After the rematch, there will be two days off for the finals of the six major sects.

The Baji Sect's results this time are still not very satisfactory. There are only five people in the finals, and the number of people who enter the finals is the bottom of the six sects.

The only thing that is more gratifying is that there are not too many projects.

Lou Muyan's six competitions all entered the finals. The Emperor Slaughtering Formation and Strength Competition, Ziche Shi's Talisman and Item Refining, Luo Cheng's alchemy and another disciple's Item Refining all entered the finals.

In the previous years, the beast control, talisman and formation technique had long been eliminated. This time, the presence of Lou Muyan, Zi Che Shi and Emperor Killing Heaven also gave Feng Yuan and Huo Linglong more hope.

Di Tiantian's formation and Ziche's talisman are considered outstanding among the disciples of the six sects. If other sects do not have the hidden genius of this technique, then they have hope of winning the top three. .

The day before the finals, Master Feng gathered five more people together.

"The five of you are the hope that the six major sects will be better than our Baji sect this time. No matter what, you must strive for the top three." Master Feng looked at the few people with hope and said.

The finals are not for the top ten, but for the top six. There is no top ten in the six competitions.

The disciples who entered the top six all have joint rewards from the six sects, but each one is different.

"The disciple must live up to the high expectations." Several people said in succession.

Master Feng praised and encouraged several people again, and then smiled with a chrysanthemum on his face, looking at Lou Muyan as lovingly as possible.

"Girl Lou, has your alchemy technique reached rank five?"

"Master Feng is worried that I will be kicked below the top five by Bai Feiyao or Wei Yu?" Lou Muyan asked without answering.

There were twelve disciples participating in each test, and they were divided into two groups for the test, and the top three of the two groups were compared again.

If you are unlucky, you may meet those two geniuses in the first round. Even though Elder Feng is full of smiles, the sorrow in his heart has not dissipated.

"Hey! You are a smart girl. According to your strength, if you don't meet the two of them, you should have a chance to compete for the top three." Master Feng said with a sigh.

Lou Muyan chuckled and said confidently, "I was just about to meet them in the first round of the competition. That would make it more challenging, wouldn't it?"

She had noticed a look of disgust and hatred following from Danby, and under observation, she found that the look came from Bai Feiyao, who didn't have much contact with her at all.

If there is an intersection, that is, at the Tianyuan auction, she snatched the wind element attribute comprehension stone taken by the other party, but the auction is for the highest bidder. narrow.

If Bai Feiyao was determined to provoke her, then she could only slap the woman in the face with thunder.

And she also discovered a very interesting thing. Bai Feiyao and Bai Luoyin had five or six similar looks. From Mo Yan, she found out that the two were actually half-sisters.

"..." Feng Yuan felt quite depressed and speechless when he heard her words, but he still smiled and said, "Anyway, we will meet, and we will encounter more challenges in the finals, but if we meet in the first round Just encounter it, don’t take it lightly.”

Before Lou Muyan answered, Huo Linglong couldn't stand his long-winded words, "Enough is enough, I know better than you how to be a little girl."

"Little girl, don't be soft on that Bai Feiyao, I see that she is very hostile to you." Huo Linglong also accidentally saw Bai Feiyao showing murderous intent towards Lou Muyan before, so she wanted to remind her.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Bai Feiyao and I just had an encounter at the auction, and she hated me so much. I don't like to have troubles in the future. I will greet her well when the time comes."

"Okay! As long as you don't play to death." Huo Linglongyanjue Wushuang's face was full of satisfied smiles.

That Bai Feiyao, who pretended to be a white lotus, was out of the mud and was not stained, she looked too unpleasant.

"..." Hearing the two unscrupulously discussing how to greet Bai Feiyao, Master Feng and the other four couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths.

Now that even the finals have not arrived, is it really good to discuss whether or not to play the peerless genius of the Heavenly Secret Palace?

"Lou girl! It's not just Bai Feiyao and Wei Yu, you also need to pay attention to the other test items. I secretly found that this time each sect has secret disciples hidden, which is more cruel than the previous competition." Feng Yuanzhu Afraid that Lou Muyan would underestimate the enemy, he emphasized again.

Lou Muyan smiled helplessly and said, "Don't worry, Master Feng, I will work hard to win the championship just for the rewards of the six sects, the Baji sect and my master."

Master Feng's smiling face froze. The purpose of this high-profile girl who wants to win the championship is not to win glory for the sect, but to go for those rewards. Can we not be so realistic...

The other four also did not understand Lou Muyan. They wanted to compete for the top five mainly to make a blockbuster, so that their efforts were not in vain, they were recognized by everyone, and they fought for the face of the Eight Extreme Sect.

Of course, the rewards of the competition are also very tempting, but good things are definitely not so easy to get, they are just holding a glimmer of hope, but she always seems to be full of confidence.

Master Feng originally wanted to say a few more words, but seeing that Lou Muyan was still lazy and didn't worry about the final, he was speechless.

After explaining a few words, Master Feng left Luo Cheng alone and let the others go back.

Before the finals, disciples from other sects came to visit Lou Muyan and were pushed by Huo Linglong.

Two days later, the finals of the six sects finally came.

The competition field of Tianji Palace was unprecedentedly lively, and many disciples who were doing tasks outside rushed back, including many old disciples from the inner sect who were not seeing their tails. They also came to watch the battle with great interest.

The opening scene was still enthusiastically encouraged by the suzerain of the Tianji Palace, and then it was the referee's turn to announce the rules.

"This time, the six major sects competition projects are divided into six items, and each item is divided into two major rounds."

"The first round is divided into two groups, the top three of the two groups finally enter the second round, and the second round is also a competition for the top three."

"Considering that some disciples participated in two or more competitions at the same time, we decided to conduct each competition separately in turn. After one has determined the top six, we will move on to the next one."

"The order of the six competitions will be determined by drawing lots, and the order of the disciples in the first round of each competition will also be determined by their own drawing of lots."

The referee waved his sleeves, and six balls of different colors were spread out in front of him. He randomly grabbed one and crushed it, and then crushed the remaining five balls in turn.

The small ball instantly turned into a piece of black text and appeared on the crystal wall of the competition arena. It said formation, animal control, talisman, alchemy, weapon refining, and strength battle.

"Okay, the first is the formation competition. All the six disciples who participated in this competition went to the center of the competition arena to draw lots to prepare for the competition."

Lou Muyan and Di Tiantian walked to the arena together, and the success or failure was about to be known.

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