The fighting strength of Lou Muyan and his party not only surprised many people who were hiding and watching the battle, but also caught the mad lion mercenary group by surprise.

The head and the deputy head were the two highest-cultivators in the Wild Lion mercenary group, but they were beaten by Mo Yan and had nowhere to go.

There was a bit of fierce determination in the head of the regiment's tiger eyes, and he immediately took out an array flag and sacrificed it.

The seventh-grade high-level killing formation in the courtyard was set up long ago, and it was also used as a last resort.

As soon as the yellow array flag flew out, a series of vibrations occurred in the whole yard, and a layer of dazzling yellow light shrouded everyone.

Then the killing formation was driven by the head of the mad lion mercenary group, and one after another, cold lights like sharp sword light erupted from the formation, hitting Lou Muyan and others in waves.

Lou Muyan looked at the rising formation with a deep interest in his eyes. It turned out that the trump card of the mad lion mercenary group was here.

If other people came to attack her, I wouldn't dare to say whether they could destroy the mad lion mercenary group, but for her, just using this killing formation could kill everyone here.

The natal circle drilled out of the body and fell into her palm, and her eyes swept through the deep light and quickly found the shortcomings of the killing circle.

The members of the mad lion mercenary group, including the Tianyuan realm experts, had already suffered a lot of casualties at this time, and they were all overjoyed when they saw the head of the group urging the killing formation.

It's a pity that the joy on the face didn't last long, and they saw the purple-clothed beautiful woman who rushed in with someone fiddling around with a golden array plate, and Hanmang, who originally attacked the other party, turned his head and fell into a bunch of falling. to them.

"Ah!!" Suddenly screams resounded throughout the compound.

The three people standing not far away were all surprised.

"I didn't expect violent beauty's talent to be so powerful!" The tall and handsome man wrapped his arms around his lips and evoked playfulness.

The man with an ordinary face also showed a faint smile on his face, "According to the information given by the elders, it is suspected that she may be a seventh-rank alchemist, but she was an advanced seventh-rank alchemist. Mage, this kind of talent is worth our trip."

The gentle man nodded: "Although her cultivation is only in the late stage of the Dan Yuan realm, she is obviously able to leapfrog to challenge the sword masters in the late stage of the Earth realm and remain invincible."

"The old things in the central hall have a little vision this time, and they didn't hurt us to run in vain." The tall man said with great interest.

"But I don't know if Lou Muyan is willing to join the mercenary union." The gentle man said.

The ordinary-faced man's eyes were deep, and after a while, he said: "She is so crazy about accepting tasks and handing over tasks to level up, maybe it is to attract the attention of the high-level mercenary union, and she should join."

After a pause, he showed a harmless and determined smile: "Even if she really doesn't plan to join, we can't let go of such a talent. After all, it is rare to find a seventh-rank array mage under the age of 20."

The well-qualified magicians are basically recruited by the magic alliance. Although the mercenary trade union and other major forces also have senior magicians, they are relatively rare.

And many of them are old men, very few of the younger generation can cultivate, maybe this woman named Lou Muyan can bring them a surprise.

Soon, the following battle is coming to an end.

When Fei Yanchen arrived with more than 20 golden-clothed deacon, what he saw was the messy appearance of the wild lion mercenary group lying on the ground and wailing in a state of embarrassment.

Lou Muyan didn't kill her. The main purpose of what she did today was to establish her prestige and gradually beat out the name of the Mufeng mercenary group.

After all, she didn't want the Mufeng mercenary group to have the same reputation as the blood evil mercenary group. They won with strength, but they couldn't be famous for killing.

When she saw Fei Yanchen bringing people in, she chuckled and said, "These people will be handed over to you."

"Mu Yan, you guys are too strong." Fei Yanchen couldn't describe their fighting power in words.

"It's nothing, but don't forget our share after raiding the house later." Lou Muyan shrugged and gave him a look of yours.

Although the mad lion mercenary group belongs to the mercenary union, they are members of the outside union. They privately intervene in the struggle of the superpower royal family and are disposed of by the royal family, and the mercenary union will not come forward for it.

She had previously heard that the mercenary union was divided into the outer union, the inner union and the central hall. The people in the outer union were the mercenaries who were registered to do tasks, and the talents in the inner union and the central hall were truly mercenary unions. a member.

In particular, the central hall was the core of the mercenary union, and it was the organization she wanted to join.

It is impossible for her to make a breakthrough in the mainland by herself. The palace royal family where Ming Xiu is located is very exclusive, and she does not want to join by his name, otherwise she will only be despised by others.

As for the other great powers of the five arts, she didn't consider them either. The inheritance is too strong, and the relationship between master and apprentice is very complicated. The relatively free mercenary trade union that values ​​strength is more suitable for her.

And to be honest, she likes the atmosphere of the mercenary union.

Fei Yanchen smiled helplessly when she heard what she said, "Don't worry, I will give you most of it."

The mad lion mercenary group and the eldest prince colluded and wanted to rebel has stepped on the bottom line of the Beiyuan royal family. Even if Lou Muyan and the others don't act today, he will lead someone to take action.

Of course, the final result will be borne by the royal family.

"Thank you so much, we're tired and we'll go back to rest first." Lou Muyan smiled lightly.

Fei Yanchen nodded gently: "Okay, let me clean up the mess."


Lou Muyan meaningfully looked at a direction in the sky not far away, and led Murong Qing and the others to slowly leave the headquarters of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group.

She believed that Fei Yanchen would send most of the collected items. Not only did she save Fei Yanchen, but she also saved him by expelling the poison for Emperor Beiyuan, so the royal family of Beiyuan did not bother to devour these things and She resents.

The wealth of the eighth-level mercenary group must have accumulated to a certain extent, so she wanted to preemptively attack the market. Naturally, most of the spoils should be divided, after all, her side contributed the most.

Fei Yanchen looked at Lou Muyan's leaving back, lowered his head and smiled, and there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

After being with Lou Muyan for more than half a year, he still has some understanding of her temperament, but her little calculus this time actually didn't hide it from him.

Then he didn't dislike her act of preempting others, first being a gentleman, and then being a villain. Instead, he felt that she was upright, bright and greedy for money.

"The violent beauty seems to have discovered us." The tall and handsome man said with a meaningful smile.

Lou Muyan's half-smiling look just now seemed to be aimed at them.

"Well, she should have discovered us." The ordinary-looking man rarely showed a playful look in his eyes, "Very sensitive girl."

"Are we in direct contact with her or do we have a hidden investigation?" The gentle man thought for a while and asked.

The man with an ordinary face pondered for a while and said, "I received news that in two days the branch of Beiyuan Kingdom's Danta branch will hold an alchemy competition with high rewards. Let's wait until the competition is over before showing up."

If Lou Muyan is a senior alchemist, he should not be able to resist the temptation of this reward.

"it is good!"

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