After the first round, the second round will continue with a break for a cup of tea.

After half a cup of tea, the deputy tower owner of Zhongzhou appeared on the field.

"There are ten points in the second round. There are four patients in total. According to the effect of treatment, the time is three hours. Now the competition will begin."

After the referee finished speaking the rules, there were more than 30 wooden rooms separated by the competition field, and the contestants who scored more than five points in the first round were brought into one room one by one.

Each contestant can't see the effect of other people's treatment, but the audience can see the details of each private room.

Lou Muyan was placed in the first room, she sat for a while, a Danta deputy referee brought a man in.

"Master Lou, this is your first patient." The deputy referee said calmly.

Lou Muyan nodded to the deputy referee: "I'm sorry."

The deputy referee had a good impression of Lou Muyan, and smiled and walked to the side to watch her treatment.

It's a kind of oversight, and there's a deputy referee in each contestant's room.

Lou Muyan pointed to the next position and said to the patient, "Sit."

The man walked to the seat beside her and sat down without saying a word.

"Put your left hand on the table." Lou Muyan said.

The man pulled up his sleeves, put his left hand on the table, and asked, "Do I need to tell me about my condition?"

"No need for now, I'll take a look first." Lou Muyan stretched out two fingers to the man's wrist and took the pulse quietly.

After a while, she opened the mouth and said, "Do you think that most of the spiritual energy you absorb every time you cultivate will be lost, and a very small part will flow through the dantian to the meridians, but you will feel pain."

The man didn't expect that the other party would know just by taking the pulse. He was a little disappointed to see her seeing a doctor like a mortal doctor, but now it seems that he may still be cured.

"Yes, my current cultivation base is basically maintained at the original state and cannot be promoted." The man paused and asked expectantly: "Doctor Lou, do you think my illness can be cured?"

"Naturally." Lou Muyan smiled, "Your meridians were damaged due to over-training, and you started to practice forcibly before they were repaired. This situation is caused by the combination of gold needles and medicines.

"Then I will trouble Dr. Lou." The man said excitedly.

Lou Muyan took out Jin and stabbed the man a few times, and then asked the deputy referee for some medicinal materials for refining medicinal pills.

All the spirit herbs in the competition were provided by Danta, so she was not polite.

Soon a waiter brought in the spirit grass that Lou Muyan wanted, and she threw the spirit grass into the colorful glazed cauldron, refining it into more than ten drops of emerald green liquid, and poured it into a white jade bowl.

"Drink this medicine, you can adjust your breath for a stick of incense, and the damage in your body will recover." Lou Muyan handed the bowl to the man.

After the golden needle treatment, the man felt that the pain deposited in his body had been relieved a lot. He immediately drank the medicinal liquid and adjusted his breath according to the method of Lou Muyan Sect.

"I can see the second patient." Lou Muyan looked up at the deputy referee and said.

The deputy referee nodded, and soon a burly man who was seriously injured and looked dying was carried into the room.

Lou Muyan crouched down to examine him seriously, and then asked the deputy referee for medicinal herbs for healing.

The second round of competition stipulates that the medicinal pills, powders, and medicinal liquids that the contestants need to refine must be refined on the spot for treatment.

She quickly refined a portion of the spirit grass into medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the big man, and the blood that was lingering from the many wounds of the big man stopped immediately.

Then he refined a medicinal pill for serious internal injuries and fed it to the burly man.

"Your internal injury is serious. After the medicinal herbs start to dissipate their effects, use the internal energy to push them into the internal organs for nourishment. After a cup of tea, most of the injuries can be recovered." Lou Muyan said in a low voice to the burly man.

The burly man's breath was weak, and when he heard her words, he reluctantly said: "Okay!"

When the burly man started to do as Lou Muyan said, Lou Muyan said to the deputy referee, "I can start seeing the third patient."

There was a strange look in the deputy referee's eyes. He was a seventh-grade pharmacist, and naturally he could see that Lou Muyan was very effective in curing diseases.

Soon a third patient was brought in.

This is a middle-aged man with a pale face.

Lou Muyan knew the condition at a glance.

"You were caught by a snake venom three years ago. This toxin has destroyed a lot of your meridians. Not only are you unable to cultivate now, but you are also suffering from illnesses that are worse than death every day." Lou Muyan said.

The middle-aged man's cloudy eyes showed a glimmer of hope and pleaded: "Doctor Lou, please help me. My family and my wife, children and children are all dependent on me to raise them. If I die, their lives will be even more difficult."

Lou Muyan reassured her with a gentle smile on her face: "Don't worry, I can cure this poison."

She has treated countless patients in the mortal world, and she also has a benevolent doctor. Whether it is the rich, the powerful, or the poor, she treats them all equally.

Looking at her gentle smile, the disfigured middle-aged man who was already suffering from illness said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you, Pharmacist Lou."

In the second round of the Danta competition, the patients who needed treatment by the contestants were not deliberately created, and were collected from the private sector. Those who were either very poor and could not afford treatment, or those who had spent money to hire a pharmacist to treat them and have been unable to cure them.

They came with hope and also solved the problem of the patients in the Danta assessment.

However, they had signed a life-and-death agreement in advance, and if there was death during the treatment, they would be at their own risk, and these people would only choose to come to the alchemy tower as a test item for the alchemists in the alchemy competition.

The world is so cruel.

Soon Lou Muyan refined an antidote to understand snake venom for the middle-aged man to take.

"I can treat the last patient." Lou Muyan said to the deputy referee.

"Okay!" The deputy referee can see that Lou Muyan's attitude towards each patient is very peaceful and friendly, and she has a power that seems to calm people's hearts. This is her personality charm, and such a pharmacist can go well farther.

She treats purely for the sake of healing, not for fame and fortune like many pharmacists do.

The last patient was a very pale young man, Lou Muyan took the pulse and said, "You have broken all the meridians, not only will you not be able to cultivate, but if you can't continue within three days, you will be paralyzed in bed forever. lifetime."

With a face of despair and sorrow, the young man said hoarsely, "Yes, I may become a crippled person in this life."

His great revenge has not been avenged, he is not reconciled!

"I can save you!" Lou Muyan said calmly.

The young man was startled, his eyes widened, "What? Pharmacist Lou, can you renew the meridians that have been cut all over my body?"

"Yes, I can." Lou Muyan nodded.

"Please, please save me." The young man pleaded excitedly.

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