The imperial capital of Beiyuan Kingdom is more prosperous and luxurious than Qingyu Kingdom, and the cultivation base of sword masters who come and go is also much higher.

Many people sitting in the luxurious carriages in the imperial capital exude the breath of Dan Yuanjing, and even Earth Yuanjing. It can be imagined that there must be experts like clouds here.

This is only a big country in Beizhou of Guanglingjie, and if it reaches Zhongzhou, it will be a sword god all over the street.

"Mu Yan, go back to the palace with me first." Yan Yanchen suggested.

In the past six months, they encountered more than ten waves of dark market killers ambushing them, and it was also thanks to Lou Muyan and others, otherwise he would never come back.

"Let's go to the mercenary union to hand over the task first." Lou Muyan thought for a while and said, "Go back to the palace first, and then pick us up when you're settled."

They have done hundreds of tasks in the past six months, and there are still more than 30 tasks of the sixth and seventh levels in their hands. She plans to upgrade the mercenary level first.

They have also heard a lot of rumors along the way recently during the royal civil turmoil in Beiyuan Kingdom. She saw that although Yan Yanchen had not rushed back, she had been deploying secretly. This time, she should be able to wipe out the rebel prince.

"Okay, then you all stay here temporarily." Yan Yanchen took out a token and a map and gave it to Lou Muyan, pointed to a red dot on the map and said, "This is my other hospital."

"Okay!" Lou Muyan was not hypocritical.

After Yan Yanchen finished explaining, he took the old man in golden clothes and left quickly.

Lou Muyan found that since Yan Yanchen appeared and left, a lot of mental power had been put on them, but she turned a blind eye and pretended not to know.

She took out the map and quickly found the location of the mercenary union and let Bingji drive the carriage over there.

The mercenary union of Beiyuan Kingdom has a large station, and there are many mercenaries coming and going.

After entering the gate of the Mercenary Union, Lou Muyan took the quest crystal and went to the special area on the third floor to hand in the quest.

After half a year of madly accepting quests, Lou Muyan's quest crystal has been upgraded from transparent to yellow, so there is no need to queue up below for quests, and a special receptionist is in charge.

On the third floor, a beautiful maid of the mercenary union came over with a smile.

"Miss, son, are you here to accept the task or hand in the task?"

"We hand in the task." Lou Muyan replied lightly.

The maid smiled and led Lou Muyan and his party to the third private room, "There is no one in this private room, please come in."

Lou Muyan nodded casually and walked in together with the Murong Qing brothers, Lei Huang, Bingji, and Wu Nuan.

A middle-aged man with a croissant was sitting in the private room. When he saw someone coming in, he pointed to the seat in front of him with a smile, and said, "Please take a seat."

Then he instructed the maid: "Bring tea to a few distinguished guests."


After sitting down, Lou Muyan maintained a calm look and did not speak first. The middle-aged man smiled and asked, "Miss, what tasks do you want to hand in?"

"All the quests that have not been handed in have been handed in." Lou Muyan took out the quest record crystal ball with a list of quests on it, and then pushed more than 30 space rings containing quest items onto the table.

The middle-aged man showed a slight surprise in his eyes, and immediately checked the task and task items.

The beautiful maid made a cup of tea for Lou Muyan and others, and she waited for the steward to confirm.

After about a stick of incense, the middle-aged butler suppressed the shock in his heart and checked all the tasks completely.

"Miss, all the tasks you received before have been completed, and now the points are being counted." The middle-aged man's attitude was even more kind.

Lou Muyan took a sip of tea and replied, "It's okay."

After thinking about it, she asked, "By the way, is the group emblem we reported last time ready?"

Because the previous team emblem was too ugly, they redesigned the team emblem and submitted it.

The middle-aged man looked it up and said, "Your regimental emblem has been remade, I'll order someone to fetch it."

The Mercenary Guild has a special place for making group emblems. After the completion, as long as the mercenary group people pick it up, it will be teleported using the teleportation array, which is very convenient.

"Okay, then take care of things."

Soon, the steward handed Lou Muyan a space ring with a regimental emblem.

She took out one and looked at it. There was a fiery red phoenix nirvana pattern on it, and it was carved so vividly that she was very satisfied.

Then pay for the five million low-grade spirit stones used to make the group emblem.

After waiting for a while, all the points were counted.

The personal mercenaries of Lou Muyan and several people successfully advanced to the seventh level, and the Mufeng mercenary group also jumped from the fifth level to the sixth level mercenary group.

"Congratulations to everyone who made the cut." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Lou Muyan said with a slight smile, "You're busy, let's go first."

"Okay, let's go slowly." The middle-aged man sent Lou Muyan and his group out before returning to the private room, and immediately reported the matter.

In a management office at the headquarters of the Mercenary Union, someone three is taking notes on the situation of the mission crystal.

"Look, the level of the Mufeng mercenary group has actually reached the sixth level." One of the white-haired old men said in surprise after seeing a fluctuation.

Another burly man said: "Is it strange that the mercenary group is promoted to the sixth level?"

Every once in a while, the Mercenary Union has a mercenary group promoted to the sixth level, and there is no fuss, unless there is a special reason.

"They were still a first-level mercenary group half a year ago." The white-haired old man paused and continued: "I have been paying attention since their crazy quick handover tasks, and I found that the number of their members has not changed. ."

"How many are they?" asked another gentler-looking man.

"There are only six people." The white-haired old man replied, "The head of the group is called Lou Muyan, the deputy head of the group is called Murong Qing, and there are a few other members called Murong Yu, Bing Ji, Renault, and Wu Nuan."

"I've never heard of the surnamed Lou, but why is Murong Qing's name so similar to the name of the young master of the Murong family?" The elegant man pondered and said.

The white-haired old man chuckled lightly: "I checked Murong Qing and he is the young master of the Murong family. As for why he formed a mercenary group with that girl named Lou Muyan to do the task, I don't know."

"If you say that, they deserve our attention." The elegant man said, "I don't know what the head of the regiment named Lou Muyan is?"

"Her background information cannot be found, which means that her background is too deep to be found by deacons of our level, or there is another possibility that she is from the lower realm and is an ascended swordsman."

The white-haired old man continued: "By the way, she is only nineteen years old."

"Becoming a swordsman at the late stage of the Dan Yuan realm at the age of nineteen is indeed a good talent. I don't know if she has other specialties." The elegant man tapped the table lightly and thought deeply.

"According to the feedback in the past six months, she may also be a seventh-rank alchemist." Since the white-haired old man paid attention to the Mufeng mercenary group, he went to inquire about their latest news.

"If this is worthy of our attention, let's report this matter to the elders." The elegant man pondered for a moment and raised his head cautiously.

The white-haired old man stroked his beard and smiled: "I think so too. If such talents are not the younger generation of other major forces, then we can recruit them into the central hall of the mercenary trade union."

"Well, I'll pass her news to the elders now."

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