Three days later, the Feng family held a family recognition banquet.

The families invited to attend this time are all first-class and second-class families that usually have a good relationship with the Feng family. Usually, top powers are not invited to such family gatherings.

But this time, the Feng family invited the mercenary union. After all, it is well known that Lou Muyan joined the mercenary union.

Although Ming Xiu represented the royal family of the Underworld, everyone knew that he was Lou Muyan's fiancé, so everyone else felt that it was only natural for him to come.

Among them, a few strong people who merged with the Heaven and Human Realm were friends of the ancestors of the Feng family. They came to the meeting place and left with the ancestors of the Feng family.

After this banquet, all the big and small clan forces in the entire Human Domain knew that there were two more direct descendants of the Feng family surnamed Lou, and they were highly valued by the Feng family, because even the ancestors of the Feng family who had not shown up for many years came out to support them in person.

After the ancestor of the Feng family brought the top experts to the Zizhu Forest, he took out the spirit wine brewed by Lou Muyan to show off.

"How about you try these eight-grade spirit wine." He poured a glass of eight-grade spirit fruit and thousand-year-old royal jelly for each person.

Those few people didn't care at first, after all, they could buy eight-pin spirit wine from Xi Zhaolou or other eight-pin spirit wine masters, but after tasting it, their eyes lit up.

The eight-grade spirit wine brought out by the ancestors of the Feng family is very pure, with a sweet and cold taste, and an excellent taste.

"Old phoenix! You are too unkind, such a delicious spirit wine has been hidden and tucked, and now it is brought out to invite us to drink." An old man in white complained while savoring the taste of spirit wine.

Another old man in golden clothes also nodded and complained, "That's right, this kind of spirit wine should have been brought out for everyone to taste together."

The other three also responded, and the movements in their hands were also very fast, and a pot of wine was finished in a short while.

"This spirit wine was only brewed by my family's cigarette girl. Once it is brewed, I will invite you to come and taste it. You are too embarrassed to complain." The ancestor of the Feng family said angrily.

However, the smile between his brows and the smugness in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Yan girl? Is that the little girl that your Feng family recognized her relatives this time?" The old man in white asked incredulously.

The ancestor of the Feng family smiled and said, "Yes, she is not only an eighth-grade spirit wine master, but also an eighth-grade alchemist."

"What? I think her bone age is only twenty years old!" The old man in golden clothes said in surprise.

After reaching the fusion upper realm, he can see the age of the other party without touching his bones, and he can directly find out how old he is. He had accidentally seen Lou Muyan's bone age before.

"Nonsense, she is a peerless genius of our Feng family, and she is also proficient in refining tools, formations, talismans, and beast control." The ancestor of the Feng family looked stunned.

"What kind of bad luck did your Feng family have?" Another black-clothed old man said enviously: "You can recognize such a peerless genius when you recognize a relative, no wonder you call us old guys. Come to the party, you are obviously here to show off."

Not other techniques, just relying on the 20-year-old eighth-grade alchemist and eighth-grade spirit wine master are enough to shock these reclusive old guys.

"That girl is really the one who brewed this spirit wine?" The golden-robed old man picked up another pot of spirit wine and poured a glass, and found that it was another flavor, obviously the brewing materials were different.

The patriarch of the Feng family rolled his eyes at him and said, "When did I tell a lie?"

He changed his mind and said, "If you don't believe me, I can prove it."

"How to prove it?" the old man in white asked.

The ancestor of the Feng family smiled and said, "I asked Yan girl to come here to brew it for you to see, but you elders should give me a gift."

"You old man, didn't we give you the gift just now?" The old man in white said angrily.

"Previously, it was just a ceremony for recognizing relatives, but now it's a ceremony for watching winemaking." The ancestor of the Feng family had an expression that you would like to see, "If you don't want to see it, forget it."

"You old man who wants to extort us, just say it, and come back."

The old man in golden clothes laughed and said, "Call that girl, it's rare to have a good time. It's just a greeting. As long as she really has the ability to convince us, we can give you some good things."

"Okay!" The ancestor of the Feng family immediately sent Lou Muyan over by voice transmission.

After a while, Lou Muyan and Ming Xiu came to the Purple Bamboo Forest together.

"Mu Yan/Ming Xiu has met all the seniors."


The old man in white looked at Lou Muyan with a smile and said, "Little girl, your ancestor said you can make eight-grade spirit wine?"

"Reporting to the senior, the junior can indeed make eight-grade spirit wine." Lou Muyan replied with a slight smile.

"I have some spirit fruits and spirit grasses that are specially made for eight-grade spirit wine. You can brew a few pots of spirit wine and let's taste one or two." The old man in white paused and said, "Your ancestor said that you can brew it in public. system."

"Girl Yan, despite your performance in these seniors, they will give you a big gift when you brew spirit wine." The ancestor of the Feng family waved a big hand and smiled.

Lou Muyan was not hypocritical, took the spirit grass and spirit fruit provided by the old man in white with a smile, took out the brewing thing, and began to brew it in public.

The spiritual fruit provided by the old man was not suitable for adding Millennium Royal Jelly, so she did not waste it.

When Lou Muyan was brewing spirit wine, the old man in golden clothes looked at Ming Xiu and joked, "Stinky boy, why didn't you abduct your daughter-in-law back to our royal family, but instead you cheapened this old thing."

Ming Xiu reluctantly touched his nose, smiled and replied, "I really want to kidnap, but my wife's family is here, so I can't run away if I want to kidnap!"

The golden-robed old man gave him an angry look, "No promise."

Ming Xiu smiled and replied, "Ancestor Huang, being able to marry a daughter-in-law like Yan'er is already my greatest ability."

The old man in golden clothes choked, "Stinky boy, no wonder your father said that you had a daughter-in-law and forgot your father. I think you have a daughter-in-law and even your surname is about to be forgotten."

"I'm still surnamed Ming." Ming Xiu smiled innocently.

"Haha, if he wants to become a family member of our Feng family, we are very happy to accept it." The ancestor of the Feng family said with a cheerful smile.

The old man in golden clothes glared at him, "You old man thinks beautifully, let the stinky boy come to the door, his short-guarded old man has to hit the door of your Feng family."

"As long as he is willing, we will accept it." The ancestor of the Feng family raised his eyebrows and said, "I am afraid that the kid from Emperor Ming will not be successful."

They are all strong people who integrate the realm of heaven and man. Even if his strength is not as high as the unfathomable Hades, it is not easy for Hades to defeat him.

"The spirit wine is ready."

When the two were arguing, Lou Muyan immediately offered the brewed spirit wine, which resolved their discussion about whether Ming Xiu was willing to be a son-in-law.

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