Lou Muyan and his party went to smash the headquarters of the mad lion mercenary group without any cover up, and the entire battle was not covered up. A hurricane blew up in the Beiyuan Kingdom early the next morning.

"Have you heard? Last night, the eighth-level mad lion mercenary group was taken over by the sixth-level Mufeng mercenary group."

"I knew it for a long time. I was still watching the battle from a distance."

"How is it? Is the Mufeng Mercenary Group really that brave?"

"Of course, the battle last night was truly shocking. I saw the Mufeng mercenary group..."

You don't have to go out of your way to spread your admiration. The Wind Mercenary Group became popular because of this incident, and even the news spread quickly even in the mainland of Zhongzhou, and many forces knew about it.

The fact that the sixth-level mercenary group crushed the eighth-level mercenary group is almost unprecedented in the mercenary trade union. After all, the eighth-level mercenary group has a high level of cultivation, not only the number of people, but not the sixth-level mercenary. Corps can compare.

But what happened in the Beiyuan Imperial Capital is well known and witnessed by many people, so the elders of the Central Hall of the Mercenary Trade Union paid special attention to it.

The schedule to investigate and dig Lou Muyan into the central hall of the mercenary trade union was mentioned again, and he quickly issued instructions to the three inspectors for their immediate actions.

Lou Muyan ignored the rumors of the Mufeng mercenary group outside, she was trying her best to refine the eighth-grade medicine pill.

After fighting with many sword masters of the Earth Origin Realm before, she gained a hint of enlightenment, and after returning to the other courtyard, she was promoted to the peak of the Dan Origin Realm.

As we all know, eighth-rank alchemists or other eighth-rank magicians need at least the cultivation base of the Earth Origin Realm, and 99% of the eighth-rank and five-skill magicians are above the Tianyuan realm.

But Lou Muyan was a special case, because after several failures, she refined the eighth-grade medicinal pill with her cultivation at the peak of Dan Yuanjing.

However, this is also due to the power of the spiritual fire after the promotion, otherwise the restrictions of the law are still difficult to break through.

In the room enclosed by the formation, the medicinal pills had not yet flown out of the furnace, and an incense of medicinal pills had already overflowed the entire room.

Mo Yan's dark eyes were brighter than obsidian. He lay lazily on the bed and looked at Lou Muyan not far away: "I didn't expect you to succeed."

Although he had never experienced how difficult it was to refine an eighth-rank medicinal pill, he knew that there were not many eighth-rank alchemists in the entire continent, and even a ninth-rank one in the entire Guangling World would not have more than thirty people.

"Eighth-grade medicinal pills are not that difficult to refine." Lou Muyan took out the medicinal pill from the colorful glazed tripod and threw it to Mo Yan, and said with a smile, "Does it still taste good when you taste it?"

Mo Yan used to be a demon king in the fusion realm, and he must have eaten the eighth-grade pills, and the eighth-grade pills helped Mo Yan a lot.

Mo Yan's eyes were full of smiles. He opened his mouth slightly and the medicinal herbs melted in his mouth in an instant, and the medicinal power spread all over his dantian and meridians.

After a while, he nodded with a smile and said, "It tastes good."

The few spirit pets who were looking at it eagerly rolled their eyes when they heard Mo Yan's evaluation. Of course, the taste of the eighth-grade medicinal herbs must be good, does it need to be said?

If other high-level pharmacists and high-level powerhouses see it and hear it, they will definitely shout that they are ignorant, so can the precious eight-grade medicinal herbs be described in terms of taste?

"Mistress, when are you going to refine two eighth-grade medicinal herbs for us to try, I haven't tried them yet." Long Yao leaned in front of Lou Muyan and said flatteringly.

Eighth-grade medicinal pills are only suitable for those who are in the Heavenly Origin Realm. Although there are not many restrictions on monsters, it is very wasteful after taking them.

So he really never tasted it when he was in the Yuanyuan Realm, otherwise, with the background of the Underworld Palace, he would still be able to deduct two from Mingxiu's hand.

Of course, in Ming Xiu's hands, he would deduct at most a few pills to satisfy his cravings, but with Lou Muyan, he might be able to eat one every day.

"Master, this medicinal pill smells so good." Bingji glared at Long Yao, this idiot is completely stealing his position, shameless.

Lou Muyan angrily looked at a pair of spirit pets who were eager to wear them, and said, "Eighth-rank medicinal herbs are fragrant, but they are not so easy to refine. After I advance to the Yuan Dynasty, you will be thinking about it."

Her current rate of refining eight-grade medicinal herbs is too low, only one pill at a time, although the quality is of the middle grade, but it does not meet her requirements.

"I'm afraid you are the only one who can refine the eighth-grade pills in the entire Guangling Realm's Pill Origin Realm. You don't want to be cheap and still be good." Mo Yan looked at Lou Muyan's disgusting expression and said amusingly.

I couldn't help but sigh again that this woman's talent was too perverted.

Lou Muyan shrugged and said, "It's better not to waste the spirit herbs. We will refine them in large quantities when we can produce more than four high-grade eight-grade medicinal herbs in one batch."

Several spirit pets are about to kneel in an instant, wanting to cry without tears in their hearts, master don't want it!

"Well, the eighth-level spirit grass is hard to find now, so it's better to use it sparingly." Mo Yan nodded in agreement.

Several other spiritual pets looked at Mo Yan sadly, Boss Mo, you have eaten it in your mouth, haven't you tasted it yet?

Mo Yan glanced at a few spiritual pets indifferently, "Your cultivation is too low, and taking the eighth-grade pills now is a pure waste."

Although spiritual pets do not have the level restrictions on taking medicinal pills like human sword masters, after all, the strength of the body can completely ignore the medicinal properties of medicinal pills, but taking too much medicine will not help itself much.

"Okay, I'll make a few furnaces later and give you a taste first." Lou Muyan was speechless when she saw the pitiful appearance of the pets.

"The master is so nice, I like the master the most!"

Lei Huang's originally negative face also showed a genial smile, and he pouted, "You're not so biased."

Mo Yan closed his eyes and started refining the medicinal effect.

Afterwards, Lou Muyan devoted herself to refining the eighth-grade medicinal pills. After a few more refinings, the pill yield rate also increased to two or even three per pot, but she was still not very satisfied.

If an eighth-grade alchemist knew what she was thinking, he would vomit blood with anger. The eighth-grade medicinal herb can be refined into three pills in one furnace, and she was still not satisfied.

Two days later, Lou Muyan heard a knock on the door.

She removed the formation restriction and opened the door to see the two Murong Qing brothers standing at the door.

"Mu Yan, don't you go outside and take a look?" Murong Yu stuck her head out from behind Murong Qing.

Lou Muyan asked in surprise: "What are you looking at?"

"Don't you know?" Murong Yu continued: "Danta's branch in Beiyuan Kingdom is holding an alchemy competition. If you can win the championship, the reward will be very high."

"I've been in retreat recently and I don't know." Lou Muyan blinked and asked, "What reward does the champion get?"

"The champion will not only be rewarded with 3 million middle-grade spirit stones, but also win a black-flame secluded lotus, which is a heaven-level spirit item. Many alchemists who came here came to Beiyuan Imperial Capital for it, and the competition was lively. Extraordinary." Murong Yu replied.

Lou Muyan was considering whether to join in the fun, when Mo Yan's slightly eager voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "I need Hei Yan You Lian."

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