When Zhu Xiaoliu's mother asked for help in an already delicate situation, the atmosphere became a bit domineering.

The head of the Lan family bravely stepped forward and looked at Feng Yuexin with an easy-going smile and said, "Miss Feng, this is a little bit of a quarrel between the two juniors, is it a little bit involved in letting the Zhu family get out of Zhongzhou City? Did you make a big deal?"

What he meant was obvious, Feng Yuexin was bullying people a little bit, hoping that she could have the demeanor of a strong man, don't care about the juniors, and take a step back to open up the sky.

He didn't care about the Zhu family, who had always been attached to the Lan family, but if the Zhu family were to get out of Zhongzhou within three days, it would be to slap their Lan family in the face, how could they still be in Zhongzhou.

"Get out or die." Feng Yuexin spit out four words indifferently, extremely powerful.

Lan Patriarch choked, his heart was furious, and he scolded Zhu Xiaoliu's ancestor for the eighteenth generation. It was not good to provoke anyone, but he ran to provoke Feng Yuexin, a woman who was not afraid of women.

"Yuexin, why do you need to implicate the Zhu family for a quarrel? If you can't stand Zhu Xiaoliu's killing, not to mention that the only fusion environment of the Zhu family has been frozen and suppressed by you." Lan Wushuang, who was behind the Lan family, was born. She looked at Feng Yuexin with complicated eyes.

Feng Yuexin curled her lips into a smile and waved her sleeves lightly. The old man Zhu's ice sculpture suddenly made a "click" sound, and then it broke into powder and disappeared.

"No, Daddy, Daddy." The head of the Zhu family shouted a few times with red eyes.

Originally trapped in Feng Yuexin's domain, she could still be freed if she made a move, but now it has turned into powder and is completely dead.

"I'm happy. Whoever dares to bully my daughter, I'll destroy her whole family. This time, it's just bullying in a spat, so I just let the Zhu family get out of the mainland of Zhongzhou."

Feng Yuexin looked directly at Lan Wushuang with endless coolness in her beautiful eyes, "Otherwise, do you think the rest of the Zhu family who are present are still alive to stand here?"

"Yuexin, can you put them in my face?" Lan Wushuang pursed his lips and said.

Feng Yuexin sneered: "Lan Wushuang, your fiancee and others in the secret realm attacked our Feng family. Eleven geniuses died in the Feng family, and I was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep. Also dead."

"Although the Lan family put all the responsibility on the Lin family's head after that, my Feng family killed the Lin family at all costs, but if your Lan family didn't participate at all, I naturally wouldn't believe it."

"Now you come and tell me your love, you have no shame."

Back then, Lan Wushuang and her were cultivating in Zhongzhou Mansion. They were brothers and sisters from the same sect. He pursued her vigorously, but when he turned around, he agreed to be engaged to Miss Lin, who was more conducive to the development of the Lan family. She was very fortunate back then. Not interested in him.

In the secret realm, the Miss Lin family was used to be jealous and lost her mind, and completely united several forces to attack her and the other dozen Feng family geniuses who had encountered crisis in the secret realm.

It was a coincidence that no one in the Lan family went in for the adventure. If there was no shadow behind them at all, she would never believe it.

Back then, she used a secret method to divide her soul out of the secret realm and fell into a deep sleep after returning to Feng's house, otherwise she would have died in the secret realm.

The ancestor of the Feng family was furious, and personally led the masters of the Feng family to destroy the big family of the Lin family, and uprooted the family that started together.

The Feng family and the Lan family were also torn apart because of this incident. The top management of the two families even fought for it. If it hadn't been for the Nether Palace royal family and several other top forces to come to mediate, I'm afraid the fish would have died and the net would have been broken.

Hearing Feng Yuexin's ruthless revealing of the bottom line, Lan Wushuang's face became extremely ugly, and her heart became even more uncomfortable.

If his mother had not used death threats to forcibly oppose his pursuit of Feng Yuexin, the two families would not have ended up in this situation.

Feng Yuexin was the only one in his heart that he loved from beginning to end. If it weren't for the pressure of filial piety, Feng Yuexin might have been his wife already.

After the Lin family was destroyed, Feng Yuexin woke up from a deep sleep and advanced to the fusion state. The possibility of Feng Yuexin.

"Yuexin, do you have to tear your face?" Lan Wushuang carried a faint sadness on his body. He also didn't want to fall out with Feng Yuexin, but now he can only focus on the interests of the family.

And he was also selfish, he couldn't accept the sudden appearance of Lou Muyan, so he wanted to keep the Zhu family.

Feng Yuexin really didn't know if Lan Wushuang had cultivated into an idiot. "I remember that our two families have already torn apart their faces. Lan Wushuang, why are you doing such a hypocritical gesture now, it will only make people more disgusted."

Lan Wushuang's face turned pale, he never thought that the woman he loved would say such words that stab his heart so coldly.

Lou Muyan now also sees that Lan Wushuang has extraordinary feelings for her mother, but he is definitely not a responsible man in the face of love, no wonder her mother did not choose such a person back then.

Although her father is not as strong as this man, he is extremely good to her mother. Just to accompany her mother, he hides his excellent cultivation and talent and keeps suppressing promotion. This man absolutely cannot do it.

When Patriarch Lan saw his younger brother's appearance, his scalp hurt. How could he still not forget this woman Feng Yuexin after so long?

Back then, they also blamed their mothers. I don't know why the younger brother must marry the Miss Lin family. If he married Feng Yuexin, the Lan family would definitely be stronger. How could they have to fight with the Feng family for everything.

The wife of the Lan family was also standing by the side at this time. She changed her mind and whispered to the Lan family.

"Miss Feng, don't forget that the wife of the head of the Zhu family is the cousin of the first empress of the imperial family of the Underworld. If you want to expel the entire Zhu family from Zhongzhou, it is not only related to our Lan family, but also to the royal family." Lan The owner's seemingly kind reminder is actually a threat.

Today, Emperor Hades brought a group of princes and daughters to watch the alchemy competition. He didn't believe that Feng Yuexin dared not give face to the royal family of the Ming Palace.

The eyes of the Zhu family master's wife lit up, and she immediately raised her chest and said, "Yes, my cousin is the first queen, and my nephew is the ninth prince. If your Feng family dares to drive our Zhu family out of Zhongzhou, I will sue you. Go there, Your Highness, and ask Your Highness to do justice."

Feng Yuexin's eyes were cold, stepping on her bottom line would never be forgiven, even if Emperor Hades came out, she was still close friends with the first queen back then.

"You go to sue now." Feng Yuexin glanced at the location of the royal family in the Underworld Palace, "Remember that you only have three days, as long as the three days are up, as long as the Zhu family is still in Zhongzhou City, I will kill them. Of."

Hearing Feng Yuexin's words, many people took a deep breath, this woman is so crazy, she actually dares to offend the royal family of the Underworld.

The Lan family and the Zhu family were stunned for a moment, and they were about to speak when a careless, evil and arrogant voice sounded.

"This emperor has more than three days to watch, and one day is enough for the Zhu family to get out of Zhongzhou."

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