Hearing the words of the first three, the pavilion master of the Refining Pavilion and the president of the Beast Masters Guild were all confused.

Lou Muyan is an eighth-grade alchemist and an eighth-grade spirit wine. If she wants to join the Danta, this is her advantage.

She is also a registered mercenary in the mercenary union, and it seems that it makes sense to join the mercenary union.

Well, according to the news they went to check yesterday, it was confirmed that she was indeed a seventh-rank Array Master, so what did they use to recruit her?

"Cough, that Lou girl, do you know how to refine tools?" The pavilion master of the refining pavilion didn't want to miss Lou Muyan's genius, so he asked with a light cough.

Lou Muyan nodded and smiled, "I will."

The eyes of the pavilion master of the Item Refining Pavilion suddenly lit up, and he continued to ask, "How many Item Refiners?"

"Seventh grade." Lou Muyan replied.

The refining tool is the weakest of her several spells. If it weren't for refining the natal magic tool, she would not be able to reach the seventh rank. Since she came to the Guangling Realm, she has not only refined the long fire element attribute. After the sword, no other magic tools have been refined.

After thinking about it, she thought that the refining tool should not be lost. With the increase of her cultivation, she still hopes that the refining of her natal magic weapon can be directly refined into a divine weapon, so that the time to cultivate it will be relatively short.

Her indifferent look shocked most of the people here.

"What? A seventh-grade artifact refiner?" The pavilion master of the artifact refining pavilion asked with bright eyes, "Can you show me the magic weapon you refined?"

He was very curious about how proficient Lou Muyan was in the art of refining. A seventh-grade artifact refining master was already considered to be the best among geniuses at her age, and his direct disciples were only seventh-grade artifact refining masters, but they were all 100. How old are you.

The others were also very curious and turned their attention to Lou Muyan.

Ming Xiu's sexy thin lips twitched slightly, his Yan'er had to let these old things go crazy this time.

Lou Muyan thought about it and took out the three long swords of metal, water and fire attributes.

The pavilion master of the Refining Pavilion picked up the long sword and looked at it, and the more he looked, the more excited he became.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" He fixedly looked at the last fire attribute long sword and sighed: "There are actually seventy-seven formations to prohibit, if all the power of this sword is stimulated, it can be comparable to the middle grade. 's artifact."

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the blood contract life magic weapon, right?"

It can be seen from the three swords that the grade of refining is gradually increasing, and the perfection of refining is getting better and better, and from the perspective of a refiner of his level, the imprint of the refining is indeed Lou Mu. smoke.

Lou Muyan nodded: "Well, yes."

Several other people picked up the long sword and looked at it curiously, knowing that there is a big difference between the blood contract and the ordinary magic weapon.

Generally, the level of the magic weapon is the level of the whole life when it is refined, and the blood contract life magic weapon can be upgraded with the growth of the master's cultivation.

"Being able to refine such a top-quality blood-deed natal magic weapon, the little girl's talent for refining is also very good!" The president of the mercenary union is a ninth-level refiner, and he couldn't help but admire from the bottom of his heart. .

At the seventh rank, a magic weapon of this level can be refined. After entering the eighth rank, refining the divine weapon should be a breeze.

"Little girl, do you still make talismans in addition to the formation?" The leader of the formation alliance asked with an expectant smile.

Normally Lou Muyan would be relatively low-key, but now in front of her mother's mother's clan and Mingxiu's father and brothers, she still decided to be high-profile, and she would fight for her mother and Mingxiu.

"I will." Lou Muyan continued to nod.

"How many?" The leader of the Formation Alliance couldn't help asking excitedly.

Lou Muyan thought of going to the Comprehension Pagoda in the future and realized that her spell level would soon be revealed, so she stopped hiding and said, "Eighth Rank."

Her talent for alchemy is actually a little worse than that of formations and talismans, mainly because she liked to study various difficult formations and restrictions in her previous life. She has also made many talismans, and she especially likes the partial ones.

