The next morning, Lou Muyan took Wu Nuan around Qingzhou City.

Qingzhou Fucheng is very large, and several streets in the main urban area are bustling with people and very lively.

It was not the first time that Wu Nuan came to Qingzhou City, and he was quite familiar with it.

"Mu Yan, what do you want to do?"

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "Is there a place to sell spirit grass in Qingzhou City?"

"Yes, there is a branch of the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce in Qingzhou City, where everything is relatively complete." Wu Nuan replied.

Lou Muyan was slightly surprised: "There is also the Underworld Chamber of Commerce here?"

"Yeah! The Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chambers of commerce in the human realm. Many things can be bought where there is a Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce." Wu Nuan nodded.

"Is the Underworld Union Chamber of Commerce an organization belonging to the Underworld?" Lou Muyan asked.

"I'm not too sure." Wu Nuan thought for a while and replied helplessly, "For an organization that can start with the surname Ming, the Ming Alliance Chamber of Commerce should have something to do with the Ming Palace."

After talking with Lou Muyan several times, she found that she was so unfamiliar with the Guangling World, which had grown up for so long. She used to live like a frog in the well. She only knew how to sit in the well and watch the sky, but she never thought about going to the world outside the well. .

Of course, she really had no choice before, and now it is her greatest luck to meet Lou Muyan, and she can finally stop struggling in that small world.

A strange light flashed in Lou Muyan's eyes, "Then let's go to the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce."


Wu Nuan took Lou Muyan around a street and walked for about half an hour before reaching a quaint and prosperous building.

"This is the shop of the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce. Their second floor will hold auctions from time to time. Business groups and mercenaries in the mainland like to trade items at the Mingmeng Chamber of Commerce." Wu Nuan pointed to the towering building and said.

"Well, let's go in."

The two walked into the shop, and immediately a blue-clothed waiter greeted them and asked with a smile, "Are the two young ladies looking to buy something?"

"I want to see the spirit herbs." Lou Muyan took out a list of spirit herbs that he had prepared to buy and handed it to the waiter, asking, "Do you have any of these?"

"Okay!" The waiter took the list and looked at it, hiding the surprise in his eyes, and said after a while, "Miss, we only have one-third of the spirit grass you want."

There are actually quite a few rare seventh-level spirit grasses on this list, and none of these are for sale.

Lou Muyan thought about it and took out a palm-sized silver token and handed it over, "Look, if you buy it with a silver-level VIP order."

After arriving in the Guangling World, she found that the silver-level Nether Alliance Token that Ming Xiu had given her before had changed instantly, and a complicated and difficult text entered her mind.

Only then did she know that the Underworld Alliance Order given to her by Ming Xiu was the highest-level Purple Gold Order of the Underworld Alliance Chamber of Commerce. As long as it had the function of freely changing the VIP level after refining, it could be activated in the Guangling World.

After refining the Underworld Alliance Order, she can freely control the level of the VIP Order. In order not to be very conspicuous, she still transformed it into a silver VIP Order.

When the waiter saw the silver underworld alliance decree, his eyes showed a look of shock, and he immediately said respectfully, "Miss, please go to the private room on the third floor with me, and I'll ask the steward in charge of the silver-level VIP to come here."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan's face was pale.

Wu Nuan was extremely surprised, but there was no strange expression on her face, and she followed up to the third floor.

After sitting down, she didn't ask Lou Muyan about the Ming Alliance Order. She only needed to know that Lou Muyan was a person worthy of her trust, and the others would not deliberately inquire.

After the two sat down, a maid came in and made a pot of spirit tea.

Lou Muyan took a sip of the spirit tea, looked at Wu Nuan and said, "Aren't you asking me anything?"

"I believe you." Wu Nuan replied with a smile.

Lou Muyan felt a lot of joy after hearing her words, Wu Nuan had a clear mind and a very likable temperament.

"The list I just gave contains the spirit grass for refining the muscle-building pill. As long as I buy it all back, I can refine the muscle-creating pill to heal the wound on your face." Lou Muyan said with a teacup.

Shengji Dan can rejuvenate people's skin. The disfigured wounds on Wu Nuan's face are all scratched by her. As long as she takes Shengji Dan, the wounds on her face can be restored, and her appearance can be restored naturally.

Wu Nuan's eyes widened, and he hesitantly said, "Mu Yan, you, you mean me, can my appearance be restored?"

"Yeah! After taking Shengji Dan, the skin on your face will heal and rejuvenate, and your appearance will be restored within three days." Lou Muyan nodded with a smile.

There was a mist in Wu Nuan's eyes, and he said gratefully: "Mu Yan, thank you!"

Before she was forced to disfigure her heart, it was false to say that she had no regrets and sadness. Women all have a love for beauty, and if they were forced to wear a veil forever, no one would be able to show them.

"You and I don't have to be so polite." Lou Muyan replied with a smile.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Lou Muyan said lightly.

A stunning young woman dressed in a rose-red dress, with a delicate and beautiful appearance, walked in.

When Lou Muyan saw the person coming, a flash of surprise flashed across his eyes. This woman turned out to be the auctioneer Leng Yi at the auction in the competition space.

At the same time, Leng Yi was surprised when he saw that the person sitting in the private room was Lou Muyan.

"I didn't expect to see Miss Lou in Guangling World so soon." Leng Yi's voice was still soft and soft, and she did not hide her surprise.

Lou Muyan chuckled: "I didn't expect Miss Leng to be from the Guangling World."

Leng Yiyingying smiled, "Miss Lou laughed, she was indeed sent to Tianling Continent for some reason."

Lou Muyan's mental power was strong without the interface suppression, and naturally found that the current Leng Yi is not the body, but a clone of Sword Sect's cultivation.

She always felt that Leng Yi's avatar in Tianling Continent should have something to do with Ming Xiu.

"I heard that Miss Lou wants to buy spirit grass this time?" Although Leng Yi was curious about why Lou Muyan didn't transmit to the fixed reception platform of the Ascension Sword Master, and his cultivation base was only Sword Master, he didn't ask much.

Everyone has their own secrets. Judging from the information sent back by the clone in the lower realm in the competition space, she has a good impression of Lou Muyan as a genius.

"Well, I don't know if I can buy all the spirit grass I want with a silver-level VIP order?" Lou Muyan felt pretty good when she saw Leng Yi in the competition space last time, and asked straight to the point with a smile.

Leng Yi pondered for the next time and said, "Some of the spirit grasses you want are rare spirit grasses of level 7, and one of them is not available. We can gather the rest for you."

"Is it that kind?" Lou Muyan asked.

Leng Yi pointed to the list and said, "Dragon Beard Grass doesn't have it."

Lou Muyan frowned. Dragon's Beard Grass is the main material of the medicinal pill that she needs to refine to promote the Sword God to break through the Dan Yuan realm to condense the top-quality golden pill. If you don't have it, it will be troublesome.

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