverted our vision." Lou Muyan pondered for a moment and replied.

The eyes of Ming Xiu in the front were filled with a smile, "Yes, their purpose should be for the soon-to-be-born obsidian fluorite in Luogui River."

"You asked the disciples of the six major sects to go to the Yinsha Cliff to investigate on purpose to let those demon cultivators relax their vigilance." Lou Muyan always knew that the cultivators were very scheming.

"Well, after arriving at Yinsha Cliff, we will act according to the opportunity. When the birth time of the obsidian fluorite you estimate is approaching, we will come to tune the tiger away from the mountain and go back and grab it." Mingxiu never hides his dark side in front of Lou Muyan. one side.

Lou Mu's lips raised an arc, "What about the disciples of other sects?"

"It's enough to ensure their safety. If you want to get a share of the pie, you have to see if they have the ability." Ming Xiu obviously didn't take the other disciples of the Six Sects seriously. He has this arrogant capital.

Lou Muyan was not prepared to share the heaven-level spirits with other disciples of the sect so generously. Those who could grab her would not destroy her, but they would not help either.

She has reached the pinnacle of the realm of comprehension with the water attribute Yuanli. She can enter Dacheng with just an opportunity. It is necessary to have a handy water attribute natal magic weapon.

"I met an extraordinary incarnation of a demon cultivator before, and it exudes a strong aura. If the real body comes to snatch the obsidian fluorite, we may be in some trouble." Lou Muyan remembered that the man in black reminded the cultivator. road.

Ming Xiu's eyes concealed a very faint fighting intent, and his thin lips overflowed in an arc, "Isn't it too boring to have no strong opponent to snatch the obsidian fluorite?"

"That's right, the Luogui River will be very interesting in a few days." Lou Muyan also showed an eager look, she liked to join in the fun the most.

Besides, the obsidian fluorite was not even discovered by the magic cultivator before it was born. Those who saw it had a share, so she and Ming cultivator made a deal.

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