Lou Muyan likes to play chess in both her past life and this life, which can make her feel at peace.

She sat opposite the ancestor of the Feng family, pinched a white piece from the table, and thought about it before placing it on the chessboard.

The eyes of the ancestor of the Feng family were calm, a faint smile overflowed from his lips, and he picked up the sunspot in his hand and dropped it on the chessboard.

One old and one young one came back and forth, and it took almost three hours to end, and the final result was a draw.

"I really didn't expect this girl to be so skilled at chess when she's only twenty years old." The third elder looked at the result of the chess game with a hint of shock, "It's the first time I've seen someone who can play a draw with the ancestor."

"Little girl's chess skills are indeed superb." The ancestor of the Feng family raised his eyes and smiled at Lou Muyan and said, "In the future, if you have time, you will come to play chess with this old man more. Their chess skills are too bad, and it is too lonely to have no opponents. "

It has been a long time since he played a game of chess as heartily as before.

"As long as the ancestor doesn't dislike it, Yan'er will come when he has time." Lou Muyan replied humbly with a smile.

The people around her or spirit pets don't like to play chess, so she still feels very happy when she meets someone who is a match for her.

"This is a gift from the old man to your brothers and sisters." The ancestor of the Feng family took out two brocade boxes made of ice crystal marrow and handed them to the two brothers and sisters of the Lou family.

"Thank you old ancestor!" The two of them didn't open it in person, and put it away more politely.

The Feng family patriarch swept the two of them with introverted and deep eyes, and said slowly: "The blood of the Feng family of the two of you is very pure. Today, go to the Tianfeng Serum Pool to wash the marrow and shape the body to stimulate the bloodline."

The third elder nodded: "Today happens to be the day of the full moon, and it is also the time when the Tianfeng Blood Pond opens."

"You take them down first to stimulate the bloodline." The ancestor of the Feng family looked at the sky and instructed the third elder.

"Okay!" The third elder turned to the two brothers and sisters and said, "You come with me."


The two respectfully greeted the ancestors of the Feng family and left with the third elder to go to the most secret Tianfeng blood pond in the Feng family.

After the three of them left, the ancestor of the Feng family looked at the head of the Feng family indifferently and said, "The news you sent is not very detailed, so let's talk about it carefully now."


The head of the Feng family recounted Lou Muyan's performance in the alchemy competition and what happened in the Ming Emperor's private room, including Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu of course.

After listening to the words of the head of the Feng family, the calm eyes of the ancestor of the Feng family fluctuated slightly, he pondered for a moment and said, "When the two brothers and sisters come out from the Tianfeng Blood Pond, they will hold a marriage recognition ceremony. I invite them one by one, and the old man and a few old friends haven't had a party for a long time."

The head of the Feng family was stunned for a while, and immediately covered the shock in his eyes, and replied respectfully, "As ordered."

Old Ancestor has not appeared to the outside world for many years. It seems that this time, he attaches great importance to the two brothers and sisters of the Lou family.

"Girl Xin, what do you think?" The ancestor of the Feng family looked up at Feng Yuexin and asked.

Feng Yuexin replied without the slightest hesitation: "My sons and daughters will naturally recognize the Feng family, and I agree with the ceremony. As for their father, as long as he can ascend to the Guangling World, I am willing to accept him for the rest of his life."

As the emotional memory of the split soul became stronger and stronger, all her complicated feelings for Lou Moyu were replaced by nostalgia, so she decided in her heart that after Lou Moyu ascended to the Guangling World, no matter what kind of cultivation he was, Whatever his identity, he is the only husband in her life.

The head of the Feng family also hopes that his sister will be happy, and that he can raise outstanding children like Lou Muyan and Lou Muting. Presumably the brother-in-law is not far behind. I heard that the eldest nephew who has never met is also very good. .

Their Feng family doesn't have much concept of family status. As long as it is not too exaggerated, the family still advocates free marriage contracts, and will not let family disciples marry because of interests.

"If you can't let go and accept it, then you won't have any demons in the future." The ancestor of the Feng family nodded slightly, "It's been a while since you advanced to the upper fusion realm, so it's time to go out and experience it."

"Well, I think so too. When Yan'er goes to the mercenary union, I will go to a few small secret realms to experience." Feng Yuexin replied with a smile.

"They came out of the Tianfeng Blood Pond and brought them to see the old man." The ancestor of the Feng family paused for a while, then waved his hands with half-closed eyes and said, "You guys go down."


The Heavenly Phoenix Blood Pond can be regarded as the most precious wealth of the Feng family. There is a blood pool transformed from the purest Heavenly Phoenix essence and blood. Every three years, it will be opened to stimulate the blood of the younger disciples of the family.

When Lou Muyan followed the third elder to the Tianfeng Blood Pond, there were already many younger Feng family members standing outside the ban, including Feng Liyou.

"Muyan." Feng Liyou waved enthusiastically when she saw Lou Muyan.

The best geniuses of the younger generation of the Feng family standing beside her all turned their attention to Lou Muyan.

Lou Muyan is the daughter of the owner's sister. Now everyone in the Feng family knows it. Many people who didn't see Lou Muyan just now felt a little regretful, but they didn't expect to see it here.

Many people looked at her with curiosity and complexity in their eyes, but there was no hostility.

"Cousin, it turns out that you slipped away so early to stimulate the blood in the Tianfeng Blood Pond!" Lou Muyan approached and said with a gentle smile, blinking her eyes.

Feng Liyou pulled her close to her and said, "Yeah, my father is in such a hurry to bring us back in order to participate in the opening of the Tianfeng Blood Pond, and I haven't stimulated the bloodline yet."

"En." Lou Muyan smiled.

"Come and let me introduce you." Feng Liyou enthusiastically pulled Lou Muyan to introduce all the young men and women around him to Lou Muyan and Lou Muting.

"Hello, cousin, I've heard of my cousin's name for a long time. I met her today. If you're famous, it's better to meet." Feng Li'an, Feng Liyou's cousin and the son of Feng Yuexin's second brother, said with a smile.

"Cousin, you're welcome." Lou Muyan smiled.

Immediately, several other people gathered around to greet the two brothers and sisters of Lou Muyan. They were all enthusiastic, and only a few of them maintained an alienated attitude.

Most of these people are descendants of the Feng family or collateral, so it's not good to get close to each other directly.

Half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a serious face walked out of the Tianfeng Blood Pond.

"Now in the middle of the moon is the time when the Tianfeng Blood Pond opens. I'm here to tell you about the situation inside."

"There are three areas in the Tianfeng blood pool, the outer circle, the inner circle and the core circle. The core circle is also the center of the blood pool, where there is a statue of Tianfeng."

"If it can go deep into the core area, it will be possible to cause Senior Tianfeng Zhenling to personally lower the clone to activate the bloodline, but this possibility is very small."

"Therefore, I hope that you will not be too lofty, and stimulate your bloodline according to your heart and strength. If you feel that your body is about to burst, stop immediately and stop absorbing the power in the blood pool, and withdraw from the Tianfeng blood pool to complete this ceremony. ."

"Of course, if you have a strong disciple, you can also slowly penetrate into the inner circle or even the core circle. Everything must be done within one's capacity. Don't take chances or compare yourself with others."

"Okay, the benefits of it feel that you can understand it after you go down. Now follow me in."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, his hands formed a seal, and soon the restraint surrounding the Tianfeng Blood Pond gradually dissipated and disappeared.

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