Hear it first and then see the person.

At this time, everyone saw that among the crowd who came down from the private room on the second floor, a woman who looked like a fairy came down, with a beautiful and elegant temperament, came out.

Lou Muyan was stunned, looking at the woman approaching, her eyes filled with warmth and excitement, a sunny smile bloomed on her stunning face, and her voice was sweet: "Mother!"

Feng Yuexin walked up to Lou Muyan and touched her head affectionately, with a distressed look in her eyes, "Yan'er has been wronged."

Before Feng Yuexin accepted all the consciousness of the soul of the lower realm, she still couldn't accept the fact that she was married and had children, so she practiced more frantically just to escape temporarily.

But when she heard that Lou Muyan came to Zhongzhou, her heart was not at peace, and when she saw her daughter's competition in the private room, she truly felt that this was her daughter who was connected by blood, and the mother's love suddenly burst.

So she didn't run away, she gave up all the emotions of the main soul and replaced the emotions of the separate souls, and she only felt warm and reassured in her heart.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she was about to recognize Lou Muyan and take her to Feng's house, she saw Zhu Xiaoliu of Zhu's family threatening to bully Lou Muyan.

"Mother, I miss you!" Lou Muyan took Feng Yuexin's hand and rubbed her shoulder.

She didn't care about people like Zhu Xiaoliu at all. She had planned to let them get out of the way, but now that her mother appeared, she was too lazy to teach them a lesson.

"Mother misses you too!" Feng Yuexin showed a doting smile on her elegant face.

Looking at the mother and daughter's deep love, the people present, including the powerhouses of the major forces who came down from the private rooms on the second and third floors, were completely stunned.

Feng Yuexin actually had such a big daughter? When did this happen and why didn't they know?

Not to mention other people, even the Feng family members were all dumbfounded at this time, which was as shocking as the explosion of spring thunder.

Zhu Xiaoliu had never met Feng Yuexin, but she had heard of her name, especially the suffocating pressure in the cold and icy voice just now, which she realized later. I got myself into trouble.

Taking advantage of Feng Yuexin and Lou Muyan's deep love for their mother and daughter, she quietly stepped back little by little, trembling with fear.

Just after taking a step back, he was restrained by a force, and his body flew lightly and was smashed heavily on a stone pillar not far away.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spurted out of Zhu Xiaoliu's mouth when her chest was churning, her eyes were terrified, and the bones in her body were broken in many places.

"Grandpa, Dad, save me, save me!" The desire to survive made her cry loudly despite the pain.

Several young people from the Zhu family that Zhu Xiaoliu brought before were all terrified at this time, for fear that the other party would throw them out.

Then two people walked out of the crowd, a white-haired old man and a middle-aged man.

"Feng Yuexin, are you going too far?" The white-haired old man was Zhu Xiaoliu's grandfather. At this moment, he exuded a strong coercion all over his body, and looked at Feng Yuexin with a gloomy face.

Although the Zhu family is far worse than the Feng family, the Zhu family is attached to the Lan family to oppose the Feng family everywhere. Although they do not pay much attention to the granddaughter of Zhu Xiaoliu, being injured on the spot by Feng Yuexin is undoubtedly hitting the Zhu family in the face. .

Slapping the Zhu family's face is equivalent to slapping the Lan family's face, and now is the time for him to show his sincerity to the Lan family.

Of course, there is another fundamental reason why Mr. Zhu dared to be so presumptuous in front of Feng Yuexin because he broke through to the fusion realm by chance and coincidence not long ago, so he felt very confident.

Although he had known for a long time that Feng Yuexin was a talented and beautiful woman in Zhongzhou for thousands of years, in his heart she was just a junior.

Feng Yuexin smiled lightly and looked sharply at the old man of the Zhu family, "Just because you dare to be presumptuous in front of me, the Zhu family seems to have no need to exist."

As soon as her voice fell, the space here seemed to be frozen, and a chill overflowed from her body.

Everyone saw that she raised her hand lightly, and a ray of ice-blue light jumped out, and Mr. Zhu, a strong man in the fusion realm, was frozen into an ice sculpture without even the ability to resist.

Immediately, the entire space gradually warmed up as if it had thawed.

At this time, the pupils in the eyes of many powerhouses shrank, and Zhu Xiaoliu's father said in horror: "Fusion Upper Realm."

Hearing his voice, many people present were stunned again. They never expected that Feng Yuexin, who had not been seen for decades, had actually broken through to the upper realm of fusion.

This is the existence of a strong man standing at the top of the continent.

The Underworld Emperor, who was standing not far away, showed a bit of playfulness in his eyes at this time. Feng Yuexin not only broke through to the upper realm of fusion, but also mastered such perfect ice domain power.

Lou Muyan didn't expect her mother to be so strong and mighty. This strength is already called the ancestor of the late Mahayana in the immortal world.

The top executives of the Zhu family still did not break free from the sentence "The Zhu family seems to have no need to exist."

The powerhouse who merged with the upper realm can definitely easily destroy a big family, and they actually provoke such an existence.

After the meeting, the head of the Zhu family was brokenhearted and immediately gave a look at a woman behind him. The woman sobered up and hurried to the direction of the Lan family, looking at the head of the Lan family for help and said, "Cousin, please Please save the Zhu family!"

The Lan family's head was also somewhat unable to react at this time. Hearing his cousin's request for help, he wanted to shoot her to death.

Although the ancestor of the Lan family is also a strong person who has merged with the upper realm, the Feng family has another ancestor who has merged with the upper realm in addition to Feng Yuexin, and he has only entered the early stage of fusion. Isn't it courting death to face Feng Yuexin directly?

And behind him, a handsome man with an extraordinary face stared at Feng Yuexin, who was not far away, with deep love and pain in his eyes.

Feng Yuexin actually had such a big daughter, he simply couldn't accept such a thing.

He had always thought that Feng Yuexin had been living in seclusion for so many years because of what happened to them back then. He felt guilty but also wanted to save it, but unfortunately, he had been kicked out of the Feng family to visit countless times in person.

He quietly went to the forbidden area of ​​Feng's house and was blocked by a ninth-level formation, but what he never expected was that she had a daughter behind her back in those faceless days, he only felt that his heart was torn apart Pain.

In my heart, I wished to find out and eat the man who gave birth to a child with Feng Yuexin.

"There is no need for the Zhu family to exist. Within three days, the entire clan will get out of Zhongzhou. Otherwise, one will die. This is the first thing I, Feng Yuexin, will do after leaving the customs." Feng Yuexin cast her eyes indifferently. Putting it on the head of the Lan family, he said lightly, "I will kill anyone who stops me."

The Lan family and the Feng family are not just grievances between her and Lan Wushuang. They didn't intervene before because the other party hasn't touched her bottom line, but now they dare to bully her daughter, so let's settle the old and new accounts together.

She Feng Yuexin had never been afraid of anyone for so many years.

Lou Muyan blinked her eyes and looked at her with bright eyes, Feng Yuexin, her mother was arrogant and arrogant, so mighty!

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