After hearing what Master Feng said, the other disciples present couldn't help staring at the white porcelain jar on the table.

They all know the value of royal jelly for a hundred years, and they also know that Lou Muyan doesn't seem to lack this thing. After all, the beauty pill in her hand is made from royal jelly.

"Is it extravagant? The owner of this hospital not only drinks honey tea every day, takes beauty pills made from royal jelly, but also often drinks mead, which is something you can't envy." Drink honey tea.

Master Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The normal life of this female Tyrannosaurus was so good? What makes him enviable?

Hmph, if it wasn't for the fact that the old disciple of the Array Court brought Lou Muyan to the Fuzhuan Court, who would drink this honey tea?

"Girl Lou, do you have a lot of royal jelly in your hand?" Master Feng ignored Huo Linglong's pride and asked Lou Muyan with a loving smile.

Lou Muyan consciously held a cup of honey tea and sat next to Huo Linglong. She raised her head and smiled and said, "The disciple still has two cans. If Master Feng wants it, he can sell one to you."

"..." Master Feng and the other disciples stopped when they heard her words.

Shouldn't it be a delivery? This woman really got into the eyes of money, and she didn't even give face to the head of the house.

"Junior Sister Lou, you are too fond of one over the other." A relatively straightforward disciple of the Dan Academy said, "You gave so much royal jelly to the Master of the Fire Academy, but we asked the Master to buy it. This is a bit unreasonable."

"Isn't it justifiable?" Lou Muyan blinked innocently, "I am a disciple of Fuyuan, and it is right for me to give royal jelly to the dean, but the dean of Feng is not my dean, so it's not good for me to get close on purpose. ?"

"If I chase behind Master Feng to deliver royal jelly every day, then I'm afraid it's you who should be worried." She added bluntly.

She could see that Master Feng wanted royal jelly, but why did she give it to him when she didn't have a good relationship with him?

When Huo Linglong made her brew honey tea, it must be something that she wanted to deceive old man Feng. She didn't have time to cooperate, so how could she send it to her door for free?

"You..." The man was so choked by Lou Muyan that he didn't know what to say.

Lou Muyan is not a disciple of their alchemy courtyard, and it is normal that they do not give it to the academy master, and if she really surrounds the dean behind the dean every day to be diligent, if she becomes a celebrity, then it is not necessary to overwhelm the disciples of their alchemy courtyard. ?

"It's just a big deal." Huo Linglong's glamorous face showed a bit of contempt, "Lao Feng, you are also the head of a house, so you're too embarrassed to take things from the younger generation for nothing?"

"What's the point of exchanging something for royal jelly with the junior?"

"..." The corner of Feng Yuan's mouth twitched, and he finally understood what this bitch was going to do.

"It's natural, as an elder, how can I ask for something from a younger generation?" He scolded Huo Linglong over and over again, then looked at Lou Muyan kindly and asked, "Little girl, I'm very interested in your royal jelly. , I don't know what you want to exchange?"

Before Lou Muyan could speak, Huo Linglong smiled and said, "Didn't you get the lotus seeds of a rank nine ice king lotus? Just take five or six and exchange them."

"..." Master Feng had a mouthful of blood stuck in his chest, and this female Tyrannosaurus was too shameless.

He only got a dozen lotus seeds from the Nine-Rank Ice King Lotus, but she actually asked for five or six.

Centuries-old royal jelly is indeed a good thing, but the lotus seeds of the nine-turn ice king lotus are not weak at all. If it is used to refine medicine pills, it is beneficial to the advancement of the ice attribute sword master, and it is also beneficial to the sword saint who cultivates the ice element.

"Huo Linglong, I'm asking Lou girl, not you." Master Feng took a breath and smiled and looked at Lou Muyan and said, "Lou girl, do you also want lotus seeds from the Nine-Rank Ice King Lotus?"

He thought that such an obvious refusal should be understood by Lou Muyan.

"Since the Master Feng is so generous, I can't be more polite. I'll exchange a jar of royal jelly for the lotus seeds of the Nine-turn Ice King Lotus." Lou Muyan lowered her head and restrained herself, pretending to be embarrassed.

But she laughed in her heart. The lotus seeds of the Nine-Rank Ice King Lotus are the main ingredients for refining ice-type medicine pills. Refining the medicine pills is very useful for her to understand the ice-energy attribute.

If the ice halberd and Miaomiao take it, it will not only help improve the perception of the ice attribute, but also promote the advancement.

"..." Master Feng's smile froze. This girl looked simple and straightforward on the surface, but in fact, just like Huo Linglong, she was cunning and black-hearted.

"What? Lao Feng, do you want to repay the debt?" Huo Linglong suddenly restrained his smile, and looked at Master Feng with a gloomy expression, the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Master Feng took a deep breath and said without a smile, "How could it be? Is this old man such a stingy person?"

Immediately, he took out five lotus seeds that were the size of a fingernail with icy blue fluorescent light and handed them to Lou Muyan, "Lady Lou, put it away."

"Thank you, Master Feng!" Lou Muyan took the lotus seeds with a smile and handed over a jar of royal jelly.

Huo Linglong caught the annoyed look of Master Feng, and he felt very comfortable. This old man is the most stingy among the masters of the five courtyards. I won't kill him today.

If Lou Muyan's Bing Luan Divine Beast consumes a few lotus seeds of the 9th Rank Ice King Lotus, it should be able to go a step further in the competition of the six sects.

The disciples present, especially the disciples of the Dan Academy, looked at Lou Muyan with envy and hatred.

This woman is really lucky. Not only is she daring and arrogant, but she is also supported by others. Even their house owner has been tricked. Their hearts are really sour and angry.

Master Feng put away the royal jelly, took a cup of honey tea and took a sip to reduce the fire. The value of five nine-turn ice king lotus seeds was greater than a jar of royal jelly that was a hundred years old. This was a huge loss.

If Lou Muyan was a disciple of their alchemy courtyard, he would not feel distressed, but the other party was the most proud disciple of the mother tyrannosaurus, which made him have an indescribable feeling of disgust.

The most important thing is that he still sent it to the door himself to be pitted.

Huo Linglong was too lazy to care if he felt comfortable, as long as she and Lou Muyan were comfortable.

Seeing that Master Feng was in a bad mood, she had to endure a smile. She gave Lou Muyan a very good look in a good mood.

Lou Muyan vaguely returned a look of "Thank you, the master".

Sitting behind the two of them, Jian Yang naturally caught the undisguised eye contact between the two, and couldn't help but stroke their foreheads. With Lou Muyan, their hospital master was even more excited, but why was he so relieved...

In the past, they always suffered losses to the disciples of the Upper Pill Academy, especially since the entire sect's medicine pills came from the Pill Yard. Usually, if they wanted to buy some high-quality medicine pills, they had to look at their faces. .

After a while, the seats below were all filled, and the entire hall was enveloped by a layer of soft white light.

The red curtains on the auction table in the front were pulled open, and a spirited old man in Tsing Yi walked out.

He exudes an aura that is not angry and self-possessed, and his smile is as gentle as a spring breeze, but no one dares to underestimate him.

This auctioneer is a real Sword Saint powerhouse.

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