Lou Muting walked out of the restaurant with two identical-looking men, and Lou Muyan did not hesitate to let them get on the carriage together.

After Lou Muting got into the car, the Murong Qing brothers and Wu Nuan also discovered that this person and Lou Muyan looked very similar.

In fact, the facial features of the two can be said to be 90% similar, just because one is a man and the other is a woman, and the temperament is very different, so people feel that they are only 70 or 80% alike.

But at a glance, you can see that they are definitely brother and sister.

"This is my second brother, Lou Muting." Lou Muyan took Lou Muting's arm and introduced them to several people, and at the same time introduced the three of Murong Qing to Lou Muting.

After greeting each other, Lou Muting introduced the two brothers beside him to Lou Muyan, "Muyan is the Lu family brothers, they are another swordsman who has ascended to the lower level. When I was in trouble, they saved me."

Lou Muyan said with a sincere smile, "Thank you both."

Judging from the breath of these two people, they were the cultivation bases in the early stage of Dan Yuanjing. They saved Lou Muting when he didn't know his identity. The purpose should be very simple.

"Miss Lou, you're welcome." The two smiled back at the same time.

Soon, the group returned to the other courtyard.

Others winked and left, leaving only the two brothers and sisters to reunite.

"Sister!" As soon as the door of the room closed, Lou Muting hugged Lou Muyan excitedly.

Lou Muyan said with a warm smile: "Brother has grown taller, and he has become a lot more stable."

"You stinky girl, you made fun of your brother." Lou Muting said habitually scratching Lou Muyan's nose.

Lou Muyan pulled him to sit down and asked, "Where's Big Brother and the others? Did they also ascend together?"

"I don't know." Lou Muting smiled bitterly, "I accidentally broke into a secret realm and obtained a fortune, and my cultivation base broke through to the Danyuan realm and was directly transmitted to the Guangling realm."

With the help of the power after he transferred the spirit body with his elder brother and the resources left by Lou Muyan to shock the Sword God, he went to experience a dangerous situation in Tianling Continent.

Lou Muyan nodded, her second brother is simply the kind of foolish person who often breaks through by chance.

"What grade is your golden core?"

"High-grade Jindan." Lou Muting smiled shyly, "I shaped Jindan very well, and the speed of cultivation after arriving in Guangling World is much faster than in Tianling Continent."

"Of course, your talent is already excellent, you have the body of the sword spirit, and the spiritual energy of the Guangling World is so strong, it's no wonder that you are not practicing quickly." Lou Muyan said with a sullen smile.

Although she had a physique before, but after eradicating her talent, her talent showed up against the sky. Lou Muting is her twin brother, so naturally his talent is no worse than hers.

"How were your elder brother, grandpa, and father's cultivation base when you entered the secret realm? Are you about to touch the barrier of the Dan Yuan realm?" Lou Muyan asked.

Not only did she leave behind a lot of high-level medicinal pills and spirit wine, but also heaven-level exercises, so she believed that it would not take too long for them to advance to the Danyuan realm.

"Grandpa and father should have a few years before they can break through. Big brother may have already broken through."

"Even if I haven't made a breakthrough yet, it's definitely not far." Lou Muting paused and said, "When I went to practice, my eldest brother had already stepped into the Danyuan realm with half of his feet. At that time, he was in retreat and comprehend."

"Didn't your ascension land at the contact point of the human race?" Lou Muyan asked after thinking for a while.

"No, I suddenly flew up there, and the space node changed, so I was teleported to the border of the Beiyuan Empire." Lou Muting shook his head.

Lou Muyan thought that this was right. Through contacting the crystal ball and Mingxiu, she knew that he had set up spies at the major ascension points in the human realm very early. She will be notified as soon as possible.

Lou Muting has been soaring for more than two months, but no news has come. It is indeed a problem with the space node. So has his eldest brother soared?

"You don't have to worry about it. Big brother will be fine if he ascends to the Guangling World."

Lou Muting comforted: "Although the space nodes sometimes fail to transmit to the connection point of the human domain, there will be no life-threatening transmission in the transmission of the laws of heaven and earth."


The two chatted for a while, and Lou Muyan asked roughly what happened after she left.

Lou Muting looked around and asked, "Where's Miaomiao? Why didn't he come out when he saw me!"

Lou Muyan hooked her lips and gently pinched the little white snake wrapped around her hand with her fingers. Is this little girl shy? Should not be!

Then a white light flew out from Lou Muyan's wrist and instantly turned into a girl.

The girl is wearing a white dress, with a beautiful figure, exquisite facial features, fair skin that can be broken by blows, big eyes like a deep spring, and a smart and pleasant temperament.

"You, are you Miaomiao?" Lou Muting asked in disbelief at the sudden appearance of the beautiful girl.

Miaomiao suddenly rushed in front of Lou Muting and took the initiative to sit on his lap, wrapping his hands around his neck as if he was a child and rubbing, "Fool, you are here!"

Miaomiao is a monster, so she has no awareness and scruples about infidelity between men and women. She used to like Lou Muyan and Lou Muting hugging the most, so this kind of action is just an instinct.

And even if she knew about it, she wouldn't care. The demon cultivator is much more straightforward than the human race, and she doesn't care about those false things.

Lou Muting's body froze, and he didn't know where to put his hands, with a doting smile in his eyes, "Miaomiao has grown into a big girl."

"Yeah! I've grown up." Miaomiao smiled happily, seeing Lou Muting she didn't know why she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

So he put his head to his neck and rubbed it again as if he was a child, and Lou Muting's ears instantly turned red.

Lou Muyan is happy to see her second brother and Miaomiao develop naturally. It is not uncommon for people and demon cultivators to combine together, especially in the Guangling world.

According to his second brother's temperament, he and Miaomiao are quite compatible. If the two of them can't get together in the future, it will be fine, she will not intervene.

In the evening, Lou Muyan met with Lou Muting's two good friends again and invited them to join the Mufeng mercenary group.

She will soon hand over the management of the Mufeng mercenary group to her brother, so it is very important to accumulate his own network resources. These two brothers are a good team.

Lou Muting and the two also registered as mercenaries together before. They have been taking missions continuously in the past two months. They have met several dangers and supported each other to resolve them. They can be regarded as life and death.

The feelings between people sometimes come quickly, especially such friendships that have gone through life and death are more reliable.

The two brothers did not expect that the person they rescued unintentionally, who was pleasing to the eye and had similar interests, was actually the elder brother of the head of the Mufeng mercenary regiment who had recently been rumored to be.

The two of them were promoted to the Guangling World together, but they didn't have the slightest background or acquaintance, so Lou Muyan invited them to join the Murong Mercenary Corps, and they readily agreed.

The two brothers had formed a mercenary group when they were in the original lower-level interface, and they had a strong sense of belonging and love for the profession of mercenary.

On the third day, the brothers Lou Muting and Lu Jia also went to Danta to participate in the competition with Lou Muyan.

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