Lou Muyan brought the brewed spirit wine that had been chilled, and the fragrant and mellow aroma of the wine was scattered everywhere, and the eyes of several strong men lit up.

The old man in golden clothes poured a glass first, took a sip, and said, "Good wine!"

This time, the spirit wine brewed by Lou Muyan did not add thousand-year-old royal jelly, so she adjusted the alcohol to a relatively high degree. Although it was easy to feel slightly drunk, it was very fond of the old alcoholic.

Several other people also poured a glass each, and after drinking, they said, "Good wine, good wine!"

"The spirit wine brewed by the little girl is actually much purer than those old things in Xizhaolou that are dragged like 250. It makes people unable to bear the aftertaste." The old man in white admired.

The golden-clothed old man smiled happily and gave Ming Xiu a praising wink, "Haha, that stinky boy is not bad, I found this daughter-in-law well. If anyone in the royal family dares to oppose you, the old man will support you."

He knew that there were several stubborn old people in the clan who asked the heirs of the royal family to marry the women of the first-class families who were related to the royal family of the Underworld Palace, especially for Ming Xiu, the most precious son of the Underworld Emperor.

"That's right, my vision is stronger than my talent, and the daughter-in-law I'm looking for is naturally the best." Ming Xiu smiled shyly, and said domineeringly: "If anyone dares to oppose us, there is no need for the emperor to take action. I can also make it worse for him to die."

"Okay, as expected of the old man's great-grandson, those old people are sometimes too stubborn, and it's time to blow their arrogance." The old man in golden clothes and Ming Xiu were the same domineering and arrogant.

Most of the power of the Imperial Family of the Underworld is in the hands of the Underworld Emperor and his cronies, but one-third of the authority is still controlled by the elders of the independent royal family. This is a drawback that has persisted for thousands of years.

He knew that the current Hades wanted to clean up the group of old guys who only knew how to eat rice and not work, but chose to pick and choose.

He is the grandfather of Emperor Hades, and naturally he wants to stand on the side of his grandson.

"The grandson obeys the instructions of the ancestor of the emperor." Ming Xiu smiled.

Recently, those old people want to marry the women of the Feng family or the Mu family. After he goes back this time, he will definitely give them some color to see, and then release the trump card of Huangpaozu. Anyway, it is unnecessary.

"The group of stubborn elders of your royal family should really be rectified. Many of the scoundrels in Zhongzhou City are their descendants." The old man in white interjected.

The ancestor of the Feng family also agreed and said: "If those immortal things dare to attack my smoke girl, I have to go to the door to see one and beat the other."

Lou Muyan looked at the domineering and arrogant ancestor of the Feng family with a smile on his brows and eyes, and his heart was warm.

"I will protect my woman, Ancestor Feng, don't worry." Ming Xiu replied.

The old man in golden clothes gave Ming Xiu an angry look, "Stinky boy, you don't need a free thug, you're an idiot."

He said that, but in his heart he liked a great-grandson like Ming Xiu very much. He was domineering and courageous.

"Ancestor Feng is also my elder, so why should I trouble him." Ming Xiu smiled amiably and kindly.

"Stinky boy, I really forgot my father and my ancestors when I had a daughter-in-law." The old man in golden clothes glared at Ming Xiu.

"Haha..." The ancestor of the Feng family laughed a few times with great pleasure.

Lou Muyan's brewing skills convinced several of the top powerhouses in the mainland present, so they all gave Lou Muyan a gift.

After the golden-robed old man gave Lou Muyan a gift, Ming Xiu leaned over and said with a smile, "Ancestor Huang, this is my daughter-in-law and your great-grandson-in-law, shouldn't you give another gift by yourself?"

"I heard that you got the essence of wind fluorite in the early years. Your great-grandson-in-law is just about to refine a wind element magic weapon of her own destiny. You should do your best." Ming Xiu continued playing a rogue.

The old man in golden clothes choked and gave Ming Xiu a stern look, "You stinky brat, you know everything I have, why don't you see you filial piety to me?"

"I will be filial to your old age together with your great-granddaughter-in-law in the future." Ming Xiu smiled and said, "You don't even think that with this great-grandson-in-law, you will still be short of spirit wine?"

"When you are old, you can swagger and ignore the old eighth-grade spirit wine master in the Underworld Palace. The old guys in Xi Zhaolou want to blackmail your baby again. You can also directly slap your face." Ming Xiu urged.

His father-in-law was an alcoholic, and he would definitely let his daughter-in-law make wine in the future, and not extort more things. His daughter-in-law was not at a disadvantage.

"Hmph, you still have a little conscience for this stinky boy." The old man in golden clothes snorted, but there was a smile in his eyes.

In the future, he will use the spirit wine brewed by his great-grandson-in-law to slap in the face of those old things who often want to extort his treasure. The old guy who has lived for thousands of years is not as good as his twenty-year-old great-grandson-in-law, and they are embarrassed. Pull out.

He took out a few silver stones with a white light liquid in the middle and threw them to Ming Xiu, "Stinky boy, take them to show your hospitality."

Ming Xiu rudely took the things and immediately stuffed them into Lou Muyan, "Daughter-in-law, take it, this is a gift from our ancestors."

Lou Muyan couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth and put it away in a funny way. It was the first time she had seen such a thick-skinned cultivator.

"Many thanks to the old ancestor." She smiled cleverly and said as she looked at the old man in golden clothes.

The old man in golden clothes pursed his beard with satisfaction, "The little girl is very well-behaved and lovable, this great-grandson-in-law has recognized it."

Then he turned to look at Ming Xiu and said, "Stinky boy, if you don't marry someone back, I'm still waiting for my great-grandchildren."

"..." Lou Muyan smiled speechlessly without an interface.

Ming Xiu smiled helplessly and said, "I think so, but now is not the time."

The patriarch of the Feng family gave the old man in golden clothes a white look, "Don't make up your mind, you old man, my smoke girl will stay for a few more years before she gets married."

Lou Muyan's brother and sister's cheap father hasn't come yet, so how could they possibly get married.

"You two old people, just show off in front of us." Several other old men snorted dissatisfiedly.

I wondered why the stinky boy in their family didn't have such a vicious vision as Ming Xiu to find a good daughter-in-law to come back.

Otherwise, they will not be short of spirit wine to drink in the future.

"Just be jealous." The golden-robed old man laughed proudly.

The ancestor of the Feng family glanced at him and said, "Girl Yan hasn't married yet, don't be too proud of yourself, you old man."

"Haha, it's a matter of sooner or later." The old man in golden clothes looked at the others with envy and hatred.

After he goes back, he will definitely go to the place of the eighth-grade spirit sommelier in the royal family to raise his eyebrows once, but that old thing often doesn't give him face.

Humph, is the eighth-grade spirit sommelier amazing? His great-granddaughter-in-law might be a Jiupin spirit wine master in the future.

Several strong men left after dividing up the eight-grade spirit wine brewed by Lou Muyan.

During the last period of his stay in the Feng family, Lou Muyan gathered all the sommeliers in the clan to guide him personally. Two senior 6th rank brewers successfully stepped into the 7th rank, and they were able to make the senior members of the Feng family better. Happy.

When the three-month deadline came, Lou Muyan also set foot on the road to the mercenary union.

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