The Tianyuan Auction House was built in the central area of ​​Tianyuan City. At this time, the open space outside the auction house was almost full of luxury cars.

Huo Linglong and Master Feng took the group out of the carriage and walked into the auction.

At this time, the whole auction room was brightly lit, and there were large and valuable night pearls inlaid everywhere, high-profile and luxurious.

Teams of silver armored soldiers patrolled outside the gate of the auction, all of whom were Sword Sovereign cultivation bases. They all looked serious and maintained the order around them.

At the gate stood more than a dozen Tianyuan City stewards in uniform costumes. They were receiving guests from various major forces and individual sword saints who arrived one after another.

A strong aura unwittingly emanated from everywhere, and the strong gathered like clouds.

"Master Huo, Master Feng." A steward saw the group and immediately greeted them with a smile, "The private room of the Baji Sect has already been prepared, please come with me."

The Tianyuan Auction is a high-level auction of the same level as the Silver-level Auction of the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce. The people who can participate in the auction have very extraordinary identities and backgrounds, and the auction positions are very scarce.

Except for the Tianji Palace, which has two private rooms, the other sects have only one private room, and the same is true for other top forces.

With a red smile on his face, Master Feng asked as he walked, "Have all the other sects arrived?"

"Except for the Tianji Palace and Haoyue Sect, which have not yet arrived, the other sects have arrived one after another." Although the steward showed a respectful attitude towards the strong, he was neither humble nor arrogant.

Dean Feng nodded: "The two of them like to take Joe the most."

The steward smiled and couldn't answer his words, so he led the group into a special private room on the second floor and immediately ordered the maid to serve tea.

"House Master Huo and Master Feng, if I have something to do next, I will retire first." The steward hugged the two of them and said with a smile.

"Go get busy." Huo Linglong said lightly.

The private room is very large, more than 20 people are not crowded at all, and each seat has a button for bidding.

On the opposite side of the location, there is a transparent crystal wall that can clearly see the situation outside, but from the outside, the wall of the private room they are in is black, and isolates the spiritual power from prying eyes.

"If you want to make a bid, just press the red button on your seats." Huo Linglong said lazily as he sat on the front row of seats covered with plush animal skins.

"Disciple obey!"

Master Feng walked up to her and sat down, sighing: "I haven't participated in the Tianyuan auction for more than ten years. I don't know if I can meet something tempting this time."

When they reach their cultivation level, there are really not many things that can really be seen.

"You won't mind the colorful glazed tripod in the finale?" Huo Linglong glanced at him and said.

Master Feng smiled bitterly: "My net worth is not as rich as those immortals. I'm afraid it will be difficult to photograph that colorful glazed cauldron tonight."

Their juggernaut-level powerhouses are naturally not cheap, but the resources for cultivation are also high, and the spiritual stones that can be used in and out are actually relatively limited.

"That's right, I just saw that the old man from the Tianji Palace Danyuan is dead. He is very rich. It's very difficult for you to compete with him for the colorful glazed cauldron." Huo Linglong said with a schadenfreude smile.

Master Feng twitched the corners of his mouth. This female Tyrannosaurus really has a black heart. At this time, he only knew how to read his jokes.

"But if you take out the few treasures in your hand and put them up for auction, I believe that the immortal old man is definitely not your opponent." Huo Linglong looked at him with a smile instead of a smile.

Master Feng's eyelids twitched, it seemed that the female Tyrannosaurus was still trying to figure out his spiritual thing.

"I have the treasures of heaven and earth, do you think that the old man will not die?" Feng Yuan said angrily: "Those few things will be useful for me to advance to the Sword God in the future, and it is not worth using me for a magic cauldron. ."

"It's up to you, anyway, there is a good show to watch tonight." Huo Linglong took a sip from the teacup, and then frowned, "Tianyuan City is too stingy, to actually entertain us with this kind of spirit tea."

Master Feng knew that Huo Linglong was someone who liked to join in the fun and stir up trouble, and also understood what she meant when she said watching a good show, but it would be too stingy to say that Tianyuan City was too stingy.

He picked up the spirit tea and took a sip, "This is already high-grade spirit tea, what else do you want?"

"Go down first." Huo Linglong instructed the maid who was making spiritual tea for them.

The maid also heard that the other party was dissatisfied with the level of Lingcha, but this was indeed the highest-level Lingcha used to receive distinguished guests. Just when she was thinking about how to deal with it, she did not expect that the Fire Court would ask her to retire.

"Yes." The maid respectfully left the private room, and immediately went to the steward to report the matter.

"This tea is already very good, your stomach is too much." Feng Yuan said with a frown.

The female tyrannosaurus chased away the maid who brewed the tea, does she want him to make tea by hand?

Huo Linglong ignored him and said leisurely, "Little girl, let our Master Feng taste your tea-making skills."

Her lazy voice was undisguised with a show-off gesture, which made everyone present couldn't help but twitch.

What is there to be proud of and show off when Lou Muyan can make tea? The Lord of Fire is really not something that mortals like them can understand.

"Yes." Lou Muyan rolled her eyes in her heart, walked over to sit down, thought about it, raised her head and asked, "What tea do the two principals want to drink?"

"There are many more varieties of this tea?" Master Feng's attitude towards Lou Muyan was relatively benign.

"Well, in addition to the usual spirit tea, there are also honey tea and spirit fruit tea." Lou Muyan replied with a smile.

"Honey tea." Huo Linglong said.

Lou Muyan nodded, took out a set of his own tea set and spirit tea and started brewing, and then took out a pot of red bee royal jelly about three hundred years old and added it to the spirit tea.

As soon as the jar of royal jelly was opened, a sweet but not greasy fragrance spread throughout the room in an instant.

"Is this a century-old red bee royal jelly?" Master Feng looked at the jar in surprise.

"Yeah." Lou Muyan replied, but the movements in his hands did not stop.

Everyone saw that she was brewing spirit tea with graceful appearance and flowing water, and her temperament was dusty, and her appearance was stunning, like a beautiful ancient picture scroll, which was pleasing to the eye and intriguing.

After a while, the private room was filled with the refreshing aroma of tea, and the smell alone was unforgettable.

"Sure enough, it's a good tea." Master Feng took a sip of a cup of honey tea handed over by Lou Muyan, his eyes lit up, but he thought that the tea was brewed with royal jelly, and he even dug out a piece of it. Big spoon, he felt a pain in the flesh.

This century-old royal jelly is an excellent auxiliary material for refining several 4th and 5th grade medicinal herbs. If you join the alchemy together, not only will the grade of the alchemy be improved, but long-term use will also have the effect of prolonging life. s things.

"Is it too extravagant to make tea with century-old royal jelly?" He couldn't help but sigh.

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