Yinsha Cliff is deep in the forest directly opposite the Luogui River. The disciples of the six sects came along and encountered a lot of miasma and monsters.

After that, they were attacked by six waves of magic cultivators in a row. Once they entered the opponent's formation, they didn't need to break the formation at all. Ming Xiu could find the weak point and cut through the formation with his own strength.

Under the great power of Ming Xiu, not a single disciple was injured.

The impressive strength he showed also completely shocked the disciples of the six major sects. The number one disciple of the inner sect of the Tianji Palace was indeed well-deserved.

Mingxiu's white clothes are out of the dust, and his steps are light, like an exiled immortal, noble and noble, giving people a feeling of unattainability, which makes many female disciples who want to come forward and show it off, and can only watch dumbfoundedly. His figure became more and more obsessed.

Lou Muyan's eyes are clear and clear, she really has a love between men and women for Ming Xiu, and she wants to find a man who can stand side by side and pursue the Dao together.

Ming Xiu was the first man who made her heart move. The feeling was amazing, and it was a bit exaggerated to fall in love at first sight, but it was true that she was moved unconsciously in the few meetings.

Of course, she is not a dodder who needs to cling to a man to survive. In addition, most of the relationships established between them are based on feelings, and they have never experienced life and death together, so she now has feelings for meditation. It's not very deep, and it's even less likely that he's lost his way because of him.

Strengthening the Dao Heart and pursuing the Dao of the ultimate powerhouse is still her biggest pursuit at present.

"Brother Chi's formation skills are too strong. Could it be that he is already a fifth-level formation wizard?" Han Yi saw Ming Xiu splitting a large formation again and easily strangling the three junior sword master demons who attacked. , suppressed the vibration in his heart and asked with a smile.

Ming Xiu replied with a light smile: "It is true that he has been promoted to the fifth-level array mage."

Han Yi's temptation was also what other people thought, and many disciples took a deep breath when they learned that he was already a fifth-level formation master.

He was only 22 years old when he was only 22 years old when he was talented in the formation technique, and he was so accomplished that he could be as beautiful as the number one formation formation among the inner sect disciples of the Baji Sect.

Lou Muyan's eyes overflowed with a little smile. Ming Xiu only said that he was a fifth-level formation mage, and these people were shocked. If he knew that this fellow was already a seventh-level formation mage, he would not have been shocked.

Not to mention the cultivator, she is already a fifth-level formation mage, it seems that there is no fuss.

If the disciples of the six major sects who specialize in the formation method hear Lou Muyan's ventriloquism, they will not be beaten to death, who can compare with the two perverts/perverts!

Wherever the fifth-level wizards go in the entire Tianling Continent, they are the objects that others cater to, and they can also become more powerful elders in the alliance of the wizards.

"Brother Chi's talent for array formation is really unreliable." Gu Xiu quickly restrained the shock in his eyes and said with a smile, "I heard that Brother Chi had been promoted to a 5th-Rank Item Refiner a year ago. I'm afraid it's not far from the sixth grade now, right?"

"There is still some distance." Ming Xiu smiled lightly and did not say much.

It was not easy for the others to ask any more questions, but they were all amazed, and an unsurpassable sense of respect for him grew in their hearts.

Ming Xiu is known as the number one person in the inner door of the Heavenly Secret Palace not only because of his talent in formation and refining, but also because of his talent in cultivation.

"Ming Xiu, has your Item Refining Technique reached the seventh rank?" Lou Muyan said through a voice transmission.

Ming Xiu's eyes as deep as stars melted into a soft color, "I just entered the seventh rank some time ago."

"Perverted/perverted." Lou Muyan raised her eyebrows and uttered two words after a moment.

You must know that the highest evaluation level of the refining technique in Tianling Continent is only tenth grade, and it is said that the first person in the mainland is only eighth-grade refiner. It is not impossible to break through tenth grade with the powerful talent of Mingxiu.

"You can also refine sixth-grade medicinal pills, right?" Ming Xiu's gentle and clear voice carried a smile.

"Well, I can barely make a sixth-grade medicinal pill." The firmness in Lou Muyan's eyes became even stronger.

She also cultivated to the stage of forming a pill before refining the sixth-grade medicinal herbs, and she had to use spirit fire to assist her, so her strength still needed to be strengthened.

Her cultivation speed is already very fast in the eyes of others, but in fact it is the result of her constant suppression, otherwise she is afraid that she has advanced to the peak of Jianzong now.

"Your talent for alchemy is really strong." Ming Xiu didn't expect Lou Muyan to actually be able to refine a sixth-grade medicinal pill.

The fact that his formation and refining equipment can reach level 7 is not simply because of his excellent talent. There is also something to rely on, and her talent for alchemy can't help but be amazed even in his capacity.

"By the way, what level of magic weapon is the ice bracelet you gave me?" Lou Muyan thought about it and asked the question in her heart.

Ming Xiu heard the word "ice bracelet" and glanced at Sweeping Lou Muyan's wrist, with a smile like a spring breeze on his lips, "I'm not sure, but the ice bracelet was passed down as a treasure by my mother. At least it's an artifact."

He didn't want to show off to Lou Muyan how valuable the things he gave her, but hoped that she would better understand the magic of the ice bracelet.

"Aren't you afraid of punishment for giving me the treasure of your mother's family?" Lou Muyan's brows were a little tight.

"This is what my mother gave me to give to my future daughter-in-law. Since I have decided on you, it is naturally yours." Ming Xiu did not hide it.

Lou Muyan twitched at the corner of his mouth, "It seems that the ice bracelet was given to me when we first met, right? Could it be that you fell in love with this girl then?"

"At that time, I only thought you were more interesting, and I didn't really like it, but there was a voice in my heart that asked me to give it to you. Later, it was proved that the judgment in my heart was correct. You are the woman I want to find for my life." Ming Xiu's tone is sincere, and it is indeed from the heart.

Lou Muyan chuckled and teased: "It seems that this girl is so charming that you fell in love with me the first time."

Ming Xiu listened to her silver bell-like laughter, and if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to put her in his arms and hug him tightly.

"My woman is naturally charismatic."

"You're enough!" Lou Muyan found that Ming Xiu's love words made her almost unable to resist, and she was too thick-skinned.

"I said it according to my heart." The corners of Ming Xiu's lips rose again.

Lou Muyan smiled and changed the subject, "Do you know the purpose of the ice bracelet?"

"I know a little." Ming Xiu said, "The ice bracelet is an ancestral thing of my mother's family, and it is only passed on to my daughter-in-law. Although it has been passed down for dozens of generations, the person who can really make it recognize the master has always been No."

"I heard from my mother that when the ice bracelet is turned on, it has the effect of inducing the growth of spirit grass. As for the more usefulness, we can only know after recognizing the master. If the ice bracelet recognizes the master, as the cultivation level increases, it will gradually be used. Open, there must be unexpected surprises." Ming Xiu finished in one breath.

Lou Muyan was stunned. What surprised her most was that the ice bracelets had been passed down for so many generations and none of them had succeeded in recognizing their masters.

But she was obviously connected with the ice bracelet, and the soft kindness that the ice bracelet exuded to her showed that it had recognized her as the master.

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