Elder Tianxuan chatted with Lou Muyan for a while, and then let her leave after giving her some cultivation experience.

After Lou Muyan left, the ancestor of Yuchan walked out of the wooden house.

"Senior brother, I didn't expect you to accept this little girl as your apprentice."

His senior brother didn't like trouble the most. When he accepted that disciple, it was because he was a close friend. Although he had some guesses in his heart, he didn't expect that he actually accepted Lou Muyan.

"This girl is smart and polite, she won't be as troublesome as other disciples." Elder Tianxuan stroked the teacup and said lightly.

Ancestor Yuchan twitched the corners of his mouth and whispered in his heart: That's why you don't know how much trouble this little girl can cause...

However, he was not going to tell the old man Tianxuan about where Lou Muyan went to cause trouble before. Instead, he was looking forward to waiting for the girl to stab the basket and come back to see how this simple and refined senior brother would deal with it.

His apprentice brother was a lonely person and didn't seem to care about anything, but he was the most protective of his faults. It was also a blessing for the little girl Lou Muyan to have the chance to worship at his door.

Lou Muyan didn't know that the ancestor of Yuchan regarded her as a troublemaker. After she went back to refining the talisman for a night, she was summoned to the main hall the next day.

At this time, besides the sect master and several house masters, there were many disciples standing in the main hall of the sect master. When Lou Muyan entered the hall, many people's eyes were cast on her obscurely.

She was not the last disciple to arrive. Several people came after her. She found that besides the newly promoted inner disciples who participated in the six major sects, there were a few more faces in each courtyard.

When everyone had arrived, the sect master looked at the disciples below and said, "The competition of the six sects will be held at the Heavenly Secret Palace next month, and we need to arrive early."

"You are all elite disciples selected by each academy this time. I hope you can live up to your high expectations and achieve good results in the competition."

"This competition is related to the number of places to enter the land of inheritance. The sect requires you to fight with all your strength. If you can win the top three in the six competitions, you will be rewarded with 500,000 contribution points when you return to the sect. The famous person will be rewarded with a Martial Skill of the Heavenly Rank."

Hearing that the Sect Master promised such a big reward, the eyes of many new disciples became hot.

They are different from Lou Muyan, who can only slowly accumulate Contribution Points after being a newcomer to the inner sect, but spending is faster than accumulation, so hearing that they can get 500,000 Contribution Points is like a chicken blood.

"Sect Master, if the six competitions are in the top three, can the contribution value rewards be superimposed?" Lou Muyan asked.

"..." Hearing Lou Muyan's arrogant question, many people rolled their eyes in their hearts. Did she die when she was a genius and elite disciple of other sects?

At present, all the participating disciples knew that Lou Muyan, in addition to the strength battle, would also represent the Fifth Academy to participate in the five-skill competition. When they heard the news, the entire inner sect disciples were in an uproar.

In particular, several disciples of the Fourth Academy who were expected to be selected to participate in the competition of the six sects were also disqualified because of this, and they resented her in their hearts.

During Lou Muyan's retreat, no less than ten people had passed her the challenge book, but they were all ignored by her.

The reason why she was resented and remembered was because the strength she showed did not stop people, so most people in the inner sect believed that she had received the special care of Elder Ao and the Master Huo by relying on her talent for comprehension. Occupying so many places, I am not convinced at all.

But whether they responded directly to the head of the academy, or challenged Lou Muyan and hoped that she would have the self-knowledge to give up the quota, they all failed. This made two-thirds of the disciples present deliberately alienate and dislike her. .

The sect master knows Lou Muyan's ability and temperament. This girl can only be so active in front of her contribution points and rewards.

He smiled lovingly and said, "Of course it is possible. If you can get into the top three in the six competitions, you will be rewarded with three million contribution points. The winner can choose from six heaven-level exercises or martial arts."

Many people took a deep breath when they heard this temptation, and their hearts were even hotter. This kind of reward is really moving.

Of course, some people remained calm and were not overwhelmed by temptation.

If the Eight Extreme Sects can use heavy rewards to motivate their disciples to strive for the top three, then the senior leaders of other sects will naturally do the same.

How can the top three of the six competitions be so easy to get, not to mention that their sect is still at the bottom every time.

"If you don't want to choose other rewards for martial arts and martial arts?" Lou Muyan asked persistently.

She is also going to make a high profile this time. After all, both the joint rewards of the six sects and the individual rewards of the sects are very attractive, don't be a fool.


The corners of everyone's mouth couldn't help but twitch. What does it mean to be able to choose other rewards? It's like she has won the championship in six competitions.

Many people wanted to reprimand her, but because of the presence of the Sect Master and the female Tyrannosaurus Huo Linglong, they could only bear it.

"Then what reward do you want?" The sect master looked at her amusingly.

Based on what he knew about Lou Muyan, this girl would not be so overbearing, the more confident she was, the happier they were.

"For example, contribution points or spirit stones, spirit grass or something." Lou Muyan shrugged.

Tianjie's exercises are really not very attractive to her, and there are very few who can look like her.

After all, as a great power in the spiritual world, she has collected a lot of exercises and martial arts of the heavenly rank, even those of the gods, such as the magic of the witch gods she practiced.

The Sect Master silently stroked his forehead, and he guessed that this girl would be like this...

"Naturally, it's possible. If you can really win the first place in various competitions, you can use the value of the heavenly rank to convert it into contribution points or spiritual stones and other things for you after you come back."

"This way I can rest assured." Lou Muyan nodded and smiled.

You must know that even if you get the first place in the six competitions, you will only have 3 million contribution points, but it doesn't cost anything!

After she comes back, she will definitely go to the eight elemental underground palaces to practice, and cultivating above the seventh floor is a large contribution value, and 3 million seems to be not enough.

"..." The other disciples were all speechless to her at this time, so what did she tell her to be at ease? Just don't know.

The sect master also saw that many disciples were somewhat hostile to Lou Muyan, but he believed that this girl would be able to deal with it.

In fact, he had no idea in his heart. Although he knew that her talents were excellent, he really didn't know how it would be in actual combat.

Now Lou Muyan has been accepted as a direct disciple by the ancestors of Tianxuan, and he will definitely have a bright future in the future.

He only hoped that she could perform exceptionally this time, not to mention the top three in six events, as long as there were two in the top three, they were all satisfied.

The idea of ​​the sect master was also the idea of ​​several college masters. Even Huo Linglong didn't dare to hold on to Lou Muyan's hope of entering the top three in six items, and it would be a good result for the talisman and formation to enter the top three.

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