As soon as Lou Muyan and others entered the Beiyuan Kingdom, not only the royal family paid attention, but also the members of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group.

In the chamber of a large courtyard.

An old man walked in quickly, bowed to the three people above, and said to the thin man: "Report to the deputy head, the person who killed the young master has been locked. She has just entered the imperial capital, but it is He entered the city with King Jin."

The son of the deputy commander had a magic weapon with the breath of someone he had come into contact with. Therefore, for the past six months, he has been looking for the person who entered the Qingyuan Forest to the place where the dragon beard grew.

After various investigations and breath comparisons, he finally locked on Lou Muyan, the head of the Mufeng mercenary group.

The thin man knew that the old man had a very powerful tracking secret technique, but he would not doubt it, he frowned, "How come the person who killed my son returned to the city with King Jin? That person named Lou Muyan also entered the palace? "

"After they entered the city, they separated. Lou Muyan took the Mufeng mercenary group to the mercenary union." The old man paused and said, "But according to the report from the spies, the place where they stayed was King Jin's. Other courtyard."

The man at the top heard the fingers tap the armrest of the chair, the fierceness in the tiger's eyes turned into deep thought, and after a while he said, "Since this Lou Muyan and King Jin are involved, don't do it for now, we and The matter of the first prince is at a critical period, and no mistakes can be made."

The thin man was expressionless and nodded: "What the head of the regiment said is that after the emperor steps down, King Jin will also be unable to protect himself. At that time, the Mufeng mercenary group will not be left to us."

It is necessary to avenge the son, but even if a dead son was pampered at the beginning, how can it compare to the current events and interests.

"By the way, the deputy head of the Mufeng mercenary group is the young master of the Murong family." The old man thought for a while and added.

The color of doubt in the eyes of the head of the regiment was even deeper, and he asked, "Does that Lou Muyan have any origin?"

Otherwise, how could it be associated with so many people with deep backgrounds.

If Lou Muyan's background is very strong, then it would be a bit of a loss to offend a dead son of the deputy head.

The thin man's face sank, and naturally he also thought of what the head of the regiment had in mind, but he still couldn't let go of his son's death.

That is his old son and only seedling. The most important thing is that he injured his body a few years ago. He will not have any more children in the future. After his son's death, there will be no one who will inherit the lineage. How can he not hate it.

"Lou Muyan's identity cannot be found, and his origin is unknown." The old man reported truthfully.

The man above waved his hand and said, "Continue to stare, and kill them all when the eldest prince takes the throne."

After thinking about it, he still decided to fulfill the mind of the deputy head, and their mad lion mercenary group is not so easy to mess with.


Lou Muyan, Murong Qing and the others went to Fei Yanchen's courtyard and went into the room alone to rest. She didn't know that she was being watched by the high-level officials of the mercenary trade union and the lion mercenary group.

"Those people's mental power is really annoying, do you want to solve it?" Long Yao looked at Lou Muyan and asked.

Lou Muyan nodded indifferently: "If you find it annoying, just go and solve it, we have nothing to worry about anyway."

Long Yao was very satisfied with the decisiveness of the hostess. He disappeared into the room in a flash, and the mental power that would not be staring at the other courtyard was cut off, and the surroundings were finally quiet.

They were not in a hurry this time, they stayed in another courtyard, and they did not participate in the affairs of the royal family.

However, I also heard a lot of rumors. It was probably the eldest prince who rebelled, but was arrested by Emperor Jin's design, and the rest of the remnants were also arrested and killed. The emperor was panicked.

Ten days later, Fei Yanchen suddenly came to the other courtyard in a hurry.

"Mu Yan, my third brother is poisoned, can you come to the palace and help?"

Lou Muyan looked at Fei Yanchen with an anxious face and thought for a while, and said, "Okay!"

Murong Qing and others also followed into the palace.

After entering the palace, Fei Yanchen immediately brought Lou Muyan and others to the current Beiyuan Emperor's bedroom, and there were still a few people standing inside.

A graceful and luxurious woman wearing a phoenix robe frowned unconsciously when Fei Yanchen walked in with several strangers.

"Queen, how is the third brother's situation now?" Fei Yanchen did not ignore the woman's flash of displeasure, and there was not much respect in his expression.

"Hey, it's still the same." The queen sighed, with a bit of sadness on her face. Looking at the old man in white in front of the dragon couch, she said, "Elder Ge has seen it for His Majesty, but he can't do anything about it."

Then she glanced at Lou Muyan and asked, "Eighth brother, who are these?"

Fei Yanchen replied, "I invited them to see a doctor for my third brother."

"They are all pharmacists?" The queen raised her eyebrows slightly and continued to ask.

"Ms. Lou is a seventh-grade pharmacist. She helped me with the serious poisoning I was on my way." Fei Yanchen walked up to Lou Muyan and introduced it.

Before the queen could speak, a young man behind the white-robed old man couldn't help but sneered, looked at Fei Yanchen half-sarcastically and said, "King Jin is questioning my master's medical skills?"

Immediately, he swept up and down the building and Muyan said disdainfully, "Just rely on her?"

Lou Muyan's expression did not change, and she looked at the queen with a deep look, then at the old man in white, and then lowered her eyes.

Bingji instantly became angry when he heard the young man's words. His master was not such a person to question.

"Fuck your motherfucker, if your master is so arrogant, why is Emperor Beiyuan still lying on the bed half-dead?"

Bingji snorted coldly: "The master of this uncle's family is unparalleled in medical skills, and it's not something you can question with a humble little bastard like you."

The young man did not expect to be scolded by this scholarly and elegant man. He said angrily, "You are courting death."

After he finished speaking, he took out his long sword and waved at the ice halberd.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Bingji's lips, and he waved his sleeves at will, the sword energy was completely annihilated in mid-air, and a few ice picks flew straight towards the young man.

The young man turned pale in shock, his cultivation was obviously far behind the ice halberd, so there was no room for resistance, and he could only watch the ice pick fall to the front door.

The old man in white sitting by the dragon couch calmly stretched out a hand and squeezed it out of thin air, and the few ice picks turned into powder and disappeared in front of the young man.

The young man took a deep breath and stared at Bingji and his group with fear.

The queen's face also sank at this time, and she scolded: "Eighth Prince, the people you brought are too rude and presumptuous."

Fei Yanchen was also extremely angry, but he was not angry with Bingji's rudeness.

He looked at the queen with gloomy eyes, "This king doesn't feel that the people he brought with him are rude and presumptuous, but the queen invited to exorcise the emperor's brother, Master Danta, is too disappointing."

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