Lou Muyan led the two Murong Qing brothers and a few pets into the headquarters of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group.

"Who are you?"

Several mercenaries guarding the door glared and said, "Be bold, and dare to break in without even looking at the place here."

Lou Muyan hooked her lips and said to a delicate and beautiful teenager behind her, "Blood, show them."

"Okay, master!" After advancing to the holy rank, Xue Xue grew from a cute boy to a beautiful boy.

Of course, Miaomiao has also grown into a lovely girl who is slim and watery.

As the sound of blood and blood fell, several mummified corpses suddenly emerged from the ground inexplicably.

When the mercenary guards saw it, their expressions suddenly changed, and they screamed and ran to the deep yard, "No, no, the deputy head was killed."

Soon, the whole compound was brightly lit.

A burly man with fierce eyes and a fierce-looking man appeared in front of Lou Muyan and the others together with a big man with a strong back and a chilling air.

When he saw the corpse on the ground, his eyes were dark and deep.

"What do you mean?" the tiger-eyed man in the lead asked angrily.

"We're here to smash the field." Lou Muyan said lazily, clasping his hands, "You can't see such an obvious thing, and you're not a good team leader."

"..." The people of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group twitched their mouths. It was the first time they had heard someone dare to say that they were an extraordinary and fierce leader.

And just because of her small appearance, dare to say that she is here to smash the scene? Really want to laugh out loud.

"You're not young but you're not young. The Wild Lion Mercenary Group is not a place where you can go wild at will."

The head of the group snorted coldly, "But since you are here, there is no need to go back. You dare to kill the deputy head of our mad lion mercenary group. You are clearly courting death."

Lou Muyan chuckled and blinked at Long Yao, "He said you were courting death."

"..." Long Yao wanted to reply that he clearly said that it was you, and he had a relationship with him for half a dime. Although he beat the disabled, it was also blood sucked to death.

However, when he arrived at the other party's place, it was when he was killing the Quartet, so naturally it was impossible to say what was in his heart.

So Long Yao raised his chin with a cold and dignified look, "Your deputy head was killed by the uncle, who made him so arrogantly committed to the uncle's head."

"But you guys are not good birds. With such a despicable and shameless deputy leader who only knows how to sneak over walls, your lion mercenary group is probably the same thing." Then he glanced at the people present, still a pair of The appearance of hanging to the sky.

Bingji walked to his side and snorted arrogantly: "What are these things, and I want to pay my master's attention."

"Kill, leave none." The head of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group was completely angered by the two beasts, and ordered to his subordinates.

Their mad lion mercenary group is not a mercenary group that has been promoted to the sixth level like the Mufeng mercenary group. Even if they don't come to the door today, he is not ready to let them go.


Soon, countless mercenaries poured out from all directions, and set up a sword array to kill with every move.

"Have fun with them today." Lou Muyan saw an inevitable killing intent in the eyes of the head of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group.

She knew that even if she didn't take the initiative to come to the door today, these people would never let them go.

Soon the people on both sides scuffled together.

Although the number of Lou Muyan's side is not large, it is very expensive.

Lou Muyan also quickly fought with several other sword masters from the Earth Origin Realm. Mo Yan and Long Yao swept the mad lion mercenary group's Heaven Origin Realm sword masters.

Such strong fighting fluctuations naturally attracted the attention of many major forces in the imperial capital, and many powerhouses stood in the sky to watch the battle between the two mercenary groups.

"Who do you think will win?" A young man with an ordinary face asked with interest as he looked at the melee ahead.

A tall and mighty handsome man standing beside him said with a playful smile, "I think it might be the Mufeng mercenary group."

"No way." Another gentle and elegant young man said, "Although they have good cultivation, there are too few people, and there is a big difference between the sixth-level mercenary group and the eighth-level mercenary group."

"But didn't you realize that this was a one-sided abuse?" the tall man asked back.

The gentle man looked at it for a while before saying in surprise: "Although the overall strength of the Mufeng mercenary group is not as strong as that of the Wild Lions mercenary group, they have the upper hand everywhere, and the strategy is also very simple, apart from violence or violence, what do they do? arrived?"

In fact, he was quite speechless, and the other men didn't say anything about why those two beautiful and outrageous women were so violent, even far more than their fellow men.

"Women are too strong now." He added immediately.

The tall and mighty man touched his chin, full of interest, "It's really interesting, I was originally sent to the Beiyuan branch this time, I thought it was too talented, but when I met such an interesting mercenary group or a violent beauty, I Found it right."

The gentle man gave him a blank look, "Be careful that beauty beats you up."

He was naturally referring to the young woman in purple. After all, the woman in white next to him looked a little younger.

He knows the person next to him very well, and is not interested in soft and soft women. He prefers those wild women, but once tamed, he immediately loses his original enthusiasm, and he doesn't know how many women's hearts are hurt.

Of course, this person has never lied, it's what you want and what you want, but it's also the most hurtful.

"It's good to beat me up. I like the beauty's pink fist the most." The tall handsome man's eyes were full of strong and sharp interest, which is only when he sees his prey, "I hope she won't let me down."

Such a woman is like the most pure and strong wine, exuding a charming brilliance and taste. He hopes that she will not be like other women. After fading away from the original wild beauty, she will become the one that he dislikes the most, only to be dazzled by love. woman.

"You are really enough. I don't know how many hot beauties you have to harm before you stop." The gentle man said angrily.

The tall man touched his nose innocently and said, "I'm very serious about every relationship, but they have turned into something I don't like, especially after knowing my identity, they will become inexplicably cautious or arrogant. I can't lie to my feelings."

He has been serious about every woman he is interested in pursuing. Although he has no unforgettable liking or love, he has never deceived anyone.

And it didn't make people lose their lives. It's good for everyone to separate after finding out that it doesn't feel right, so as not to become enemies in the future.

"Okay, this time Lou Muyan is the object that the elders asked us to investigate. Don't be too out of line." The man with an ordinary face looked at the tall man lightly and said.

"Understood, rabbits don't eat grass at the edge of the nest." The tall and handsome man shrugged and replied indifferently.

He was just a little interested, but he didn't really want to do anything to violent women. How could these two look at him like this?

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