Lou Muyan passed the first test and then started the second one.

The medicinal pill to be refined in the second competition was the fourth-grade Qi nourishing pill. She still threw all the spirit herbs into the pill furnace for refining, and the medicinal pill was released in one stick of incense.

In the third competition, she picked up the pill and looked at it. Just as she had guessed, she was promoted to a level of Condensing Origin Pill, but the spirit grass in the first tray was very messy.

Only half of the spirit grasses are the materials for refining Yuanyuan Dan. She lowered her eyes and thought about it, without hesitation, Qianqianyu reached out to the pile of spirit grasses to find what she needed, and then threw it into the pill furnace.

This time, since she decided to be high-profile in the competition of the six major sects, she should make it a high-profile and presumptuous, and there is no need to hide it.

It can be regarded as a gift to her master, the old man Tianxuan.

The old man told her to let go of the competition. If she wins the championship, there will be a rich reward waiting for her.

It was still the time for a stick of incense, Lou Muyan put five refined mellow and clear Ning Yuan Dan into the bottle.

Her smooth refining techniques and superb fire control ability made the people who were present to refine the medicinal pills stunned.

The two referees picked up the medicinal pills to check, and finally could not help but announce in shock, "The Eight Extremes Sect Lou Muyan has successfully refined the fourth-grade condensing Yuan Dan, and qualified for the finals of Danby."

Hearing the referee's announcement, Lou Muyan smiled and walked to the arena for the formation competition to wait.

And her performance in Danby really shocked the disciples and high-level officials in the viewing room, and the refining of the fourth-grade medicinal pills was thrown into the pill furnace for refining like a family.

Each time is a stick of incense, and the quantity and quality are the same. What realm has her alchemy technique reached?

"Master Feng, your sect is too hidden this time. With the alchemy method Lou Muyan is showing now, has she been promoted to the fifth-grade alchemy master?" The elder of Yaozong restrained the surprise in his eyes to ask.

Lou Muyan's technique of refining medicinal pills is very proficient, the pill yield rate is high, and the quality is also high.

There are only two possibilities. One is that she is an advanced fourth-grade alchemist who has repeatedly improved her alchemy skills, so she is already familiar with the refining of fourth-grade pills, and the other is that she is already a first-class alchemist. A fifth-grade alchemist. Although this possibility is very small.

Dean Feng actually felt trembling when he saw Lou Muyan's alchemy. He never thought that this girl's talent and ability in alchemy would be so high.

"I don't know about this either. After all, she's a disciple of the Fire Academy's main art court." He smiled shyly and replied.

When Huo Linglong saw that the masters of the five sects put their inquiring eyes on her, she smiled lightly: "Don't look at me like this, how can I know that the little girl is an alchemy master who doesn't know how to make alchemy."

Seeing Lou Muyan's performance today, she knew that the girl probably wasn't going to hide her strength in this competition.

But it's okay, when it's time to be restrained, it's not hypocritical when it's time to be generous, she likes this girl's temperament.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for a fifth-grade alchemist. Her cultivation is only the peak of Jianzong." Although the head of Haoyuezong also classified Lou Muyan as a more competitive list, he did not I believe she is a fifth-grade alchemist.

Hearing the words of the master of Haoyue Sect, the other masters also seemed to be relieved.

yes! Fortunately, this girl is only Jianzong's cultivation base, even if it is a peak, it is only one level away from Jianzun.

The principals of the several cases also stopped talking, and the expressions in their eyes were different.

It's just that Yaozong and the head of the Tianji Palace listed Lou Muyan as a strong opponent to compete with Bai Feiyao and Wei Yu for the top three this time.

Bai Feiyao's rematch was after Lou Muyan, she looked at Lou Muyan's leaving back with complicated eyes, and felt a distorted sense of disgust in her heart.

She didn't know why, but she hated Lou Muyan from the first sight, and even developed an unknown hatred, as if that woman was her nemesis in this life.

Thinking of the hole card in her hand, she sneered in her heart: Lou Muyan, what if you were a fifth-grade alchemist? I will definitely beat you into the mud.

Wei Yu's warm and cold eyes are rarely filled with interest. This competition is really interesting. Are you going to meet two fifth-grade alchemists as opponents? Excited to think about it.

The fighting spirit in his body could not help but spread, and he was actually very lonely without a rival among the new disciples of Yaozong.

Lou Muyan then participated in the rematch of Formation and Beast Control. The rules of the two competitions were similar to those of the qualifiers.

She completed the competition in one stick of incense every time, and finally won the finals of the two competitions with a high profile.

After the competition on the first day, she felt a lot more eyes on her.

Excited, complicated, apprehensive, or annoying, but she ignored them all and left the arena.

Chief Referee.

"This Lou Muyan's talent is also very good. Not only has he never failed, but the entire competition process is perfect." said the elder of the Formation Alliance.

He admired Lou Muyan's talent for array formation. If she hadn't already joined the Eight Extreme Sect, he really wanted to dig into the formation alliance.

"Yeah! Maybe a second Chi Xiu will be born this time." The chief referee of the Pill Building sighed.

"This shouldn't be the case. After all, her cultivation will eventually be the bondage she exerts." An elder from the Refining Pavilion said.

In fact, although the referees present and the senior leaders of various sects all felt that Lou Muyan's talent was very good, and she might be a formidable opponent of other disciples in the rematch, but not many people really thought that she could be compared with Chi Xiu.

Whether it is alchemy, weapon refining, beast control or formation, it is absolutely inseparable from cultivation.

There is another requirement for these four techniques to reach the fifth rank, that is, to reach the strength of Sword Sovereign.

"But even if you can't compete for the top three, there is still hope for the top five." The chief referee of Danlou said.

"It's not a big problem to compete for the top five with a performance like hers."

The next day, Lou Muyan went to participate in the rest of the competition amid the warm greetings from Master Feng and the disciples of the sect.

The following test did not disappoint Master Feng and others.

She still used a stick of incense to complete the talisman and the refining tool in each competition, and once again entered the finals of the two competitions with a high profile.

In the battle of strength, she used the same tactics, like a local tyrant who doesn't need money to smash the talisman of the fourth rank that can superimpose power, the opponent was smashed out of the battle stage without even touching the corner of her clothes.

Lou Muyan's unrestricted battle made the viewers roll their eyes. This is not because of someone's strength, but because of someone's worth...

Lou Muyan's performance in the semi-finals also made her famous in six battles, and other disciples who entered the final had to include her as one of the dangerous lists.

Of course, some people didn't take her to heart at all, because in the qualifiers and rematches, she didn't meet a few popular talents from various schools at all.

Waiting for the finals, can she still be so arrogant and high-profile, they will wait and see!

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