Lou Muyan's speed in refining medicine pills is astonishingly fast, which is what she is used to.

Since she was inspired to win this year's alchemy competition, there was no need for her to hide too much strength.

The better she performs, the more talented she is, and the more the mercenary union will value her.

Putting the bottle containing the medicinal pills on Table Mountain, she retreated to the rest area and closed her eyes to rest.

When alchemy reached her level, it didn't help in the slightest to watch other people refining the fifth-grade medicine pills. She hurried to practice every moment.

Two hours later, the round ended.

The contestants' medicinal pills were all sent to the hands of the first judges, and they quickly came to a conclusion.

The referee who presided over the game went to the center and announced: "The first place in the second game is Lou Muyan, who has refined ten top-grade Diyuan Dan, whether it is alchemy skills or fire control, several referees have rated it. Perfect; second place is…”

Under Lou Muyan's patient guidance, Wu Nuan was successfully promoted to the fifth-rank senior alchemist, but in such a talented competition, she did not break into the top 20.

Although she didn't make it to the top 20, she was still very excited.

One is from the bottom of her heart that Lou Muyan has successfully advanced to the first place, and the other is that she has successfully stimulated her potential in alchemy in such a highly intense competition just now.

Wu Nuan was eliminated in Lou Muyan's expectation. She knew that Wu Nuan's talent in alchemy was extremely high, but after all, the good talent in the past was delayed in Wu's family. Now, although the cultivation is progressing rapidly, it lacks time.

If Wu Nuan was given another year, Lou Muyan believed that she would be able to rush to the top ten to participate in the final of the Danta.

"You performed well today." Lou Muyan patted Wu Nuan on the shoulder and encouraged.

Wu Nuan's face was full of a smile like a spring breeze, "Well, I feel that I should be able to advance to the sixth-grade alchemy master soon."

She will definitely not disappoint Lou Muyan.

"Not bad." Lou Muyan was very satisfied with Wu Nuan's growth rate.

After returning to the private room, Bei Yuanhuang and An Yuqian's eyes on Lou Muyan also changed.

Regardless of whether Lou Muyan is a true seventh-grade alchemist, her performance just now can definitely rank in the top 30 for the quality and success rate of fifth-grade medicinal pills refined in the upper mainland.

Even the eighth-grade alchemists in the Pill Tower may not necessarily be able to refine ten top-grade fifth-grade medicinal herbs.

"Miss Lou, your success rate is very high." An Yuqian said with a smile.

After watching the third game, if Lou Muyan can win the championship of the Beiyuan Dan Pagoda branch, the mercenary union should change the conditions for attracting her.

"It's okay." Lou Muyan smiled humbly.

Her pill success rate can actually reach between twelve and fifteen, and the quality of the pills can also reach the highest level, but she just doesn't want to show it at such a time.

In Danta's private room.

The deputy tower master of Tongyan with white hair is an eighth-rank senior alchemist himself, and he is only one step away from ninth-rank.

His eyes were full of light, "This girl is really a genius! This is not her true strength at all."

The complexion of the elegant man and several elders next to him changed, "What? Isn't this real strength?"

"She made ten top-grade medicinal pills without her taking a stick of incense. If she spends a little more time and the flame is used better, she will definitely be able to make top-grade medicinal medicinal herbs." The deputy tower master smiled. say.

"This kind of talent is indeed a bit against the sky, but now it's just refining the 5th-grade medicinal herbs, and we still have to see her next performance." The elegant man said with excitement.

There are also many alchemy masters who focus on this kind of alchemy method, that is, the level of the alchemist is not very high, or it is the same level as the refining medicine pill, because the quality and quantity of the medicine medicine are too much pursued, so the success rate of the medicine pill is too high. Very high and good quality.

But it is difficult to break through to higher-level alchemists, because their focus has shifted, and they are completely obsessive-compulsive.

"Well, the old man is looking forward to the third game tomorrow."

Countless alchemists who were present in the second game watched it. On the day after the game, Lou Muyan, who won the first place in both the first and second games, became the focus of discussion in the capital of Beiyuan.

"I didn't expect that Lou Muyan, the head of the headquarter of the Wild Lion Mercenary Guild, was actually an alchemist with such a powerful talent!"

"This is not the point. The point is that she is not yet twenty years old, and based on the quantity and quality of the fifth-grade medicinal herbs she refined in the second round, she will be a sixth-grade alchemist."

"I heard that she displayed a seventh-grade formation at the headquarters of the Wild Lion Mercenary Group that day. If that's the case, it would be too perverted."

"Bragging, I have never heard of a seventh-grade array mage under the age of 20."

"How can it be bragging? That's what my ancestor said with my own ears. At that time, he went to the volley to watch the battle."

"I always thought that the head of the Mufeng mercenary group was a burly woman. Who knew that after watching the alchemy competition today, I found out that Lou Muyan was so stunningly beautiful that even Emperor Beiyuan would be hard to find any woman. comparable to it.”

"Yeah! I don't know what kind of man will fall into the hands of such a stunning beauty in the future."


Rumors can be heard everywhere in the imperial capital.

In a restaurant, three people were sitting at a table drinking and listening to the rumors. One of the slender men in Tsing Yi burst into dazzling joy.

He finally found his sister!

Lou Muyan took a carriage back to the other courtyard after leaving the Danta Arena. When passing by a restaurant, his heart suddenly felt a throbbing feeling of blood connection.

Her originally closed eyes suddenly opened, this was Lou Muting's breath.

"Stop." She called out.

The ice halberd, who was driving the wind treading horse, immediately gave the order to stop. He turned his head and asked in surprise, "Master, what's wrong?"

"I feel the breath of the second brother." Lou Muyan's eyes showed a hint of joy.

Miaomiao, who was wrapped in her hand, also said with a feeling: "I also felt the breath of that fool."

Although she said disgusting words in her mouth, her tone was very pleasant.

Lou Muyan pushed open the carriage door, and as soon as he raised his head, he met a face that was 70-80% similar to hers.

Lou Muting was excited when he heard the rumors, but suddenly he felt a kind of blood pulling him to look down the window. Who knows, he met Lou Muyan's equally surprised eyes.

"Sister!" He lip-synched with a big smile on his face.

Lou Muyan beckoned to him, and also made a mouth shape, "Brother come down quickly."

Now Lou Muting is much calmer than before in both temperament and disposition. He smiled at the two of them at the same table and said, "I found my sister, do you want to meet her with me?"

"Of course." The two nodded at the same time and stood up.

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