Human Domain Dark City Headquarters.

Lou Mubai flipped through the news files about Lou Muyan and Lou Muting as usual, and his face darkened instantly when he saw a mission news.

"Someone." His voice came softly in the room.

A man in black immediately pushed open the door and entered respectfully in front of him and asked, "What's your Highness' order?"

"Can this mission from the Demon Race be canceled?" Lou Muyan threw the black-clothed man the task list that the Great Saint entrusted the dark market to assassinate Lou Muyan.

The black-clothed man looked at it cautiously and said, "This mission was sent from the Demon Domain, and we cannot cancel it. Only the Dark Lord has this authority."

He would have the authority to cancel the tasks he received from the Human Domain. After all, this was the first direct disciple that the Dark Lord had accepted over the years, but he really couldn't help with the tasks of the other three domains.

"Okay, back off." Lou Mubai nodded lightly.


After the man in black withdrew, Lou Muyan turned around and inserted a dark token into a card slot in the room. A secret door appeared in the room. He walked in directly, and the door disappeared.

There was a teleportation formation below the room, and he did not hesitate to place a few middle-grade spirit stones in the teleporting card slot, and a white light flickered.

Above a deep pool full of spiritual energy sat an old man wearing a dark golden shirt, and his whole person exuded a strong coercion and aura.

When he found the white figure appearing under the pool, he slowly opened his eyes, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

"I want to trouble you to help cancel a mission from the Demon Domain." Lou Mubai said respectfully.

When he ascended from Tianling Continent to Guangling Realm, he didn't know why the space node changed. It didn't take long for him to meet this mysterious and powerful old man, and was taken back to the headquarters of the dark city for apprenticeship.

There was a trace of interest in the old man's eyes, "Bring it to me to see what the task is."

Lou Mubai threw the task file up.

The old man read it again and said, "Who is this person who was asked to be assassinated by the great saint of the demon race?"

"My own sister." Lou Mubai said without any shyness.

"It's a bit troublesome to cancel the mission of the Demon Domain, why don't you let your sister hone it." The old man said calmly.

Lou Mubai's eyes turned cold, "Then I have to leave the dark market."

"You threaten me?" The old man narrowed his eyes and asked dangerously.

"It's not a threat, it's a statement of fact." Lou Mubai's eyes were calm and he continued: "You want to be my direct disciple, if I can't even protect my sister, what's the point of worshipping you as a master? ?"

"I don't want such a master."

The old man suddenly burst out laughing, not wanting to look angry and angry, but a look of joy in his expression, "Okay, I am worthy of the disciple that my old man likes, he has a personality and blood."

"I can cancel the mission for you, but you also have to promise me one thing."

Lou Mubai raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You stay at the headquarters of the dark city and cultivate the stunt that I gave you to Dacheng. Only when you reach the Tianyuan realm can you go out and recognize your relatives." The dark master looked at Lou Mubai lightly.

"Okay, but the dark market must ensure that it will not allow any assassination mission about any of my family members." After Lou Mubai came to the dark market, he discovered that the real dark market was too powerful. He was dispatched to assassinate, he was afraid that his sister would not be able to handle it.

"Okay! You are the direct disciple of the old man, and the old man of your family will naturally help you shelter one or two." The dark master nodded: "But don't let the old man down."

He had finally found a slaughtering body that was hard to see in ten thousand years, and a disciple with such a calm and composed mind, so he couldn't lose heart with his disciple over this trivial matter.

"Disciple obeys." Lou Mubai nodded.

Although this master has a quirky temper, he will definitely do what he promised. He is not worried about this.

Now it is useless to recognize your mother and younger siblings without strength. It is better to improve your cultivation and strength so that you can protect your family in the future.

After the Holy Maiden issued a mission through the dark market before, Lou Muyan was indeed chased and killed by several waves of dark market killers on the way to the mission, but they were all easily resolved.

After the dark market raised the level of the task, Lou Muyan had already arrived in Zhongzhou City to participate in the alchemy competition of the Dan Tower, and the ambush killer never found a chance to attack.

Now Lou Muyan has transformed into not only the daughter of Feng Yuexin, the genius of the Feng family who merged with the upper-level powerhouse, but also the future prince concubine of the ninth prince who is the favorite and most honorable of the emperor of the underworld royal family. The situation told me to upgrade the task level again.

But now the dark master intervenes and directly and forcefully cancels the task of assassinating Lou Muyan, and the level is retained.

The great saint in the Demon Realm almost died of anger when she suddenly received the news that the dark market was withdrawing from the mission. She never thought that Lou Muyan would have such a means to make the dark market cancel the mission.

You must know that under normal circumstances, even if it is Feng Yuexin's life, the dark market will accept it, but the price will be very high, and ordinary strong people can't afford it. It is also impossible for an alchemist of the highest quality to let the dark market take the initiative to terminate the contract.

The eldest saint and the three saints and Shen Mufeng who heard the news later couldn't figure it out. This also strengthened their determination to get rid of Lou Muyan. If she was allowed to grow up, it would definitely threaten them in the future.

So under the instigation of the three saints, the great saint launched her own Anbu to go to the human realm to find an opportunity to kill Lou Muyan.

Of course, this is something.

Lou Muyan and the others followed the third elder across the wooden bridge, and the two brothers and sisters felt a strong spiritual energy rushing towards them when they got off the bridge. What shocked them even more was that the air around them was actually pregnant with the law of the elements.

Lou Muting looked shocked, Lou Muyan regained her calm after being surprised at first, she knew that this was the effect of a very subtle ninth-grade formation.

Seeing Lou Muyan regained her calm in an instant, the third elder secretly praised him.

Then he saw Lou Muting start to think, and he was even more satisfied.

Feng Yuexin's two children's talents and temperaments are very good, especially Lou Muyan is the better, he couldn't help looking forward to the big brother who the two of them had never masked.

Soon the three elders brought several people to a wooden house in the deepest part of the Purple Bamboo Forest.

Seeing a few people coming, he raised his head slightly and said, "Which one of you will accompany me to the next game?"

Lou Muting blinked his eyes. He could only play chess with skins. It would definitely be shameful to play against his ancestors.

Feng Yuexin didn't know much about chess, so she shook her head.

The third elder and the old ancestor were often tortured to death, and he didn't want to lose face in front of the two juniors.

"Little girl, come on." The ancestor naturally observed the expressions of several people, so he looked at Lou Muyan and said casually.

Lou Muyan nodded respectfully: "Yes."

She felt that the ancestors of the Feng family and the ancestors of the late stage of the spiritual world exuded the same breath, and they were a peerless powerhouse.

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