"What? Eighth-Rank?" The leader of the Formation Alliance couldn't help but exclaimed.

Ming Xiu looked at the leader of the Formation Alliance and smiled and said, "Yan'er's formations and talismans are even more powerful than her alchemy skills. Maybe the seniors have never seen the refined talismans."

"What talisman has I not seen before?" The leader of the Formation Alliance looked at Lou Muyan like a hungry wolf staring at fresh meat and said, "Little girl, take it out and let me see."

Lou Muyan gave Ming Xiu a funny look, then took out a refined seventh-grade invisibility amulet and said, "This is the invisibility amulet that I refined, and it has the effect of concealing aura after activation."

The leader of the Formation Alliance carefully took the talisman and looked at it carefully, pointed at a prince at will, and said, "Come here and try the talisman."

In his heart, the seventh prince was itching to see the so-called invisibility talisman, just like a cat's claws, but unexpectedly, he clicked on his name.

He happily got up and took the talisman and immediately excited, and the seventh prince disappeared in the private room after a moment.

Except for a few big bosses, Emperor Ming, Feng Yuexin, and the two elders of the royal family from the Ming Palace, no one else could find out the figure and aura of the Seventh Prince.

"What a miraculous talisman." One prince couldn't help but sigh.

The eyes of Emperor Hades and the others were full of light. If such a talisman could be refined into Grade 8 or Grade 9, they might not be able to see through the other party's concealment based on their cultivation.

"Okay, kid, untie it." The pavilion master of the Refining Pavilion said.

The Seventh Prince himself is a seventh-rank talisman master, and he has a high talent and attainments in talismanism, and the function of talisman is lifted without Lou Muyan teaching.

He smiled and walked up to Lou Muyan and said, "Brother and sister, my relationship with the ninth brother is the best. Is this invisibility amulet a gift for me?"

"..." The awareness of the seven princes' cheekiness among the princes and princesses rose to a higher level.

The second prince and others hoped that Lou Muyan would directly refuse to slap in the face.

It's a pity that Lou Muyan didn't do what they wanted.

She smiled and said, "Okay! As long as the seventh prince doesn't dislike it, it's fine."

After entering the private room, Ming Xiu not only introduced Emperor Ming, but also introduced the royal brothers and sisters to Lou Muyan.

The seventh prince looked excited. If it weren't for the warning look from Ming Xiu, he would have wanted to go up and hug Lou Muyan. Such a talisman has a fatal attraction for a genius talisman who likes to study.

One piece of the seventh-grade invisibility talisman refined by Lou Muyan can activate six times, so he can use it five times.

Seeing that Lou Muyan really gave the invisibility talisman to the seventh prince, the other princes and princesses couldn't help but envy in their hearts. Such a powerful talisman can be used as a means of life-saving.

"Girl, can you give me one too?" The leader of the Formation Alliance also asked with a smile on his face.

Lou Muyan said apologetically, "Senior, I'm sorry, this is the last Invisibility Talisman I made. I've used up all the previous materials. I've been busy preparing for alchemy recently and didn't even try to make it."

She was telling the truth, and she wouldn't be stingy with an invisibility charm if there was any extra.

She has absolute confidence that even if the invisibility talisman falls into the hands of a ninth-rank talisman master, she will never be able to figure out how to refine it. This is a unique skill that only she can master.

The leader of the Formation Alliance looked at her with an apologetic expression, and knew that it was true, and felt extremely regretful in his heart, "It's okay, just give the old man one when you refine it again."

Of course he won't take it for free.

"Okay!" Lou Muyan nodded and promised.

Several other bigwigs who also wanted the Invisibility Talisman were very sorry in their hearts, thinking about going to exchange with the Seven Boys of the Ming Family after waiting for a while.

At this time, Dese secretly rejoiced that if his wise seventh prince knew that several bigwigs, the Underworld Emperor, and the elders of the royal family were all trying to hit him with the invisibility charm, he probably wouldn't be able to laugh, and he would definitely cry to death in the thatched hut.

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