Feng Yuexin and others took Lou Muyan and Lou Muting to teleport back to Tianfeng City, where Feng's family is located, using a secret teleportation array in the Feng family's courtyard.

Zhongzhou has a vast territory and rich resources. Top-level forces and first-class forces have their own cities or stations. The Feng family's base is Tianfeng City.

Tianfeng City is very big. Most of the people living in the city are the main line and branches of the Feng family. There are also some second- and third-class families who are attached to the Feng family living in the city.

There is a large teleportation array in the city not only for the Feng family to teleport, but also for everyone in the city to teleport, just pay a teleportation fee.

The largest teleportation formation in this Heavenly City was constantly lit up, and a group of people walked down from it.

The old man guarding the teleportation array shrank his eyes when he saw the person coming, and immediately stepped forward respectfully, "This old servant has seen the head of the family, the young lady, and several elders."

"Go down." The head of the Feng family nodded casually.


Soon the old man withdrew, and Lou Muyan saw that this person's cultivation was actually in the Dan Yuan realm.

A person from the Danyuan realm came to guard the teleportation formation of Tianfeng City. It seems that the Feng family really deserves to be a first-class family with a deep background.

"Yan'er, this is the teleportation formation shared by Tianfeng City. There are several teleportation formations in the Feng family, but they are very secretive and would not be used under normal circumstances." Feng Yuexin communicated to Lou Muyan.

"Well, I understand my mother." Lou Muyan nodded.

Feng Yuexin was introducing the situation of Tianfeng City to Lou Muyan all the way from the teleportation place. Lou Muyan saw Xizhaolou in the city, and people came in and out, and the business was booming.

"Mother, is there any property of the Su family in Tianfeng City?" This kind of thing is not a secret, Lou Muyan asked directly without a voice transmission.

Feng Yuexin smiled and replied, "The Feng family uses body training to make famous people. Many body training exercises require the aid of spirit wine. Long-term use of medicinal pills is not suitable for body training."

"Yeah! Our Feng family spends a lot of money just buying spirit wine in Xizhaolou, and we have to buy it." The head of the Feng family said.

Lou Muyan thought for a while and asked, "Then why didn't the Feng family train a few spirit masters?"

"Spiritual wine masters are not easy to cultivate. Not only talent but also wine recipes are needed. Spirit wine recipes from the entire continent are rarely revealed on the market, and even the first-class families of the Feng family can only buy limited ones."

The head of the Feng family paused and said, "There is a seventh-rank spirit wine master in the clan, but he is usually arrogant. He will brew some spirit wine every year, but the remuneration is very high. We have no choice but to do so. Cooperate with Xi Zhaolou."

"How many spirit wine masters are there in the Feng family?" Lou Mu asked.

"One of the seventh rank, three of the sixth rank, and more than 20 spirit wine masters of five and below." The head of the Feng family replied.

Lou Muyan nodded and had a plan in mind.

Soon, they came to a huge and magnificent building, this is the Feng family.

After the head of the Feng family brought the two brothers and sisters Lou Muyan into the Feng family, many people came to see it curiously. After all, the fact that Lou Muyan was Feng Yuexin's daughter had long been rumored.

"That's Miss's daughter! She looks so beautiful and has an outstanding temperament."

"Yeah, such a young eighth-grade alchemist can only be born to someone like the young lady."

"The young man beside Lou Muyan is her twin brother, he looks really similar."


A group of people from the Feng family were whispering quietly in various places, and the topics were all around the two brothers and sisters of Lou Muyan.

The head of the Feng family didn't bother to care about them, and directly took the Lou Muyan brothers and sisters to the forbidden area of ​​the Feng family to meet a few ancestors.

The forbidden area of ​​the Feng family was in the depths of the Feng family mansion. Not only was there a guard of the ninth-rank formation, but there were also many restrictions.

The head of the Feng family threw a fiery red token, and the layers of restrictions broke open a passage.

"Let's go."

The two brothers and sisters Lou Muyan walked into the aisle with the head of the Feng family and Feng Yuexin.

Not everyone can come to the forbidden area of ​​the Feng family. The other members of the Feng family left after returning to the Feng family.

Passing through the forbidden passage, a forest of birds and flowers appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

There is a lake across the forest, and on the other side of the lake there is a piece of purple bamboo forest.

"The wooden house on the far right is where I practice." Feng Yuexin said to the two brothers and sisters, pointing to a wooden house on the right, not deep in the Purple Bamboo Forest.

"Mother, are all the seniors of the Feng family living here in the fusion realm?" Lou Muyan felt the strong aura coming from the wooden houses.

"Yes, as long as you reach the fusion level in the Feng family, you can choose a wooden house to cultivate here." Feng Yuexin smiled and said, "You will know the reason when you cross the bridge."

The road leading from the lake to the Purple Bamboo Forest is a bamboo bridge. Based on Lou Muyan's accomplishments and strength in formation, it is not difficult to see that there is actually an attack-defense formation on this bridge.

Each piece of wood that connects the bridge also has a prohibition of attack engraved on it, and it is so subtle that she can actually see God.

"Not bad, not bad." A loud voice suddenly sounded in the air, "You can actually understand the restrictions on the wooden bridge at such a young age. The formation technique is very accomplished!"

Lou Muyan withdrew from his thoughts when he heard the voice, and when he looked up, he saw an old man in red suddenly appearing on the bridge.

"Meet the third elder." Feng Yuexin and the head of the Feng family gave the elder a junior salute.

Lou Muyan and Lou Muting also worshipped this person according to the gourd painting.

The old man in red put his eyes on Lou Muyan with great interest and said with a smile: "You are the Lou Muyan who won the alchemy conference of the alchemy tower."

"It's the junior." Lou Muyan's tone was respectful.

"Not arrogant or impetuous at a young age, calm and reserved is a good seedling." The old man in red smiled and nodded.

"Senior has won the prize." Lou Muyan's expression did not change and was still as calm as ever.

The red-clothed old man smiled and shifted his gaze to Lou Muting's body, and then snorted: "This kid is actually the body of a sword spirit, his soul is pure and clean, and he is a craftable material."

"Very good, very good." The red-haired old man showed a slight smile in his eyes, "Girl Xin has really given birth to a pair of good children."

"We also have an eldest brother. My eldest brother is a murderer, so my mother has actually given birth to three good children." Lou Muting's temperament is relatively straightforward, and he feels that the red-clothed old man is more friendly, so he let go of his words and deeds many.

"Murdering body? Very good, I didn't expect a physique that has never been seen in ten thousand years to reappear in our Feng family." The old man in red looked around enthusiastically and asked, "What about your eldest brother?"

"My eldest brother hasn't arrived in the Guangling Realm yet." Lou Muting's eyes showed concern, and then he said firmly, "But my eldest brother will be here soon."

"Girl Xin." The old man in red thought for a while, looked at Feng Yuexin and said, "If your eldest son comes to Zhongzhou, you must bring him to see the old man."

"Okay!" Feng Yuexin replied with a slight smile.

The slaughtering body can cultivate several unique skills in the Feng family, and the Feng family has not had this kind of physique for a long time, no wonder the third elders pay so much attention.

"Let's go, you all follow me to see the ancestors." The old man in red also stopped talking.


While the two brothers Lou Muyan went to see the ancestor of the Feng family, they were at the headquarters of the dark market in the human realm.

A tall, slender, cold-blooded man in white picked up a copy of the latest news from the dark market about major events in the human realm, Yu Jian, and looked at it.

After a while, a warm and rare smile appeared on his handsome and unparalleled face, and he whispered softly: "My sister won the championship and finally recognized her mother."

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