There are still four pots of spirit wine left, which is not easy to divide equally. After seeing Lou Muyan accepting the things, Emperor Ming changed his mind.

"These four pots of wine are not good for you, so let's drink it together now."

"..." The other people couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths. As the emperor of the human realm, this Hades Emperor was so calculating, no wonder he was so rich.

"Emperor Underworld, don't you still have Ling Yuan Fruit in your hand?" The pavilion owner of the Refining Pavilion continued: "Take out two more and ask Lou girl to brew it into spirit wine."

Emperor Hades glanced at him lightly and smiled: "My daughter-in-law's energy is limited, and it will take a long time to recover after brewing this spirit wine."

Danta Pagoda Master really wanted to smack the Underworld Emperor, why does Lou Muyan's red face now need to recover for a while? You can definitely continue after taking a break.

But mentioning this point, several people were once again amazed at the strength of Lou Muyan's mental power.

Not long ago, she only refined ten 8-rank intermediate-level medicinal pills, and not long after she came to the private room, she continued to brew 8-rank spirit wine. Now it seems that there is no sign of mental exhaustion, it is too strong .

Such talent is rare.

"What we need most is time and patience. After the little girl has rested, we can wait." The leader of the Array Alliance smiled and said.

After drinking the eight-grade spirit wine brewed from Lingyuanguo and thousand-year-old royal jelly, they could feel a small stream of heat in their dantian, indicating that it was useful for them to improve their cultivation.

Moreover, the spirit wine brewed by Lou Muyan is very pure and refreshing. He hasn't had such a good-tasting spirit wine for many years, so he naturally wants to get a few more pots and go back and drink it.

"No, no, no." Emperor Ming said with a half-smiling smile: "I got the Lingyuan Fruit from my adventure in the Little Heaven Realm. How can there be so many of them to brew spirit wine for you to drink."


Several people were still haggling, and there were knocks on the door of the private room.

"Dong dong!"

When Emperor Ming's guard opened the door, he saw Feng Yuexin and the Feng family standing outside the private room door.

"Yan'er, are you going back?" Feng Yuexin asked calmly from the door of the private room.

"Yuexin is here!" Emperor Ming said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time and won't you come in and sit?"

Feng Yuexin was not polite, and led the Feng family into the private room.

The private room is very large and can accommodate more than 50 people, so the seven or eight people from the Feng family will not appear crowded when they come in.

"Your seat." Emperor Hades instructed the people behind him.

"As ordered!"

There are two more seats on the side of Emperor Hades. Feng Yuexin and the head of the Feng family sat down, and the others were arranged to be with the princes and daughters.

"Girl Feng, your cultivation is improving too fast." The pavilion master of the Item Refining Pavilion looked at Feng Yuexin and said with a smile, "It's only been a long time since your cultivation is almost as strong as ours."

When Feng Yuexin raised her name as a genius, she was only in the Tianyuan realm. At that time, they were all her seniors. She never imagined that she had already reached the upper fusion realm in just over thirty years, and her cultivation was at the same level as theirs.

"The pavilion master is joking. Although Yuexin has been promoted to the upper fusion realm, if it is compared to the strength and a few, it is still a lot different." Feng Yuexin smiled modestly.

The time for her to advance from the Tianyuan realm to the upper fusion realm is too short, and her understanding is definitely not as good as these old guys who have lived for thousands of years.

"Your talent back then was one of the best in that generation. Now that you have a daughter, your talent is even stronger, which is really enviable." The tower owner of Danta laughed and joked.

Feng Yuexin responded with a smile, "My family's Yan'er is naturally good, but I can't envy this."


Emperor Ming looked at Feng Yuexin with a smile and said, "Your Feng family really made a profit this time. Mu Yan is not only an eighth-grade alchemist, but also an eighth-grade spirit drinker."

"What, the eighth-grade spirit wine master?" Feng Yuexin couldn't help exclaiming before Feng Yuexin spoke.

Feng Yuexin was much calmer. She never doubted her daughter's ability. Although she didn't know about the eighth-grade spirit wine master before, it must be true from the mouth of Emperor Hades.

As soon as Emperor Ming saw the appearance of the head of the Feng family, he knew that this person didn't know that Lou Muyan was an eighth-grade spirit sommelier.

"Mu Yan, pour your uncle and them a glass of the spirit wine you made."

Several other bigwigs couldn't help but want to spray him when they heard the words of Emperor Hades. This spirit wine was exchanged for something.

However, the Feng family is also Lou Muyan's mother clan, so they can't object, so they can only pick up the jug and pour it by themselves.

If they can drink a little here, they can see that it is impossible to bring this spirit wine back today.

Lou Muyan thought about it and stood up and poured a glass of spirit wine for her mother, uncle, everyone in the Feng family, and every prince and daughter, and she did it quite well.

Emperor Hades was a little more satisfied with Lou Muyan's smooth life, such a transparent woman was indeed worthy of his rebellious son.

"Good wine!" After tasting the wine, the members of the Feng family were full of praise, but they were not too excited because there were all the top-notch bigwigs here.

The news that Lou Muyan was an eighth-grade spirit sommelier made them even more excited than an eighth-grade alchemist.

Families specializing in the cultivation body have the greatest demand for spirit wine. The Feng family also has a seventh-grade spirit wine master dedicated to it. Usually, his eyes grow to the top of his head.

They also maintain a long-term cooperation with Xi Zhaolou, and spend a lot of money on Xi Zhaolou's high-end spirit wine in a year.

Several bosses pondered while drinking.

"Girl Lou, presumably the inspector of our mercenary union has already contacted you." The president of the mercenary union said with a kind smile: "How is it? Come to our mercenary union to develop."

After thinking about it, he is still ready to strike first. If he is slow to be cut off by the other old guys, he will be ruined.

If Lou Muyan was just an eighth-grade alchemist, they would still have a chance to fight, but the eighth-grade spirit wine master represented made them irresistible.

The tower owner of the dan tower secretly scolded the president of the mercenary union with an old sly, and looked at Lou Muyan with a loving smile and said, "Little girl, our dan tower's deputy tower master of Beizhou has already told you, Danta welcomes you to join us."

The bosses of the Refining Pavilion, the Formation Alliance, and the Beast Masters Union all scolded the two of them as shameless in their hearts, but they had already contacted Lou Muyan so quickly, and there was no news to disclose before, which was too boring.

"Louis girl, I heard that you showed the strength of the seventh-rank array mage in the battle with the mad lion mercenary group. Our array alliance also welcomes you to join."

The leader of the formation alliance added with a smile: "The advanced formations of the entire human domain are basically in our formation alliance. If you can join, I believe that you can upgrade to the eighth- or even ninth-grade array mage in a certain amount of time. "

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