The sect master said a lot of encouraging words to the participating disciples, which made them all red and excited, as if they were going to win the top three.

"I won't say more about the rest. After arriving at the Tianji Palace, there will be a referee who will tell you the rules."

"This time, the six major sects are led by the fire master of the Fuyuan and the Feng master of the Danyuan. You must obey their orders and don't make assumptions." The suzerain swept the following the disciple said.

"Disciple obey!"

Immediately, Linglong Huo and Master Feng took the group out of the hall. Master Feng waved his sleeves, and a dark and sealed flying instrument suddenly became larger, and then a gate opened automatically.

"Come up, all of you." He walked in first and said.

The group quickly walked into the cabin, and Dean Feng pointed at random, "You can choose a room to live in. If you have anything, you can come to me and Master Huoyuan."

A group of disciples quickly found a room and got in, Lou Muyan chose the one in the corner.

Not long after I sat down, I heard a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw Zicheshi, Di Shitian and Yin Hong.

"Three brothers, please come in."

The three walked into the room and sat down. Seeing a pot of fragrant spirit tea on the table, Zi Che Shi smiled and said, "Junior sister, the quality of this spirit tea is not low!"

"It's alright, the three senior brothers have a taste." She sat down and brewed a cup for each of the three.

The three of them took a sip and their eyes brightened, "Good tea."

When they entered the room, they smelled a refreshing and fragrant tea fragrance. They guessed that the quality of Lingcha would not be low, but when they tasted it, they realized that they underestimated Lou Muyan.

This is the rarest special spiritual tea in the Tianling Continent. Even the sect master cannot drink it often. How did she get it?

Although there are a lot of questions in their hearts, the three of them are not fools, and naturally they will not ask questions.

"Is there something wrong with the three senior brothers?" Lou Muyan asked with a light smile.

Ziche Shi took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "The three of us heard that Junior Sister has a kind of nourishing pill, but the fourth-grade pill has the effect of fifth-grade, so we also want to exchange contribution points for one."

"Of course, if Junior Sister is inconvenient, you can pretend that I didn't say anything."

"It's just for three pills. Since my brother has opened his mouth, I still want to give it to me." Lou Muyan took out three bottles and put them on the table, reminding: "Nourishing Luodan can be used to warm the meridians. Diligent cultivation, but best taken in the elemental underground palace."

"We have also heard about this, and now we want to exchange it back in advance before taking it."

Now there are many disciples who have the idea of ​​playing Lou Muyan to raise Luo Dan, and they are afraid that they will not be able to exchange the medicinal pills too late, so they took advantage of this opportunity to be alone to try it out.

Unexpectedly, she agreed without hesitation, and the three of them became a little closer to her in their hearts.

After assigning the sect's contribution value to Lou Muyan's identity jade card, Di Jitian pursed his lips and said, "Junior Sister Lou, all the disciples who participated in the six sect competitions this time are all arrogant, and many people disagree with There is a lot of criticism that you occupy six places by yourself, if someone is sneering and sarcastic, Junior Sister will ignore it."

"I don't care what attitude they have towards me. In this world where strength is respected, the fist is the boss. If they refuse to accept it and dare to maliciously target me, then I will tell them the truth with my fist." Lou Muyan smiled indifferently. laugh.

She doesn't care if it's just cynicism, but if anyone dares to step on her bottom line, she will definitely let them taste her fist.

Ever since she saw Huo Linglong's obedience and obedience to several hospital masters in Zongmen, she found that fists are the last word, so why bother, just hit the server directly.

What others think of her is someone else's business, as long as she lives freely and wantonly.

"..." The three of them couldn't help but twitched their lips. She didn't care what others thought of her feelings. They absolutely believed that if anyone angered her, she would directly serve her with her fists.

Lou Muyan and the Huoyuan Master have been together for a long time, and they will inevitably have a tendency to be violent. Now the beauties are all so strong, so how can they be arrogant men!

"Senior brother, I see two unfamiliar faces in each hospital. I haven't seen them in the assessment competition of the newly promoted inner door. Are they also going to participate in the competition of the six major sects?" Lou Muyan looked at it. Asked about the child car world.

Zi Che Shibei was seen as a silent person in the sect, but the connections behind him were definitely very deep, and even after entering the inner sect, he was like a duck to water. A new disciple can see that he is extraordinary if he can do this.

"They are the hopes of the various schools, and they are also the direct disciples of several school masters or vice school masters in the sect. Although they are new disciples of the inner sect, they rarely show up. In fact, they are super talents that the sect has quietly cultivated. "

There was a hint of sarcasm in Zicheshi's eyes, "Not only does the Baji sect secretly cultivate such disciples, but the other five sects also do the same. What we say is good is to compete for rankings, and when we say bad, it is to cover up their identities. It's just a shield."

"Is there such a thing?" Lou Muyan rubbed the teacup with a chuckle. No wonder those people looked at her with particular hostility and contempt. The feeling was that she felt too good about herself.

"They are different from us. They have been valued and cultivated by the sect since childhood, and we entered the sect through our own efforts." Emperor Killing Tian said with deep emotion.

He wanted to befriend Lou Muyan, not only because of her excellent talent and destined to be extraordinary in the future, but also because they had similar experiences.

They used to be the wastes of the famous empire. They found the opportunity to become geniuses in the mouths of others, but they knew the hardships themselves.

"They are full of confidence and disdain for the rising stars like us. When the time comes, we will use the facts to slap them hard." Lou Muyan said casually: "As long as they don't offend me, it's fine, otherwise they will be considered fellow students. I won't be polite either."

"Well, they look down on us, and we don't necessarily look down on them. We'll see if it's a mule or a horse." Ziche Shidan said with a smile.

Lou Muyan could hear that the three of them had a lot of opinions on the "hope" of the various academies.

"Junior sister, there will be a large-scale auction in Tianyuan City, and the disciples of the six sects will participate. If you have something you want to buy, you should prepare the spirit stone in advance." Hope," and changed the subject.

"The auction in Tianyuan City? Will it be held before the competition of the six major sects?"

Lou Muyan found that she had spent too much time in retreat recently and knew too little about the outside world.

In the future, it seems that she should go out more and make friends with some disciples with good character in the sect. The network is something that must be established even if she steps into the ranks of the strong in the future.

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