After the age of six, all the children of the emperor of the underworld royal family will be randomly sent to the lower interface to experience, until they break through to the Danyuan realm and return to the mainland of Zhongzhou by themselves.

All sent to the lower interface are the main body. Before going down, the royal family will help each prince and princess to condense a differentiated incarnation to sit in Zhongzhou.

One is to have a good grasp of the cultivation and safety of the princes and queens in the lower realm, and the other is to let them understand the difference between the Guangling realm and the lower-level interface through extra incarnations, to induce them to stimulate their potential and shorten the time to return as much as possible.

The avatar and the deity are one, and all thoughts and actions are controlled by the deity.

Of course, if the extra incarnation gets any chance, it will produce self-consciousness and kill the master, but this is very rare, and the royal family of the Underworld also has ways to deal with such extra incarnation.

The extraordinary incarnation of Ming Xiu has only begun to develop self-consciousness in the last two or three years. He wants to kill his master under the use of people with a heart. For the past ten years, he has controlled the initiative of his body to get along with other princes and princesses, and arranged the Ming Alliance Chamber of Commerce. matters.

The deity and the extra incarnation are one body, so the temperament and cultivation are the same, and the other princes naturally know what temperament their ninth brother is.

He is usually arrogant and wanton, and his temperament is uncertain, but he rarely says such a warning to everyone in such a domineering and arrogant manner. That can only show that he is really interested in Lou Muyan.

Emperor Hades didn't expect his son to have a genuine affection for a woman from the lower realm, but as an existence standing at the top of the Guangling Realm, he knew the origin of Lou Muyan by checking it.

His bottomless eyes quickly flashed a blue light, and Lou Muyan's breath was captured by him invisibly and thrown back into time.

Emperor Hades' cultivation base is unfathomable, and he can use time to look back and spy on some of the things that happened to the other party.

Soon Lou Muyan browsed through everything from eradicating his physique to ascending to the Guangling World, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Since Xiu'er likes it, let's marry him back and be the princess."

Emperor Hades was just a clone in the private room at this time, and he used time to look back at the deity thousands of miles away, so no one knew that he actually knew Lou Muyan.

Of course, if it was replaced by another prince, Emperor Ming, it would be impossible to spend such leisure time to spy on his son's liking for women. After all, there is a price to pay for using Time Backtracking.

Ming Xiu was not shocked by the honor and shame, and hooked his lips: "It's not in a hurry now, it's not too late for Yan'er to practice more before getting married."

He wanted to marry Lou Muyan back as soon as possible, but Lou Zhantian and others hadn't yet ascended, so she definitely wanted to wait until the family was reunited before marrying him.

However, Lou Muyan's sympathetic temperament is also his favorite.

"I didn't expect that the ninth brother is still the seed of infatuation with meticulous care." The seventh prince said pantothenic acid.

He originally had a little interest in Lou Muyan, but who knew that Ming Xiu suddenly stepped in. If it was someone else, he would ignore it, and would only pursue Lou Muyan more attentively, but he would not dare to replace it with this evil spirit. .

And the relationship between the two brothers is the best among the princes, and he doesn't want to destroy the brotherhood for a woman who is only interested.

"I have always been infatuated and single-minded." Ming Xiu smiled evilly, "She is my first woman, and she will be my last."

He also said this to put an end to the thoughts of those who wanted to stuff him with women.

Hearing what Ming Xiu said, the people present were shocked again.

Not to mention their royal heirs, many ordinary swordsmen would marry wives and take concubines. After all, the higher the cultivation base between husband and wife, the more difficult it would be to have children, so many swordsmen would marry many women to reproduce offspring.

Some of them have princes who haven't married a princess yet, but they all have concubines. They can't do it all with one woman.

"Xiu'er means you won't marry a concubine in the future?" Emperor Ming looked at Ming Xiu lightly and asked.

Ming Xiu looked up at Emperor Ming and said, "Yes, I will only have her as a woman in my life."

Emperor Hades frowned slightly, he didn't expect that he would actually give birth to such an infatuation, and if he dared to say such words with his son's temperament, he would definitely do what he said.

"Old man, you once promised me that you would marry me independently, and now you won't regret it, right?" Ming Xiu looked at Emperor Underworld and said teasingly.

Emperor Ming rolled his eyes at him, "I don't have the spare time to look after you and find a woman. You can do whatever you like."

Why! That's all, since the son has decided, let him follow him, anyway, it will be troublesome if there are too many women.

It is a kind of happiness in this world to find someone who he likes wholeheartedly, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life after losing it. He does not want his son to go his own way.

The atmosphere of the dialogue between the two fathers and sons was like a bickering between the fathers and sons of ordinary people, which made the hearts of the princes and daughters sour, but it was useless to be jealous.

If they dared to call the Underworld Emperor old man, there would be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

However, Ming Xiu found such a Feisheng Sword Master who had no strong background to be the imperial concubine, and only married her in his life, which would be of infinite benefit to them.

"The second round is coming." The eldest prince thought carefully and said, "Who do you think will win this round?"

"Naturally it's my Yan'er." Ming Xiu glanced at him and said arrogantly.

"..." The other princes twitched the corners of their mouths, Ninth brother, are you really so blind?

"Lan Ruoshui was already a seventh-rank intermediate pharmacist three years ago. I think she has a better chance of winning," the second prince said.

His talent is the strongest except for Ming Xiu, and he has also established a force of his own in the royal family. His mother family is also considered strong. Therefore, he is very hostile to Ming Xiu, the younger brother who is favored by the Emperor Ming, and he is very hostile. will also sing the opposite.

Emperor Hades would not care about such things, he believed that Ming Xiu could solve it by himself.

"Then why don't we take a gamble?" The Seventh Prince not only likes hunting beauty, but is also good at gambling, "Let's bet who will win the final of this alchemy competition."

The other princes wanted to bet in their hearts, but their eyes were secretly aimed at Emperor Hades. They were still very afraid of this old man.

"Okay! I bet 100 million high-grade spirit stones on my Yaner to win." Ming Xiu turned to look at Emperor Hades and said, "Do you want the old man to make a bet?"

"..." The other princes and princesses really admired this ninth brother at this time, and he actually dared to ask the Emperor Ming to gamble together.

And 100 million top-grade spirit stones, this kind of handwriting is a bit too big, they are a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

Emperor Hades casually threw a bead full of red fluorescent energy and said with a smile: "Don't be complacent, you stinky brat, then I will use this superb fire essence to crush Lan Ruoshui to win."

Ming Xiu's happy voice poured out, "Okay! My Yan'er is missing such a bead."

He knew that the old man deliberately took it out to let him win.

"..." The other princes are completely speechless, everything is your family Yan'er, is it really good for you to be so infatuated?

Emperor Ming looked at Ming Xiu angrily and said, "Stinky boy, if you really have a daughter-in-law, you forget about Lao Tzu."

"How could that be?" Ming Xiu raised his eyebrows, blinked his eyes and smiled: "I will definitely honor you, an old man with Yan'er in the future, and support you in the old age."

"I'm still young, who cares about your old age." Although Emperor Hades disliked it, judging from the smile on his eyebrows, he was in a very good mood.

For such father-son interaction, other princes and princesses are not envious, and only hope to get back on the bet.

The other princes and daughters bet Lan Ruoshui and Zhou Zhou respectively. After all, the finals of alchemy will be determined by the alchemy grade. They are not optimistic about Lou Muyan, who is too young and came from the lower realm.

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