Qingzhou Fucheng is a large trading city in Qingyu Kingdom, a middle country in the north. It extends in all directions and is close to Qingyuan Forest. It is a city where mercenaries and adventurers are concentrated.

To enter Qingzhou City, you need to pay an entry fee of three low-quality spirit stones per person.

If it were changed to the previous one, Lou Muyan, a member of the Wu family, would definitely let Wu Nuan subsidize it.

After all, she usually goes to the mountains to collect herbs even if she doesn't have much family resources. Her family background is not high among the younger generation, but it is not low.

But now Lou Muyan has become the object they want to curry favor with, let alone three spiritual stones, they will not hesitate to give them even three thousand.

After entering the city, the Wu family first went to the place where the escort car was delivered and delivered the escort to the employer. After taking the reward, they went to a regular inn to rest.

After entering the backyard of the inn, the carriage stopped, the elder and others said respectfully, "Senior Lou, we are staying at the inn."

After waiting for a while, there was no echo from the carriage, and the first elder secretly cried out in his heart, and called out tentatively, "Senior Lou?"

Still no response, he turned and called, "Ah Nuan, are you there?"

This time, even A Nuan didn't respond, and everyone present had a bad feeling in their hearts.

The first elder waited for a while and opened the carriage to see that there was no one in the carriage, and a sound transmission flew out of the carriage and fell into his hands.

"Elder, what about A Nuan and Senior Lou?" The third elder and the others immediately asked when they saw that the elder looked wrong.

The first elder sighed and said, "A Nuan left a message saying that Senior Lou wants to take her away to travel to the mainland, and she will not return to Wu's house in a short time."

"What?" Wuya screamed: "How can she do this! Does she want to enjoy herself and abandon the family's interests when she is close to a senior?"

Others also had the same idea in their hearts, and were very dissatisfied with Wu Nuan's approach.

"Enough, it's a blessing for Wu Nuan to be appreciated by that senior. That senior is not something we can discuss."

The first elder warned the group: "You have seen the senior's methods. I advise you to get to know each other better. She values ​​A Nuan, but it doesn't mean that everyone in the Wu family will give face."

Hearing his words, everyone remembered Lou Muyan's previous methods and their backs became cold, but Wu Ya didn't dare to say it when she was dissatisfied, but just scolded Wu Nuan in her heart.

After the people of the Wu family returned to their rooms, the first elder sighed helplessly.

He has a hunch that when Wu Nuan returns to Wu's house again, the wind direction of Wu's house will definitely change greatly, and those who oppressed Wu Nuan before will eventually regret it.

No matter what the Wu family thought, Lou Muyan took Wu Nuan away as soon as he entered the city.

The two found a relatively quiet and remote inn to stay in. After entering their room, she released several spiritual pets in the bell.

"Master!!" Miaomiao and Chihuang rubbed against Lou Muyan as soon as they came out.

Bing Ji also said with a dog-legged smile: "Master, I haven't seen you for nearly a month, it's like three autumns!"

Mo Yan consciously jumped onto Lou Muyan's shoulder and lay on his back lazily, and said slowly, "Re-condensing Yuan Dan is not bad, it's a blessing in disguise."

The blood and blood turned into a wooden bracelet that wrapped around Lou Muyan's wrist and rubbed it, "Master!"

Then a azure light fell in the room, and the figure of Lei Huang turned out.

When he felt the aura around him and the power of the interface, there was a rare look of joy in his eyes, and then he looked at Lou Muyan in a complicated way, "This time you brought me to the Guangling World, I owe you a favor, right? ."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan smiled impolitely.

Although it was because of the power of the contract that the Thunder Emperor was sent to the Guangling World together, the favors that were gained in vain should not be given in vain.

"By the way, are you familiar with Human Domain?" Lou Muyan asked, looking at Lei Huang and Mo Yan.

Lei Huang shrugged and said, "I'm not familiar with it. Although I was born in the Guangling World, I ended up in the Tianling Continent together with the competition space when I was young."

Lou Muyan stretched out his hand and poked Mo Yan, and he said leisurely: "I have been to the human domain before, but I went to the most prosperous mainland of Zhongzhou. I am not familiar with such a barren northern land."

"The most prosperous mainland of China? Didn't you say that there are only four states in the south, south, north and west?" Lou Muyan asked in surprise.

Mo Yan replied indifferently: "The person you took in is not familiar with places other than the north at all, so I don't know."

"The mainland of Zhongzhou is the most prosperous place in the human domain. There are high-level powerhouses like clouds, and the palace built by the Nether Palace is also located there."

Mo Yan paused and said, "Of course, ordinary people don't know about the Zhongzhou Continent. Only families and sword masters who have reached a certain level of strength can know about it. It is known as the holy land of the human race."

"The Holy Land of the Human Race?" Lou Muyan asked, "The headquarters of the major forces in the Human Domain are all there, right?"

"Well, in addition to the Nether Palace, there are several top forces in the human realm that occupy a lot of weight in Zhongzhou." Mo Yan added: "If you want to enter Zhongzhou, your strength is not enough."

Lou Muyan frowned and asked, "By the way, after arriving in the human domain, how is the cultivation base divided?"

She only knew that the sword master who broke through the sword god would condense the golden core, also known as the Dan Yuan realm, and she knew nothing about the realm of cultivation after that.

"In Guangling World, apart from the ascended sword masters, most of them are aboriginal residents, so the proportion of sword masters to sword gods is still more than two-thirds, and the ascended sword masters only account for very few. a part of."

"The cultivation bases above Sword God are Dan Yuan, Earth Yuan, Tian Yuan and Fusion Realm. I heard that breaking through the Fusion Realm can permanently exist in the world and become an immortal." Mo Yan thought for a while and said, "But that's not the case with the current people. We are far away."

"Is your demon clan's realm divided like this?" Lou Muyan asked curiously.

"The demon clan became holy again when they were in the Danyuan realm, and the other four clans were unified." Mo Yan replied.

"I let go of my mental power and found that the strongest people with the highest cultivation level in Qingzhou City only have a few sword gods in charge. Some of the aborigines in the Guangling Realm are not as good as the Tianling Continent." Lou Muyan said.

"This is just a distant border town in the north. The overall strength is definitely not high. Those who have been promoted to the Danyuan realm have basically gone out to join other forces."

Mo Yan continued: "Although the aborigines in the human realm can absorb more spiritual energy and have more resources than the lower realm, there are also many people with poor qualifications, so there are many small families like the Wu family."

"After you enter the central city in the north, you will find that it is very different from here. If you go to Zhongzhou, you may think that it should be the real Guangling World."

"En." Lou Muyan nodded and said, "Since none of you are familiar with this place, I'd better go to Qingzhou City tomorrow to explore."

She had asked Jun Luochen for a long time, and the former Demon Race was not very familiar with Human Domain.

"It really takes a good understanding before you can decide your future plans." Mo Yan agreed.

Lou Muyan is bound to go to the mainland of Zhongzhou in the future, but it is too early, and it is imminent for them to improve their strength together.

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